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Clamperl of Wisdom (369)


And, as if by magic, the webmaster appeared...
Staff member
Clamperl of Wisdom!

While on a ferry to the next Island, Ash & Co. come across the Spoink they met a while back, and it's lost it's Pearl again. Once again Ash & Co. decide to go look for it, but when Spoink gets one from a Clamperl, it gets protective of it. Will it find it's original Pearl?

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That sounds cool, but wouldn't that hurt clamperl if its pearl was taken?Edit:sorry I just figured out the pic. anyways how do those pearls get in there?


It really disappointed me that this episode was a filler. I was really hoping for Ash to catch Spoink or May/Jessie to catch Clamperl. Oh well, can't have everything in life ;)

Factory Head Noland

I never saw this episode but it looks quite good and we get to see Spoink again! Clamperl looks like an interesting Pokemon.
That Spoink just loses things! lol.

Crystal Latios

Hahahahahahaha! This episode was soooo funny ^_^
I think, Torkoal has a little crush on Spoink LOL
Also, TR was finally funny. Jessie tried to open Clamperl`s shell.
Haha. I think, TR`s fans should see it :)


I'm sure they will. LIZA! How many times do I have to say this, stop writing bad comments about me while I'm in the washroom1
Dub Title Prediction:
A Spoink's Best Friend is Gone Again!?

This title was made to go with the offical dub title for spoink episode 1 being "Pearls are a Spoink's best Friend"
Yes this is the start of PAB, how cool!

Now, I have picked up information about one of the VA's in this episode. The character who will be dubbed as Michael will be played by Richard Hoggard, he's the cousin of the lead singer of the new Canadian rock band Hedley, Jacob Hoggard. Jacob finished 3rd in Canadian Idol last year, and he's a breakout sensation now!


Corvair said:
Yes this is the start of PAB, how cool!

Now, I have picked up information about one of the VA's in this episode. The character who will be dubbed as Michael will be played by Richard Hoggard, he's the cousin of the lead singer of the new Canadian rock band Hedley, Jacob Hoggard. Jacob finished 3rd in Canadian Idol last year, and he's a breakout sensation now!

Hopefully, we'll soon see Tom Jones in a few episodes as Harley.

V Faction

A quick comment about the episode before it ends: Grovyle getting some battle action is hot stuff. The little backflip it did owns any Psybeam or generic Pin Missile that the other Pokemon mustered.

Clamperl gets a B+ for its voice, but is it ever annoying to hear the regular word 'pearl' and 'Clamperl' in the same sentence.


Well-Known Member
Arnold said:
I liked it...mainly for Torkoal and his Jumpng into the Ocean for Spoinks pearl ^^;
It was freaking funny xD

The rest was good. The thing that intrest me the most is the intro. SPOILER PLZ
The intro kinda irked me with all the spoilers with the 4th Generation Pokémon. But otherwise, a great filler.

P.S. Did anyone notice that the Pokéball on Ash's badge case was left untouched in the episode intro?


Yeah, ok!
Pretty decent opener.

As with all opening episodes, this episode showcased most of the Pokemon owned by the main trainers. Team Rocket actually used every single one of their Pokemon in this episode, besides Wobbufett who appeared anyway. All of Ash's Pokemon were shown too, Grovyle, Swellow, Corphish, Torkoal, all got screentime. Brock's Lombre and Mudkip appeared, but too bad May only sent out Beautifly. :(

Grovyle had a nice battle scene at the end, I actually like it when TR battles with "real" battle strategies, Seviper actually put up a decent fight against Torkoal.

Good ep, I love how the new title screen show's Ash badges and May's ribbon case. As if that's not proof enough that May co-stars the series with Ash.

Trainer choice also got a nice revamp with different questions.

Pinky the Mew

I am a master!
I loved that intro! Even if it were a few Seconds Me seeing Mewtwo again is comforting that they haven't forgotten him

*sigh* ;151; ;) ;150;

Thank God! The Trainer's Choice has changedfor the better now I hope they can be accurate this time!

Either how this episode was wonderous! I'm getting the feeling that Spoink is going to be Jigglypuff's troublemaking replacement for this season/generation.
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