• We are currently experiencing a flood of requests from bots scraping the forums. Unfortunately it has gotten to the point where it is negatively impacting the site. As a result the forums may be slow and you may periodically experiance an error message. We are aware of the problem and apologize for the inconvenience.
  • Be sure to join the discussion on our discord at: Discord.gg/serebii
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CharizardVenusaurBlastoise's Shop Of Every Thing

Shop Is Open

(Shop open=somebody is here and working/ Shop closed=I'm gone and/or don't want any more requests until things are done and caught up/ Request Away!=Not here now but post anyway for stuff. Will get done by someone in matter of few hours, because I'm not the only one who works here!)​


Please One Request At A Time. Can not do chaos or others. only what i have posted.Please read the rules in my shop or i will not do the request.
CharizardVenusaurBlastois(me):can make trainer card,banners(if i have the background link with the request),inverts,siamese pokemon and battle scenes: templates provided by flyogn_rocks​

Also could people please say what name and trainer sprites on the TCs.

When I finish your TC, I'll PM you saying it's done.

If you want to be a assitant person here, just ask, and I'll consider it.

My Bann List Hope I Don't Have To Use It.
  • None
  • None
  • None
  • None
Note: I will not do cards if people request then go offline because the cards sit in my shop untill the person who requested it comes back the next day. Card's only take 10-15 minutes to make.Also NO Rushing.

Note: Make sure to give credit.

Please Read before requesting and don't steal my templates.

I can make Green,Red,Blue,Yellow,Gold,Sliver,Crystal,Ruby,Shp phire,Fire Red and Leaf Green.

Only if i have the pokemon and pokemon trainer picture's.

Shops I can barrow templates and badges
http://www.serebiiforums.com/showthread.php?t=169728 < Lv.100 Venusaur
http://www.serebiiforums.com/showthread.php?t=160936 < Lv.100 Charizard's Trainer Card Shop
http://www.serebiiforums.com/showthread.php?t=169297 < Trainer Card Shop By Lv.100 Charizard
http://www.serebiiforums.com/showthread.php?t=167563 < Lv.100 Charizard's Shop Of Every Thing​

Here's what i got so far.

< This Template color can be change tell me what color

Something i call WarpSpeed Pokemon
Last edited:

Sharpedo Boy

< Don't take drugs!
Fine ill be first customer.
Pokemon:Sharpedo,Marowak,Swampert,Meowth,Whiscash and Camerupt.
Sprites:Emerald aminmation
Sybomls:A sliver luck syboml.

Sharpedo Boy

< Don't take drugs!
Thanks.ten char.