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Chibi Pika 'n Friends

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Chibi Pika

Stay positive


“Chibi Pika 'n Friends”
Chibi Pokemon. Good friends. Zany Adventures. What more could you ask for? Besides carrots, evil little kids, and cake thieves. And in Char’s case, a really cool car.

Five years ago I drew a random comic on my unfinished math homework. The only point was that it be drawn badly, and the only real joke about it was poking fun at how much Raichus weigh. But now, years later, with major improvements, with over thirty full length strips, at least twenty mini-strips, and eight super-long specials, I thought it was finally time to showcase it all here.

Now then...the comics don't take place in seasons, but years, in which the Chibis age accordingly. The 2nd graders are obviously no longer in 2nd grade by Year 5, and there are certain subjects like work and college that wouldn't be discussed in earlier comics.

Notes and Such:
-CPNF is formatted like a newspaper comic, NOT a graphic novel. The individual comics are standalone events taken out of daily life. Do not search for a plotline, because you will not find one.
-Many of the old strips are done on lined paper because I can’t be bothered to perfectly measure the squares unless it’s for a Special. Those I spend days on to get it to the best of my ability.
-I realize the characters have unoriginal names. This is not going to change. =P
-I also realize that the hand drawn comics are difficult to read and are best viewed in person, as scanning compromises the size and quality. There will be sprited ones as well. More recent hand drawn ones are drawn in MS Office 07
-In case you're wondering, the comic came before the username.
- The comics were originally done in chronological order, but because I am now going back and doing comics that fit into older parts into the "storyline", updates will be random. I may do a Year Two comic one week, and a Year Five one the next week.


Year One:
2nd GradersFull Strip
“Refusal” Mini-Strip (Sprited)
Attack of the Killer 2nd GradersPage 2, Page 3, Page 4 Super-long Special This one is a true story. No joke. All the actions are accurate and the dialogue was left unedited from what I remembered of the...incident.

“Chunky Soup” Full Strip
Moving SpikesFull Strip (Sprited)
“Insanity” Full Strip
Flotation DeviceMini Strip (Sprited)

Year Two:
Yu-gi-oh CardsMini Strip
“Ramen” Mini Strip (Sprited)

Year Three:
“Just Your Typical Insanity” Full Strip
Corn DogsMini Strip Has some crude (yet vague) humor.
“The Evil Hallway” Mini Strip (Sprited)
“Nose Container” Mini Strip (Sprited)
“Boing” Mini Strip (Sprited)
“Gniob” Mini Strip (Sprited)

Year Four:
“Driving” Mini Strip

Year Five:
CouponsMini Strip (Sprited)
Dog FoodFull Strip (Sprited)
The TestFull Strip (Sprited)
BiasedMini Strip
Diamond and PearlMini Strip
Soy SauceMini Strip (Sprited)

Year Six:
MS WordFull Strip
BlackmailMini Strip

Thanksgiving Special
Christmas Special 1,2

Main Characters:


Chibi Pika:
Age in year one: 13
Grade in year one: 8th
Younger than most of the other Chibis, Pika looks up to her friends and is the only one who sometimes feels overwhelmed by the insanity wrought by the cake thieves and the 2nd graders, mainly because they usually attack her.


Chibi Pichu:
Age in year one: 14
Grade in year one: 9th
Crazy, insane, random. All of these words describe the most hyper member of the bunch. Despite her drawing skill, for some reason the 2nd graders do not pester her like they do Pika.


Chibi Char:
Age in year one: 14
Grade in year one: 9th
The materialist of the gang, there isn’t an awesome vehicle out there that Char hasn't managed to “mysteriously acquire.” His most prized possession is his car.


Chibi Dragon:
Age in year one: 14
Grade in year one: 9th
Alongside Pichu, Dragon holds some level of control over Char and Jolt. She is often accompanied by her carrot minions.


Chibi Jolt:
Age in year one: 14
Grade in year one: 9th
Jolt is one of the few sane characters, which doesn't matter much because insanity always seems to follow him everywhere.


Chibi Quil:
Age in year one: 14
Grade in year one: 8th
Although not quite as random as Pichu, Quil has a hard time controlling his hyperness when he gets going. He is friends with Pika and Mew, and once had a vehicle war with Char.

Minor Characters:


Chibi Aer:
Age in year one: 10
Grade in year one: 5th

Chibi Mew:
Age in year one: 11
Grade in year one: 6th


Squirt, Mander, and Bulb (the cake thieves):
Ages in year one: 9-10
Grade in year one: 4th
Squirt has a major sweet tooth, and ever since he first discovered that cakes magically appear for Pika to deliver on the Chibis' birthdays, he's been out to snatch them. On his first misadventure, he met up with Mander and Bulb, who have stuck with him ever since. But even they are not enough, so Squirt often enlists the help of Ho-oh.


The Evil 2nd Graders:
Ages in year one: 7-8
Grade in year one: 2nd (duh)
The Evil 2nd Graders have loved Pika’s drawing for the longest time, and would always ask her to make custom pictures for them. When she finally grew sick of it, they became frustrated, which led to the infamous incident at the softball game. They also have a tendency to show up during the cake misadventures.

Chibi Poo:
Char’s faithful Poochyena who is often commanded to tussle with Flash.

Chibi Flash:
A Sandslash-hybrid...thing? Actually, no one knows what he is. He belongs to Quil and defends his owner from Poo.

Special Characters


Chibi Rio
Age in year one: 20
Grade in year one: N/A
A Team Rocket agent who was accidentally hired by Pika to retrieve a mystic cake from Squirt. Although he spends most of the conflict making sarcastic remarks about the bizarreness of the the situation, he eventually has to duel with Ho-oh. Because he was actually paid for the “mission,” he doesn't mind the Chibis.


Chibi Ho-oh
Age in year one: ?
Grade in year one: N/A
A Team Rocket agent who would rather have nothing to do with any of the Chibis, most particularly Squirt and his gang. He was hired by Squirt to help steal a cake from Pika, but abandoned him halfway through the mission. Ever since then, however, Squirt has called him for help when things really go downhill. Although he is usually successful, he doesn’t care enough to prevent the Chibis from taking back the stolen cakes.


Chibi Lugia
Age in year one: ?
Grade in year one: N/A
A Team Rocket agent whom Squirt hired after Ho-oh left him in the original cake swipe. Once he was told by Ho-oh that he wouldn’t actually get paid, Lugia turned on Squirt and sided with the Chibis. He usually stays out of the continuing cake conflicts, although he likes to taunt Ho-oh.

That’s all I have right now. More comics coming soon!

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Well-Known Member
I like the drawings,I think that the plot is original,but i think you should make it bigger as i have to squint to see the writing! (it may just be my computer)

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
Yeah, Photobucket sized it down I think, either that or the scan was bad, I didn't get it on a very high resolution. Page two of the Second graders came out darker and it has less dialgoue. Fortunately, the mini-strips are smaller and easier to see. I'll get some of 'em up soon.


Chibi Pika

Stay positive
Alright, I've got two new, hand-drawn mini comics (they're smaller and should be easier to read.)
Here's "Yu-gi-oh Cards":

And "Corn Dogs" (which has some crude, yet vague, humor):

^ That one's a true story. xP


Phoenix lord

Finally edited!
Well im hear much earlyer than i expected and i have to say i like the last few comics you drew and im really disapointed that half of your thread randomly got deleted, i really hope it's going to be fixed soon. I can't wait for next post, and i really can't wait for that sprited version of attack of the killer second graders (if you make it). By the way do you still watch yu-gi-oh? Becouse if im correct you used to be obsessed with the show. :p


Chibi Pika

Stay positive
It took forever, but I finally got the first post fixed. Maybe it was just Firefox, because I had no problems with Internet Explorer *grumbles because Firefox is more convenient, yet locks up and acts stupid more often.*

Anywho...next comic will probably be "Coupons." As a bit of a preview, Pika is showing Quil where she works, and he asks lots of annoying questions. xP


Phoenix lord

Finally edited!
Hey Chibi I thought you already drew a lot of comics well... why don't you post them? I haven't seen one for a while and i really whant to read some of your funny comics. Please post one soon. Hopefully a sprited one but if not that's alright. Glad your threads working agein that must have been really anoying, and thanks for the replie in my thread just read it like a minute ago and thought i should replie to you. By the way, i'm still waiting for that sprited version of the killer second graders :p


Chibi Pika

Stay positive
Alright, I have a new one!!! The penciling was really light, so I had to edit the contrast, which gave it a really dark look. I present, Diamond and Pearl:


Chibi Pika

Stay positive
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! xP



...no Naku Koro ni
Hehe so cute! ^_^ I enjoyed reading your comics. Some of them are quite clever :3

Good for Squirtle eating cake instead of turkey! Poor birdies get so fattened up their little legs break ;_;


Team In Flames
I like your ideas and themes. :D Keep it up! One small problem. Pikachu needs red cheek spots.

Phoenix lord

Finally edited!
Sorry it took so long and that you replied to me twice and i only once but any how... Finally new comics. I really like the special you made, and your doing a good job with getting people to replie to you. And i really like the diamond and pearl one it's funny! By the wayy i'm still waiting for the sprited version of The killer second greaders =P


Chibi Pika

Stay positive
Thank you very much everyone! ^^ Squirtle is the main culprit and running gag of the specials (fortunately, only the specials. He's in no ordinary comics so the joke doesn't get old. =P) so we'll be seeing him again. I've already planned the Christmas special, even.
One small problem. Pikachu needs red cheek spots.
Actually...you notice how all the characters a simplified? Pika had cheeks in some of the original comics, but eventually I removed them because it interfered with her facial expressions (because I draw the comics so small.) Likewise, Rio has no wrist spikes or Aura sensors, and many other characters are warped.



Team In Flames
I see. :D That's fine.

Phoenix lord

Finally edited!
I'm back yet agein to reply and i still see no new comics (expect for that one special) but still didn't you say that you scaned a lot of comics. Well now would be a good time to post one. By the way i see you're getting new readers :) hope i get as lucky as you. I can't wait to see another comic and hopefully a sprited version of The killer second graders!


Chibi Pika

Stay positive
Thanks for the reply, Phoenix lond. =)

I have a new one, 'Biased":


Phoenix lord

Finally edited!
Yay for biased the NEW comic (finally). Unless you already know i really like your comics it's funny (old new I know)! Keep up the good work :)! Now about that Killer second graders comic, are you going to fix it or not? Killer second graders is a really good comic and probibly the best so far, but non the less it's hard to read (if i hadn't read the original version i would have probibly never read that comic). Please Please edit Killer second graders (hopefully a sprited version).



Mana Mana!
That's odd I can read The attack of the killer 2nd graders just fine.
Are you using firefox Phoenix?I am and all I really have to do is just click on the picture again to magnify it and it is readable.

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
Bleh sorry, for the long wait, but I have a new sprite comic!


This isn't the last time Quil will pester her at work. =D



...no Naku Koro ni
Hehe~ it's so cute! I love it!

I love how Quil grabs onto the counter thing happily while asking for free stuff ^_^ (I feel like he should be wagging his tail.. flame thing ^_^;;..) The expressions continue to be well done~ as well as the shading on the sprites :eek:

And~ everyone knows how it is working hard~ and getting asked for free/discount stuff from friends x_x; *throws nonexistent coupons at them*

Although, I know it was intentional with the simplication of sprites to make room for expressions on the faces but... both the lack of Pikachu's spots and long ears kind of irks me. Maybe make his ears a little bigger? ^_^

Can't wait to see more from you :3!

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