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clear out sale question


fuk yo couch ***** !
can you clear that up ?
it makes no sense at all. and im guessing its pointless anyway...


Team In Flames
To get the clear-out sale you have to defeat the E4. That's it. The Interviewers have nothing to do with it.


Well-Known Member
It just depends, though if someone else has an event coming up within a few days, mix records with them, and you will get the same as long as you can (i.e. you need to have beaten E4 to get most of them)


#1 Munchlax Fan
To get a clear-out sale,is completly random.


Well-Known Member
Yeah and it usually comes in packs so if you get that the berry blender master and guru + lottery will prob. show up.

Wild Cherry

Magma Commander
Uh... I think you just spammed fellow Australian.

You have to complete the E4, then go to a house with a TV in it, then you watch it, and then it will say when it is one, such as the clearout sale on the Lilycove rooftop of the mall. Like the Energy guru who gives half price for any stat boosters.


oblivion weilder
i sueually get two att once
berry blender guy
i restarted so now i have to get them again :(