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chao adoption shop


ZOMG!I'm a person!
In this shop you can adopt your very own unique chao!
But,here's the catch,you wont know what your getting,because you will be choosing an egg!Each one is unique!each egg is one of a kind, so, first come first serve!

We are out of chao.But expect more eventually!

egg rule: only one at a time,please
note:toy eggs have toys for your chao in them.
toy egg rule:. you can only have one once you have a chao_One at a time
since no one seems to understand, THERE IS ONLY ONE OF EACH EGG

when you adopt a chao,I will send it to you via PM with a siggable version attached

also,tell me if you want your chao in a scene after you've adopted one
do not pm me asking for a chao,ask me in the thread

abandoned chao:if you dislike your chao,or just dont have room for it, abandon it for another person to adopt it

abandoned chao: none
toy box:adoptable toys

scenes made
sneasel12- valcano scene
La Carlotta-forest scene
kauser-underwater scene

note:more than one chao is still spelled chao,not chaos

assistance and rule enforcer:kauser79
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Kauser il più grande
Hmm... I'll take egg 2!


ZOMG!I'm a person!
sorry about the double post,but I have another 3 eggs to put up for adoption

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Mew Master

i want an elemental egg if i cant i want egg1


Kauser il più grande
Okay, sorry but I don't have enough room in my sig for him! So i'll put him back up for adoption.


My Heads Exploding!!
Egg 2 please!


ZOMG!I'm a person!
poke 391-egg sent
Elemental hero-elemental egg 2 has been taken.Next time read the stock list
Sneasel12-getting to work on it


Kauser il più grande
Err... Can I get a toy egg even though I abandoned my chao?
If so, I'll take the red toy egg.


ZOMG!I'm a person!
sneasel12-toy sent
kauser79-sorry,but you can only get a toy egg if you have a chao.
swampert 99- wait until the next batch of eggs comes out.
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