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Chronological timeline of Pokemon


Well-Known Member
Well I think that
Long Long ago before the events of RBY
Mr. Fugi returns from Faraway Island to his Mansion at cinabar Island to show blain his best friend the picture of Mew and a DNA sample. Together they try to clone a new mew, but behind Mr. Fugi's back blaned had altered his DNA trying to create the worlds strongest Pokemon. When Mewtwo was born he was angered at the fact that he was just a ittle experiment and flew away heading towards Cerulean. The Mansion had Burned down, and Mr. Fugi was so upset at the Pain he caused Mewtwo that he vowed to only help Pokemon from now on thus he opened the orphan age at Lavender

Lance recieves his dragon pokemon from his grand father, gos through Johto, becomes league Champion and then assumes the role of elite four.

Giovani's son is not getting much attention from his father as a young child, because of his invovement in team rocket. This makes his anger towards TR boil. This basically explains why the son of team rocket hates them so much

RBY FRLG came first of all
Professor oak starts to update pokedex for Prof elm.

Giovanni runs away to train leaving his son all alone

Scott sees the trainer Tower in Seven Island and decides to make a Battle tower in Hoenn

RSE events started to take place while you were at Sevii Islands fixing the Network. Thats how a master ball ended up in hoen eventhough it was just newly invented

Porygon 2 was invented at that time. Aqua smuggled over a prototype master ball stolen from the fallen team rocket at isle 5.

Catastrophic events from the awakening of Groudon set the eruption of Cinabar Island.

Loreli gets about the evil organization team Aqua being spotted on 5 island stealing a master ball and she decides to resign from the elite to defend the Sevi island from Future terrors

After Mewtwo was defeated in battle by main Character, he flys away with such force that the Cerulean Cave caves in.

Scott's BT was a success and he upgrades it into the Battle Frontier

GSC came about 3 years later like stated in the games.

Oak in Mr. Pokemon's lab living there while he does his radio broadcasts with DJ mary

Silver's hatred grows and grows when he hears of team rockets return and decides to go to Johto and steals a starter pokemon.

Scott decides to branch out the BT idea into Johto

DP events took place while GSC character was in Kanto.

Porygonz invented at this time. Thats why Silph was tight on security eventhough Master ball project was canceled.
After Kanto event is done, and journy through Sinnoh is done Oaks Pokemon talk show is over for a while and he decides to visit Prof. Nanakamodo(not sure if spelt right) in Sinnoh to see how the Sinnoh dex is going along.

Jasmine realises that the ampharos in the light house is getting sick again. She goes to cianwood, but the Pharmacist tells her that one of the ingredients he needs for the cure is in Sinnoh and that is why she is there

Scot Branches BT idea in Hoenn

Discuss what you think the timeline is and what happened in between.
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Cascade Trainer
i like what you did with the time order of pokemon ss5vegeta


Well-Known Member
this contredicts my board!!

I wanted to make a better explanation, and the caracters from different versions like RSE are all technically the same people. Characters in FRLG are the same as each other but different then RSE characters

Theres always some confusion about timeline so I thought I would explain it. Will edit when I think up more ideas.

This thread is mostly about the events Took place in between games aside from the main characters so technically your thread can still apply assuming that everything said happened within the time given.

I'm trying to fill in the loop holes

Your board talks about how to include all characters, mine is about the events that take place in all regions to explain how some characters seem to be in the same place at the same time
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Salingerian Phony
I'm glad there's at least someone else who figured that the order is 1st, then 3rd, then 2nd. Everyone seems to think they're in the same order as the generation numbers, when it's clear that GSC needed a Time Machine and RSE didn't.

This is a lot more detailed than I cared to think about too. Good job! I wasn't sure where SInnoh would go, since I don't know too much about what happens concerning the other lands.

You might also want to mention that the Orre games seem to take place around the same time as RSE...with Colosseum coming before XD, of course. I guess this means Cipher was first to get their hands on Lugia, and that it was captured by Michael, released, and then it fled to the Whirl Islands.


Main screen turn on!
Oak in Mr. Pokemon's lab living there while he does his radio broadcasts with DJ mary

Thats wrong. I remember on GSC, one of professor oak's assistants says that the person on the radio isn't the real professor oak.


Furret rocks
Hmm, fairly intriguing....


Well-Known Member
OMG.... that timeline gives so much meaning to the game.. I've been playing a story RPG all along 0_o....
it makes sence.. I never bothered to give the game that much thought...


Well-Known Member
Thats wrong. I remember on GSC, one of professor oak's assistants says that the person on the radio isn't the real professor oak.

In FRLG they said that oak was going to have a radio show.

Well I'm gonna edit it again to include the creation of mewtwo and to explain how Blane and Mr. Fugi are affiliated

Cant really do colo XD since I never played those games, and the fact that the timeline is more confusing since I heard that XD took place 5 years after Colo

Also gona include how the cave was destroyed
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*~Water Lover~*

You. Get it?
This is exactly what I was waiting for. A timeline that connects all of the games together. Also, Colo and XD should be counted as Alternate Universe, as they don't mention Kanto, Johto or Hoenn.


Well-Known Member
I made it up from the information gathered in games. Never played Colo/XD, and the games dont seem to be that connected to them. Also the timeline would get a little weird since colo and XD took place over a range of 5 years so it doesnt seem to fit into the main plot.

Shiny Ho-Oh

Well-Known Member
Finally what I've been waiting for... a pokemon timeline! Add something about that Mewtwo made a hole in a mountain and thats how Ceruleon Cave was created.