Pretty decent opener.
As with all opening episodes, this episode showcased most of the Pokemon owned by the main trainers. Team Rocket actually used every single one of their Pokemon in this episode, besides Wobbufett who appeared anyway. All of Ash's Pokemon were shown too, Grovyle, Swellow, Corphish, Torkoal, all got screentime. Brock's Lombre and Mudkip appeared, but too bad May only sent out Beautifly.
Grovyle had a nice battle scene at the end, I actually like it when TR battles with "real" battle strategies, Seviper actually put up a decent fight against Torkoal.
Good ep, I love how the new title screen show's Ash badges and May's ribbon case. As if that's not proof enough that May co-stars the series with Ash.
Trainer choice also got a nice revamp with different questions.