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Chao Collection Thread

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Super spriter
I wanted to make help make the chao project but it seems they arent accepting help or advice so i thought why not make a public chao project that everyone can donate sprites to.

I will be posting some but if you can advise me how to make better or do a better one yourself please do, if you post sprites i will put them into the main post and can you plz make shiny and non shiny versions.

I am going to start today trying to get a complete dex by maybe february unless i get major help.I will put them in a big dex pic when its finished, maybe an animation but we need all 500.

my rattata

my bulbasaur *edited*

Mudkip credit to XcrobatX
Credit to Pnoi boi

credit to psyduck
Last edited:


well well well. they are decent. of course i dunno how a chao is supposed to look but yours look really nice.


bulbasaur looks like it has green hair thats sticking up. look at it in a perspective. is bulbasaurs bud on its back or its head? you dont have to see the entire thing.


Who? Where? When?
Yup, I completely agree with zipzap, they are great, ok maybe a small flaw with bulbasaur but they´re good, and may I help?
i have´nt got much time this weekend but after that maybe?


Super spriter
anyone can help to make the chao dex, i will put into a big chart when we have a few, if we go in national dex order it will be easier so i will do bulbasaur chain can someone do squirtles evo line


Super spriter
just post your chaos and i will add them


Chuckie's back....
I remember when I first saw these pokechao :p I just had to make my own lol I kinda have a problem with my uh doduo because well as you can probly tell I used the pokemon sprite's beak but uh eh whatever lol hercross was my first.

umm, its not showing!


Super spriter
its turning into a project because i want it to and anyway psyduck just as a thought you might want to put shading on your sprites
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