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Choice band question


<-If only it was red
Right, I've noticed that the choice band works with moves that make contack ONLY, not all physical moves, (EQ is not effected, Meteor mash is), so, will this mean that the Elemetal punches will be effected by a choice band, as they make contact?

(If it is, there'll be special choice banders everywhere!)


Veteran smartass
Right, I've noticed that the choice band works with moves that make contack ONLY, not all physical moves, (EQ is not effected (by what? its physical...), Meteor mash is), so, will this mean that the Elemetal punches will be effected by a choice band, as they make contact?

(If it is, there'll be special choice banders everywhere!)

and how did u notice it? o_O....

the punches do more damage with CB in DP cause they're physical...
if they wouldnt u could use the special CB item (forgot the name xD)

Shiny Bashamo

Isn't it cute ^^
I'm not sure, are the elemantal punches considered physical or Special?

If they're phiscal they will be affected bu choise band, if they're special they won't be.

So lets find out if they're phisical or not!


edit: ^beaten


<-If only it was red
I figured it out with my Metagross, EQ seems not to be boosted by a Choice band, yet Meteor mash is, also, the choice band seems to work with contact moves, moves that would trigger effect spore, cute charm ect, is that right?


I said, Bring It ON!
Taylor is correct, choice band effects all atk moves. It only seemed like mash did more damage because gross has STAB with it. The punches are special for now because the types are special types. In DP, they will become physical. In DP, there will be a special choice band.