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Charmander & Togepi up for trade.


C Spriter
Charmander, Togepi, eggs, & shiny Vileplume up for trade.

Up for trade:

Charmander is Lax natured, male, untrained, named Flare4 & has toxic.

Togepi is Hasty natured, has the ability serene grace, male, untrained, & has both hidden & secret powers.

chimchar, Piplup(with egg move(s) of your choice), turtwig, & Riolu eggs can be obtained.

Last but not least: VileplumEX (my only shiny), mild natured, lv.34, male, chlorophyll ability, Moves: poisonpowder, sleep powder, acid, & mega drain.


Looking for:
Squirtle, Cyndiquil, Chikorita, or Phione.

Pokerus infected pokemon.

Event pokemon.

Any shinies.

Friend code:
4253 0003 3119
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Kuro Kaoru

Fun Festival
Trade your Vileplume for pokerus infected Squirtl and Chickorita?
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