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Cherry Blossom


'tis a penguin...

Yeah, this is my first ever banner. I made it on paint, so I know that it isn't very good. Comments, please!

Taylor Ray

Newest shiny
picture and words good.
background needs work but it's paint so..
you may want to download or buy PSP versions.
good job though. 6/10

i envy you for beating me to shikamaru. :)


'tis a penguin...
picture and words good.
background needs work but it's paint so..
you may want to download or buy PSP versions.
good job though. 6/10

Cool, another Shikamaru fan.
Anyway, thanks. I posted this on another forum, so that's why it says aisuki, not blackice2... :) Thanks for the advice.

Taylor Ray

Newest shiny
your welcome anytime. (I would ask around about that since I don't have a good eye for art but I go with my opinion)


Cherish the Day
For Paint, that's not bad. It's simple, but neat and nice. May I ask who the character is?


likes 'poms :3
For something done in MS Paint, this is pretty. The JPG compression kills it though. Next time, aim to save it in .png or .gif, Paint can do those. But if you want do give future banners some more effects then the copy & paste you did for this one, download GiMP or buy PS.

Wild Cherry

Magma Commander
Unlike SOME people cough (Light Venusaur)

I will comment on your pics.

The person looks a bit JPEGy, the background is fine, along with the text, good stuff.


The power of the sun
i like it, even if it is made on paint, i think the simplcity and the darker colors make it look proffesional ( Most paint banners are very bright with those basic colors and it hurts my eyes. ). Ohh and if u can do that on paint, i would love to see wut u can do with Photoshop or PSP.


Kanto Starter Fan
I think its quite nice for your use of paint, especially the style of text and banner, except its a little plane and I don't really like the Blackness. 6/10 overall. ^_^


'tis a penguin...
Thanks, everybody! I'm downloading GIMP as we speak. I tried to do it in .PNG, that's what I usually do, but my Paint was screwy... By the way, that is Haruno Sakura from Naruto.

Umi Mizuno

☠ one girl army
It's pretty good for a banner done in MS Paint, it's plain and simple, though it's a bit too plain. Probably because the background is just black with cherry blossoms on it.
Awesome sig, for paint.
Better than I can do anyway. >.<

I envy you too! You got my Shikamaru first! Waahhh!

Metal Force

The background is cool and simple, I like it, I also like the font of the text, but a mini question but what does Cheri Blossom have to do with this banner, I thought it was a drawing of a Cherimu o_O.