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Chao and Region Map Shop!^_^


Risk Alchemist

Welcome to my Shop!!!!^_^
*I no Longer make Region Maps! i make 'Region Teams'*

know i can make chaos:
and Region Teams!:
and re-colors:
http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a332/Pika14/ShinyMunchlax.jpg or http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a332/Pika14/BlackBeltGreta.jpg.

You can request 24/7! But i have school so you have to wait for the chao or map.

Here are the rules! Follow Them Please!
1. No Spam
2. Make the requset easy for me to understand or i won't make it at all.
3. Ask nicely for the chao or map or i won't make it at all.
4. Give credit to 'Deoxys Lover' when the chao or map is given to you!

Please this is my first time ever doing chaos, region teams and recolors so if they are not good then sorry but i'm still a beginner who is doing pretty well:)
*Also i am hiring so Pm me only if you wait to work here!*

Order Forms

For chaos:
-just ask what you want and i'll do the best i can!

For Region Teams:
-just tell how many trainers
-if you have any customs you want me to use, give me the URL

For recolors:
-give URL of pokemon
-tell which color you want

Thanx you know make a request!^_^


*Here is my newest recolor! Its Arena Captain Greata with a Black Belt!
If you want it PM me first then i'll say so!
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Make a Wish
May I have a spheal chao please?

Risk Alchemist

Shadow Forte.EXE said:
Wow its great! thanks alot!

no problem! just remember to give credit to Deoxys Lover! and your welcome again!^_^:)



Make a Wish
Thnakies! ^^ ;123;

Risk Alchemist

Locke Yggdrasill said:
I thought you said no spamming... >_>

And I wasn't spamming. no one really requests maps. And they certainly won;t if they are poorly done. try using the correct palette. It helps.

i did use the right one, they are good, and i need some requests so Iwasn't spaming. and saying you weren't is spaming anyway!:mad:


Risk Alchemist

Locke Yggdrasill said:
Erm... no. double posting is spamming. thus forth, you phail.
and does
look like it followed this:

leave me alone before i get you banned and i followed that template as best as i can! so for you to make fun of it means yours sucks and mine rocks! (man people today are so afraid to tell the truth geez...:rolleyes:)


=/\= Fleet Admiral Lugia

Hiya! Cna you make me three maps please.

The places I would like to have mapped a from GTA. They are Liberty City, Vice City and San Andreas.

Also can you make the maps rather large please, because I am half-blind.

Risk Alchemist

i'll get started on the Charizard Chao and for the map look at my example in the first post. because what you asked for i can't do sorry!



Sorry about not requesting (don't bother me!) but Locke is right. Your routes are much too small and the colours are too bright. Take a look at this map done with the palletes provided by Locke!

Just to make it more realistic, I hope you would round off your reigons.