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Character Bios and Sinposises


Well-Known Member
I was wondering if there was going to be any character bios for the characters for the manga on the sight. and if there were gonna be any quick over views of the sagas. i wasnt sure if this should go on this thread or the serebii.net discussion thread, just move it if needed.

Rex Kamex

Well-Known Member
Not trying to be sarcastic, but is "Sinposises" supposed to be "Synopsis"?


Well-Known Member
There already is on the mainpage. There is summaries, volume covers, bios, character pics, etc. Look for yourself.


Uh...I think he's talking about actual CHARACTER DESCRIPTIONS, like the anime bios.


Well-Known Member
YES! thank you satoshi. i knew there were bios, i meant like character descriptions. I'd hug you but i dont roll like that.

and i meant like an overall plot description for the sagas, like the RBY, GSC, RSE, ect.


Well-Known Member
YES! thank you satoshi. i knew there were bios, i meant like character descriptions. I'd hug you but i dont roll like that.

and i meant like an overall plot description for the sagas, like the RBY, GSC, RSE, ect.

There are too many at this moment for that to happen, and also, the turnover rate betwen series is fairly high, compared to the anime, bvesides, there may be sudden changes 1/2 way- unlike the anime- making it more difficult.


Well-Known Member
how so? there can be reveiws of the old and finished mangas like all but frlg and emerald. and the character bios can have like their bios for each generation they appeared.
for example:
Red in RBY GSC and FRLG.


Well-Known Member
From Volume 1 of Pokémon Special:

Hero: Red
No. of Trainer Badges: 2
No. of Pokémon collected: 26

No. Found
56 Pokémon
No. Caught
26 Pokémon
When Red left Pallet Town, he had only one Pokémon, that is, Poliwhirl. But through his adventure towards Lavender Town, the number has increased! So, let's all aim to have the full collection!!

The Party with Red as of Episode 14
Among the Pokémon which he has caught, Red likes the 3 on the left the most. They have high power and good teamwork!

It was caught as Perwter City while getting into mischief. It used to stay in the Veridian Forest. It has a powerful electromagnetic weapon, with a high voltage of 100,000 volts! Although it used to be very naughty and unreasonable it has now become an indispensable companion!
Pikachu: L21
HP: 55/55
No. 025

It was given to Red when he visited the house of Professor Oak. It has a gentle character and has been brought up with other Pokémon. It has grown tremendously during the journey with Red and it is now a powerful fighter.
Bulbasaur: L30
HP: 85/85
No. 001
(Poison got cut off)

It is the Pokémon which has been close to red since his childhood. Half way through the journey, it has evolved from Poliwhirl to become Poliwrath. It is a water-type Pokémon that can fight and is always upgrading its power. With Red, they form a perfect pair.
Poliwrath: L31
HP: 110/110
No. 062

Is this what you meant Redeevee?


Well-Known Member
...no. not really. i meant like biographies that describe the characters. though pokemon bios are okay too, but i was really just talking about the characters and the sagas


Well-Known Member
This is from the beggining of Volume 2:

A native of Pallet Town, Red decides to go on a journey to become the greatest Pokémon trainer after being given a Pokémon collection guide by Profssor Oak. Along the way, Red crosses path the Blue, a formidable rival with a similar goal. Starting out as competitors they are forced to work with each other from time to time, Red also becoms acquainted with Misty, Bill and many other people. But what he has to reckon with are the Gym Leaders in each city and the evil Team Rocket. Not to mention the Gym Leaders who are in cahoots with Team Rocket...

A young boy who embarks on a journey to become a great Pokémon trainer. Rash and energetic, he is totally crazy about Pokémon.

A Pokémon expert who lives in a hut on the cape. He invented the Pokémon Transporter.

Professor Oak
The world's leading expert on Pokémon. He is also Blue's grandfather.

He is Red's rival and Charmeleon is his pet. While he is cold and aloof, he certainly has what it takes to be a trainer.

Gym Leaders:
Pewter City

Cerulean City

Celadon City

Cinnabar Town

Vermilion City
Lt. Surge

Fuchsia City

Saffron City

Viridian City
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