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Classroom Concerns


Angel of the Skies
Welcome to the Comic that Reflects the Opposite of my very personality!
Whatever the reason for making this comic, it's about a Pokemon School, and the main characters are in seventh grade. There are various teachers, (Some with some problems) that are more likely to Psychic you out of a window, or use your attacks against you, instead of giving detention. (After the punishment they send you there anyway.) The four main characters consist of Pokemon whose full names are undecided, (Many of you have probably noticed this.) and all have problems of their own.
Sableye-Person with most lines who is edgy and keeps on angering everyone around him.
Spinda- Weirdly enough, Spinda is a girl, if you guessed Sp. was, lucky. She tends to keep to herself, and gets sick when going near Ms. Hawnt's room.
Beldon- A Beldum with self esteem issues and has least of the lines in the entire comic. (I'm pretty sure he's never said anything yet.)
Enown- An Unown that is more depressed than anything. Tries to think things through, and gets discouraged easily. No gender, apparently.
Feel free to post comments/reviews. I can take crit now so go ahead. Do your worst. Please point out any mistakes. (Besides the text on the first comic where Principal King speaks over the intercom.)
1st concern- Fire safety

2nd concern-Insulting a teacher

3rd concern- Student placement (ooooo beggining of a plot)

4th concern- Needs Guidance Counseling

5th Concern- Detention WARNING:A very edgy comic (viewer discretion advised)

6th Concern- Government Education (partly non-fictional)

7th Concern- How to penetrate the upper levels of a poke-government building. (Dude, theyre totally overreacting.)

8th Concern- Dealing with the mentally challenged

9th Concern-Short to get to the next comic/animation

10th Concern-Sableye Uses a water gun

11th Concern- Wandering in the Halls Wondering what's happened, aren't ye?
Current comic:

Author comments: Well after much work on the sprite sheet itself, I've come up with this alt plotline that will divide the series into two parts. The Destructive, and the Normality. Notice his ear has cracked the board.

Halloween Special (short, yet slightly creepy)
April Fool's Special Yeah, I guess Sableye got his April Fools prank, a giant cliche/pun.
NuMario! Part 1 (If you want to see the actual song, (And the reason those random images appeared) then go to this link.)
NuMario! Part 2- If I had to say anything about these it would be, Numarific!
Conspiracy Theorist
Please report broken links!
Credits to Imageshack.us for free image hosting
To Serebii's avatar settings for the sprites (Hope it's not against any rules)
To my viewers who are "Active" in posting
Thanks for being semi-cooperative,
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The Sponge

Wow..This is Very Original..I Can't Wait To See More Adventures of These Crazy Teachers..Make Another Real Soon!
Nice unshaded backrounds, and two minute desks.
It's "I", not i.
The PA text is not readable.
Overall 2/10. Bad.


Well-Known Member
Not horrible. No custom sprites, bad backrounds and props, but it's funny, and that's all that counts.
*Runs to avoid any arguments*
I can see not much time and effor was put into this (backgrounds and props are terrible). But the jokes are good. I'd rate it 7/10 so it's okay overall. Not good or bad but okay.
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May's brother

Now to the Maxtreme!
wow this comic is so original and funny! i can't wait for the next update!


Angel of the Skies
Nice unshaded backrounds, and two minute desks.
It's "I", not i.
The PA text is not readable.
Overall 2/10. Bad.
Good advice, i, oh, sorry, I mean "I" I am aware of these mistakes, plus i am going to shade the backgrounds some. I myself cant read the PA typing, i will fix these in the future, but for now, ill leave it like it is.
It's nice and funny I hope there is more soon.
Thank you, thats not spam! or critisism!
I think that too.
Wow.Thanks to everyone who doesnt insult my every step!
Not horrible. No custom sprites, bad backrounds and props, but it's funny, and that's all that counts.
*Runs to avoid any arguments*
Yeah, i was just working on my sprites, im modifying them, giving them a larger sense of reality. Who cares? I dont care about arguments in my thread.
Not since (flashback) The flame war went on and on, people were flamed here and there, MADNESS! MADNESS I SAY!
I can see not much time and effor was put into this (backgrounds and props are terrible). But the jokes are good. I'd rate it 7/10 so it's okay overall. Not good or bad but okay.
Well, these backgrounds are the first that i put much effort in to tell you the truth. Fortunatly, this comic seems to be a success in some ways so im going to try harder.
It was nice, but grey on peach = no. D:
True, true, im going to change it but i wanted to give some sort of hint to who the principal is, first one who gets the answer wins an award sprite!
wow this comic is so original and funny! i can't wait for the next update!
compliments, i actually have compliments! this is the happiest day of my sprite comic making "career" ( >_> ) EVER!!!!


Sea Ruby Trainer
I think it's original. There's a problem with the shading for the text bubbles, though. Try to make the shading darker, though. The text bubble for the intercom was WAY too bright to see easily.


Pretty much what everyone else said. The backgrounds need work and the humor's great. I'll definatly read this.

I'm guessing it's a Regirock.

The Noise

The backgrounds and props are horrible. The text bubbles need alot of work, peach and grey? UGH... the animation frame was done badly, and the sun/cloud was also bad.

Overall: 3/10, the humor wasn't great, and graffically it's horrible, but keep trying.
Mega said:
Well I hope Bob a.ka. Pixalated Penguin and Eric don't come.
have a STFU and come again.
Noise made a few good points. Might have to search for a Classroom backround.


Angel of the Skies
I think it's original. There's a problem with the shading for the text bubbles, though. Try to make the shading darker, though. The text bubble for the intercom was WAY too bright to see easily.
Yeah, i know, i just tried the primary-secondary color thing, and it might not work sometimes.
Pretty much what everyone else said. The backgrounds need work and the humor's great. I'll definatly read this.

I'm guessing it's a Regirock
Well, i am working on the backgrounds, im going to give a spoiler out and show you the other characters and backgrounds, but not until later. Thanks for the comment and sorry, no, its not a Regirock, its not a legendary,
heres a hint:
Principal-is a ruler of the school. (basically what a lot of people think)
so it relates to being a ruler.
The backgrounds and props are horrible. The text bubbles need alot of work, peach and grey? UGH... the animation frame was done badly, and the sun/cloud was also bad.

Overall: 3/10, the humor wasn't great, and graffically it's horrible, but keep trying.
#1 The backgrounds arent that bad >_>
#2 The props, im not sure what you mean
#3 Yes, ive already cleared that up for you all
#4 The animation frame had no flaws except for the line that appeared beetween the fourth and third rows.
#5 It's the sun, it's round from most people's perspectives, its a cloud, there were clouds like that in Super Mario, and nobody complained. (and they had EYES)
Well I hope Bob a.ka. Pixalated Penguin and Eric don't come.
They are known for there,.......fires.
have a STFU and come again.
Noise made a few good points. Might have to search for a Classroom backround.
Yes, i am aware of that. I have no idea where to get a classroom background >_>
#1 The backgrounds arent that bad >_>
#2 The props, im not sure what you mean
#3 Yes, ive already cleared that up for you all
#4 The animation frame had no flaws except for the line that appeared beetween the fourth and third rows.
#5 It's the sun, it's round from most people's perspectives, its a cloud, there were clouds like that in Super Mario, and nobody complained. (and they had EYES)
#1 Yes, they are.
#2 Props include Posters, Desks, etc
#3 good
#4 No comment
#5 The Super Mario ones were sprited well. just take those Clouds and remove the eyes from them -_-

The Noise

Dude, having a line appear in an animation is REALLY bad. =/


Angel of the Skies
#1 Yes, they are.
#2 Props include Posters, Desks, etc
#3 good
#4 No comment
#5 The Super Mario ones were sprited well. just take those Clouds and remove the eyes from them -_-
#1 You havent seen bad backgrounds
#2 Ah, yeah, some of them are bad
#3 good
#4 Yup
#5 ???

Dude, having a line appear in an animation is REALLY bad. =/
Well, then, most of the comic isnt animated.

UPDATE: new comic
Concern 2: insulting a teacher

Parental controls just blocked me from a comic i made myself....


Angel of the Skies
im updating, the new comic is the beggining of the plot.
you have to guess correctly the pokemon that the principal is.
or, he'll just be another shaded part of a room.
Please post this time, I'm sorta tired of dissapointments. (like all of the other comics i made that hang by a thread)
Also, a Halloween Special.