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Chrno crusade manga (and anime I guess)


Gust of Wind
Anyone here watched / read chrno crusade?
Chrno in his younger form is soo cute, probably the cutest anime guy X_X
and the story was really good (manga)

The Author Daisuke Moriyama will also be releasing 'World Embryo' and yeah o_O

Anyone else read / watched chrno crusade?
The climax fight/invasion parts were a bit annoyng and stupid imo, However, I love the manga ending alot. It was good. I'm not too fond of the moe style use on an american setting but I can deal with it there atm...


Gust of Wind
in the anime, aion is evil and absolutley tortures chrno infront of rosette. in the manga he is not a total ******* but more of a cool villian and chrno seems alot stronger in the manga than the anime.
in the anime, aion is evil and absolutley tortures chrno infront of rosette. in the manga he is not a total ******* but more of a cool villian and chrno seems alot stronger in the manga than the anime.

I'm well aware of that, as I've seen both.

Only thing I like about Aion is his cloths. Kinda boring to me.

Ed Elric Bunny

bunny rabbit <3
I've been reading it lately,and I'm up to the 6th volume currently. It's very enjoyable and different from other series I've seen. Chrno in his 12-year old form is very cute indeed. =D I love Joshua too,he's such a sweetie up until the whole horns and Rosette starting her contract with Chrno thing. I still like him after that though. xD I also liked how the story took place in America,lots of series I've seen only take place in Japan,so that was an interesting take on the setting.

Anime,hmm,I only saw up to the Christmas episode. So I don't know much of what goes on there.


winter rose
rose: I've read all 8 vol. of the manga, but seen very little episodes of the anime. seen like episodes 1-4 and some episodes near the end of the series. Shader was one of my favorite characters in the series!!! she made me laugh in the manga, but it made me sad what short of a roll she played in the anime. she like dies 2 seconds within the first episode she appears in!!! >_< her personality just reminds me of my own!!! Aion is up there too. he made me laugh somewhat in the manga. yet he was all like serious in the anime. I seriously loved all the little arguments between Chrono and Rosette are just hilarious, especially in the manga!!! xD *laughs*


Gust of Wind
i hated sheda in the anime but she's funny in vol 6 with aion thinking chrno loves magdalene. I wonder what happened in the manga when rosette saw chrno at the church and they spent one yr together, then she died and chrno still has his horns and probably still alive. what became of him?