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Cipher Admins and Grand Master Greevil in Citadark Isle

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XD002 Icemewtwo

Kinda of all sorts because they all use different types but here is one anyway
Lovrina: Just use any types
Snattle: Bring Flying to avoid Eathquake
Ardos: Same as Lovrina but he has 2 shadows
Gorigon: He'll usually use fighting counter with Psychic
Eldes: He'll confuse You by using different types try to snag his shadows they'll be useful later on
Greevil Shadow Lugia Round: If you don't want it then use electric types if so hope you have your master ball if not use a lot of ultra balls and hope you get lucky
Greevil Regular Round: Use a whole lot of ultra balls to capture all his shadows there are 6 and for this one use Salamence (the shadow one from Eldes) and Electabuzz (it has shadow Half) Salamence will be you shadow rush pokemon and Electabuzz use it's shadow half and switch to lugia to act as your tank there done!

Twins Andrew and Andrea

Beware the power of Shadow Lugia (aka XD001)!

Twins Andrew and Andrea

Beware the power of Shadow Lugia (aka XD001)!

Wrong What I Ment To Say In My First Message Is



Well-Known Member
There is an edit button, you know, TAAA -_-

For Greevil, don't worry if you knock out one of the shadow pokemon, catch it later on.
Whoa......TAAA, have you by any chance read my old FanFic? 0_o It stars twins named....Andrew and Andrea 0.0

Anyway, best counter for Greevil is a couple of Shadow Pokémon, preferably a bit through Purification so they know other moves(Shadow moves will do jack to his). Lugia's a good choice, but there's other durable things, like Lapras, and hard-hitting things like Salamence and Marowak.

The others can be difficult(save for Lovrina, easier than cracking a peanut), so just use your best Pokémon and hope it works out. Lovrina, though:

Pokémon used move!
Cipher Admin Lovrina was defeated!

The 8th Champion

Vampiric Knight

Dance with the Devil
Lovrina- Just hit 'em hard.

Snattle- Um...maybe the same thing, but have some defenses wit ya.

Ardos- Put some defenses up for him. Also keep in mind he has 3 shadow Pokemon.

Gorigan- You probably need maybe protect or some flying types, 'cause I think his Pokemon know earthquake.

Eldes- Use some good strategy on this one; his Pokemon are mixed (type-wise), so you bring a team with different types. Also, he has 4 shadow Pokemon.

Shadow Lugia- Um...some tanks would work. And it's hard to catch. Use plenty of ultra balls or the masterball.

Greevil- Tanks again; use shadow Pokemon for this one, 'cause all his Pokemon are shadow, too. If you didn't catch some of them, don't worry, you can go back there and get the rest.

My strategy sucks, I know, but it may help.


This thread is where a lot of people posted their strategies for taking Greevil down. Personally I thought it best to use a tank like Snorlax that hasn't been purified so that you can nullify the effects of the Shadow Attacks a little more.

As for the Cipher Admins, well, they aren't that difficult. You could use the same strategy I suggested for Greevil, but like Icy Mew said, just hitting 'em hard will do the job.

Lord Sonny XIXI

Lovrina- anything

Snattle- see above

Ardos- use Hitmonlee's Shadow Half to weaken the shadows

Gorigan- see Snattle

Eldes- If you cought Electabuzz, Shadow Half works wonders.

Greevil- Keep an empty slot and use your Master Ball on Lugia. In the next battle, use Salamence, Lugia and a shadow of your choice. Weaken them and stall. Ultra Balls work in yellow HP. If they don't use Timer Balls after 40 turns.

Hope I helped!


Lovrina- Let's see, just use anything. She is pathetic.
Snattle- Get some pokemon with average to above average stats. If they have low defence & special defence they won't last long.
Ardos- Finally, a bit of a challenge! Watch out for his snorlax, as it uses shadow end. Bring in some tanks, and use them on snorlax. Try grass and dark pokemon, like shiftry would be a prime option. Confuse them, as they hit hard.
Gorigan- He has earthquake on the wrong pokemon, so just bring a pokemon with high defence. Magmar works well, if you teach it protect, then you can just take out a pokemon with earthquake (I used khangeskan) to counter his.
Eldes- Easy. Some might disagree, but with the right pokemon you can catch all of them. First you need a sleeper with high hp. (Khangeskan again) Also, you need to have some pokemon with very uber high defence, as his marowak has a thick club and uses shadow end.
Greevil/XD001- I recommend masterball, but whittle it's hp down with about a level 50 electric pokemon or shadow lapras.
Greevil- 3 or 4 tanks will be good, snorlax, lapras and xd001 work. Get a special sweeper and a physical sweeper for the ones you don't want. Zangoose works well as a phys sweeper and Espeon is also a good choice for a special sweeper, as is lunatone or solrock.
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