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Check this

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Eh.... that's not good. Really not good.

You've resized it (though ironically it would be hard to tell the major mistakes if it wasnt) and destoryed the quality of the sprite, and you recoloured it using the paintbrush tool rather than the eraser tool.

I suggest you read one of the tutorial's about recolouring.


Well-Known Member
Don't resize it, don't use paint default colours.
Read a tutorial for the proper technique. You should also use the sprites not te sugimori art (It's easier and judging from this im gonna guess youre not the most advanced spriter.


im not sure if its just me but that looks horrible


sorry, but that is just bad....
don't just put colors all over the sprite and call it a day.
take the time to really notive shading and color shades

please stop and think, "is this really worth posting?" before poting it.

keep trying

Dark Ray

DP Animator :O
you call that a sprite? XD LOL, if would give people money for they to get it and learns to sprite, i still can some of the originals deoxys colours


Give me the GS Ball
wait....huh? all he did was gwt a regular pic of deoxys, and color over it with the basic colors in paint? not impressed, i'll tell ya.....


Kirlia Trainer
sorry but its no good cuz it just s*c*s


Pokemon Shaman
Why are you guys posting in such an old thread? It was dead for a reason, you know.
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