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Cheating devices?

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Johto Trainer
Are there any cheating devices for GBA that can help me get every single Pokémon? And if so, where can I purchase it?

And I was wondering if I buy a cheating device now for the DS, if that's gonna work with D/P?

Sorry for asking probably really stupid questions, but I've never seen or used a cheating device before!


Johto Trainer
After browsing around a bit I found something called Action Replay MAX DUO, containing cheat devices for both the GBA and DS, and I was just wondering, are these updateable? I'd hate to purchase them now for 18£ just to have to purchase another one when D/P hits the stores.
Are there any cheating devices for GBA that can help me get every single Pokémon? And if so, where can I purchase it?

And I was wondering if I buy a cheating device now for the DS, if that's gonna work with D/P?

Sorry for asking probably really stupid questions, but I've never seen or used a cheating device before!

Discussion of cheating devices isn't allowed.And yeah.it would work for the dp.


Johto Trainer
Thanks for your help!

And I'd just like to add that it's Game Freaks' fault that I have to purchase this... Stupid events! Will never see them where I live.
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Natsu no Maboroshi
Thanks for your help! *ordered*

And I'd just like to add that it's Game Freaks' fault that I have to purchase this... Stupid events! Will never see them where I live.

Same here, there aren't events in my country...oh well...:(


Well-Known Member
After browsing around a bit I found something called Action Replay MAX DUO, containing cheat devices for both the GBA and DS, and I was just wondering, are these updateable? I'd hate to purchase them now for 18£ just to have to purchase another one when D/P hits the stores.

yes gthat will give you gba code . but ds part of it is only like you can download saves and junk.now there's a sepereate ds ar that has codes and yes you'll be able to update and get codes for d/p

Virtual Headache

No cheating device discoussion cant belive this isnt locked yet wow
How about just leaving this thread alone until a mod sees it? -_-

An explanation of the "no cheating devices" rule:
2. Discussion of cheating devices is not allowed.
This community is one that prefers to do everything as honestly as possible. Therefore the discussion of cheating devices such as Gameshark, Pro Action Replay, and Code Breaker is not allowed. There are various websites that offer codes if you need them, so do not ask for codes here. In fact, there is a page regarding places to get codes for Ruby/Sapphire.

There's also a liability issue we don't want to have, as usage of such devices may invoke damage to the game cartridge or game file. Besides that, if you ask anyway, you're going to get unfavorable responses.​
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