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Chimera concept art.


Well-Known Member
Or Kamria, as refered to in my fic. Pokegod of sorts.




Nice sketch, you linework and form are well done. But it’s way too realistic to be a Pokémon. And there’s no telling it apart from a real Chimera. It doesn’t have any patterns or weird distinctive features that Pokémon have (and legendary Pokémon are even more crazy looking).

Try being more stylistic. Look at Rentora. It’s a lion, but it’s like no lion you’ve ever seen before.


Well-Known Member
True, true. He's not pokemon like, but for the purposes of realism in my fic and readability as far as the pic is concerned, I've decided a realistic rendering would suffice.

Thanks for your imput.


Chaotic Dreamer
Ah thats great, I like the way the heads are placed. (And thank you for not giving the lion a nose-dip. Tired of seeing bubble-headed lions) Only, what kind of paws does it have? Its difficult to tell here. Love the more realistic take on things, will be reading your fic now.


Well-Known Member
They're more claws than proper paws really, I just thought the shape I gave them looked neat in the sketch were they looked clawlike so I carried it to its extent. Nose dip? Whats that mean, like ehm, a circular face?

Oh, and after you read, if you give a review, I will post more concept art for you.