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Character of the Day Face-Off!

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Character of the Day Face-Off!

Before this Face-Off starts, we need to know what a “Character of the Day” is exactly. It’s a term used for minor “human” characters in Pokémon, but they are the main focus on a certain episode. Because this face-off is all about the anime, even Gym Leaders in games can be considered CotDs.

How do you determine a “Character of the day”?
1. If they only appear in up to 3 episodes.
2. If they never make a return on the next upcoming seasons;
3. Or, if they did, they only appear in one episode and never returned again on another new season.
3. They are the focus on the current episode.

So who are the characters in the “Character of the Day”?
1. New faces in anime of course.
2. Featured characters in games but only a minor in the anime. Specials are excluded.

What about the characters not allowed in this Face-Off?
1. Main characters of course… XD
2. Characters who have appeared for more than 3 episodes and/or returned on a new season;
3. Or had one to two episodes in a season and returned for more than 2 seasons.
4. Also in addition to that, are the Gym Leaders and Frontier Brains due to having a Character FO around.

Can’t you make a list of characters excluded for this Face-Off?
Sure, why not. Take note this is the anime (excluding specials and movies). They are:
Ash Ketchum, Misty, Brock, Gary, Prof. Oak, Delia, Nurse Joy, Officer Jenny, Jessie, James, Giovanni, Tracey, May, Max, Drew, Harley, Hikari/Dawn, Shinji/Paul, Nozomi/Zoey and anyone else who doesn't meet the requirements above.

Now that we have that all cleared, it’s time for the Seasons!

Season 1: Indigo League
Season 2: Orange League
Season 3: Johto League
Season 4: Hoenn League
Season 5: Kanto Battle Frontier
Season 6: Females from the Indigo League
Season 7: Females from the Johto League
Season 8: Females from the Hoenn League
Season 9: Females from the Kanto Battle Frontier
Season 10: Males from the Indigo League
Season 11: Males from the Johto League
Season 12: Males from the Hoenn League
Season 13: Males from the Kanto Battle Frontier
Season 14: Sinnoh League
Season 15: Females from the Sinnoh League
Season 16: Males from the Sinnoh League
Season 17: Overall Best Character of the Day
Season 18-up: Special Categories Seasons​

No Movies or Specials as you can see.

Anyways, for The Rules, please read them:
1. You can vote once per day for every round, and if you’re an expert in time zones, you’ll know that my time zone is GMT+8:00. The basis of your votes depends on my time zone. So, if you voted on a time in which it is not yet the next day on my time, your votes will not be counted. If you wish to know how many hours you can vote from the time you have voted, just tell me. Please, I don’t mind doing it at all.

2. Nominations will starts with 16 competitors to avoid “byes” and rounds go off with 10, 15, 20 and 25 votes. For your nominations, if you wish, you can use Japanese names, but be sure to provide me the English name… x.x

3. Make sure you check the last page to see what we’re currently voting/doing.

4. As much as possible, no bashing of other characters. Just don’t do it. Ban awaits you if it ever happens. Bashing to me is saying anything negative. Just don't do it at all. >.>

5. I’m still thinking if I’m going to implement that “if no one votes on a day, I shall quickly move on to the next round with the character having the highest points as the winner for that round.” If you don’t wish for this to happen, make sure you stay long on this Face-Off… =P

Co-Owner: taitofan
Helper: Vycksta

What can they do?
1. They can tally votes, move on to the next round when the number of votes have been reached while I'm not around.
2. Ban members who break the rules... =O
3. Approve or disapprove a nomination, depending on the requirements.

They cannot however;
1. Start the first round (of a new set, obviously... xD;; ).

*Note: There are special cases in which I can let them start the first round of the next set. I make this announcement via LJ and my posts.

Season 1: Indigo League

First Place: Suzie/Yuki
Second Place: Jessebelle/Rumika
Third Place: Sabrina/Natume
Fourth Place: Seymour/Rikaro

Season 2: Orange League

First Place: Cissy/Atsumi
Second Place: Danny
Third Place: Drake
Fourth Place: Lorelei Prima

Season 3: Johto League

First Place: Alicia/Sanae
Second Place: McKenzie
Third Place: Benji
Forth Place: DJ Mary

Season 4: Hoenn League

First Place: Michelle/Misheru
Second Place: Joshua
Third Place: Joshua/Toshiki
Fourth Place: Erika/Eriko

Season 5: Kanto Battle Frontier

First Place: Solana/Hinata
Second Place: Solidad/Saori
Third Place: Brianna/Wakana
Fourth Place: Noland/Datsura

Season 6: Females from the Indigo League

First Place: Imite/Duplica
Second Place: Seiyo/Giselle
Third Place: Erika
Forth Place: Rindou/Florinda

Season 7: Females from the Johto League

First Place: Sakura
Second Place: Jinjii/Wendy
Third Place: Maya
Fourth Place: Cherry

Season 8: Females from the Hoenn League

First Place: Erika/Eriko
Second Place: Elisa
Third Place: Dr. Abby
Fourth Place: Grace

Season 9: Females from the Kanto Battle Frontier:

First Place: Solidad/Saori
Second Place: Mariah
Third Place: Ada
Fourth Place: Luna

Season 10: Males from the Indigo League

First place: Todd Snap
Second Place: Magikarp Salesman
Third Place: Bill/Maseki
Fourth Place: Seymour

Season 11: Males from the Johto League:

First Place: Gilgarman
Second Place: Brad Van Darn/Kitao
Third Place: Harrison/Hazuki
Fourth Place: Zane

Season 12: Males from the Hoenn League

First Place: Joshua/Toshiki
Second Place: Sullivan/Suzumura
Third Place: Jimmy
Fourth Place: Mr. Briney

Credit to Pokesho for the pictures
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Above said:
If you wish to apply, please send me a PM.
You know, I do not see why this is becoming such a trend lately...

I will begin with Blaine, since he appeared in I beleive two episodes and was quite an interesting character, even for being a Gym Leader. How often may we nominate? Are mnominations allowed? What about e-voting?


Agent Myst said:
You know, I do not see why this is becoming such a trend lately...

I will begin with Blaine, since he appeared in I beleive two episodes and was quite an interesting character, even for being a Gym Leader. How often may we nominate? Are mnominations allowed? What about e-voting?

Don't ask, I just need to see who is really willing to help. And I'm not sure about the other terms, but depending on the people knowing about this Face-Off, for now, one nomination per person.

1. Sabrina/Natume – Avegaille
2. Blaine/Katura - Agent Myst

Otoshi is my nomination. He owned, seriously.

Could you please give me the English name at least? Or maybe Japanese name? o.o
Otoshi is the name in both Japanese and dub, I think. I'm referring to the guy from the episode Bad to the Bone. He had a Marowak and a Doduo.
EDIT:Darn, beaten to it.
I say you'd better scrape Gym Leaders off this. As I see it, even if they technically ARE characters of the day, they're well-revered and a bit too popular as a whole to be even compared with the average character of the day. Just my opinion, though...

I'd rather not see the phases swept by Gym Leaders all the time... but up to you. ^^

Now... um... Kanto characters... quite a few cool customers.

Ummmmmmmmm.... I nominate the awesome AJ. :D


I say you'd better scrape Gym Leaders off this. As I see it, even if they technically ARE characters of the day, they're well-revered and a bit too popular as a whole to be even compared with the average character of the day. Just my opinion, though...

I'd rather not see the phases swept by Gym Leaders all the time... but up to you. ^^

Now... um... Kanto characters... quite a few cool customers.

Ummmmmmmmm.... I nominate the awesome AJ. :D

But if I did that, there won't be not many chracters to choose from, and I'm not very familiar with chracters from the early episodes, so that's why I need some help... And oh, does your nomination have a Jap name?

EDIT: nvm that... XD


1. Sabrina/Natume – Avegaille
2. Blaine/Katura - Agent Myst
3. Otoshi - Infinite Master Sceptile
4. AJ/Akira - Orion-Sama

12 more. o.o
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*thinks back to the first season*

Can I nominate Jessebell/Rumika? She was in that three second flashback in Shinou, but she never actually appeared again other than her first episode... If not I'll think of someone else. ^^;


*thinks back to the first season*

Can I nominate Jessebell/Rumika? She was in that three second flashback in Shinou, but she never actually appeared again other than her first episode... If not I'll think of someone else. ^^;

XD Sure... I think I can count that... XD

1. Sabrina/Natume – Avegaille
2. Blaine/Katura - Agent Myst
3. Otoshi - Infinite Master Sceptile
4. AJ/Akira - Orion-Sama
5. Jessebell/Rumika - taitofan

11 more... o.o


I'll nominate Lt. Surge/Machisu.

The first time I saw him, on a VHS cover, I thought Brock had finally opened his eyes...


1. Sabrina/Natume – Avegaille
2. Blaine/Katura - Agent Myst
3. Otoshi - Infinite Master Sceptile
4. AJ/Akira - Orion-Sama
5. Jessebell/Rumika - taitofan
6. Lt. Surge/Machisu - Shining Alakazam

10 more.


Battle Pyramid Champion
Would Duplica/Imité count?

Well, she returned for that one Johto episode...


Would Duplica/Imité count?

Well, she returned for that one Johto episode...

Yeah, I'll let her count, but if she wins, she can't be nominated on the other seasons. xD;;

1. Sabrina/Natume – Avegaille
2. Blaine/Katura - Agent Myst
3. Otoshi - Infinite Master Sceptile
4. AJ/Akira - Orion-Sama
5. Jessebell/Rumika - taitofan
6. Lt. Surge/Machisu - Shining Alakazam
7. Duplica/Imité - Neopolis

9 more. Come on people, nominate... =O


OMG you know his Jap name... *is shot* XD


1. Sabrina/Natume – Avegaille
2. Blaine/Katura - Agent Myst
3. Otoshi - Infinite Master Sceptile
4. AJ/Akira - Orion-Sama
5. Jessebell/Rumika - taitofan
6. Lt. Surge/Machisu - Shining Alakazam
7. Duplica/Imité - Neopolis
8. Richie/Hiroshi - Nicole May

8 More. If no one nominates until tomorrow, I'll start this season with 8 competitors... =O


Well-Known Member
Michelle! [/bias]

Yes I know she's from Hoenn, but I just had to say that cause she's so lovely. *nibbles her*

So anyway, here's my proper nomination... Stella/Atuko from It's Mr Mime Time.


Ah, my first duties as co-owner! *squee*

1. Sabrina/Natume – Avegaille
2. Blaine/Katura - Agent Myst
3. Otoshi - Infinite Master Sceptile
4. AJ/Akira - Orion-Sama
5. Jessebell/Rumika - taitofan
6. Lt. Surge/Machisu - Shining Alakazam
7. Duplica/Imité - Neopolis
8. Richie/Hiroshi - Nicole May
9. Stella/Atuko - Vycksta

Seven more. And I know Akari will come nominate something once she's outta school if there are still slots open.
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