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[Closed Due to Spoilers]

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Yeah, ok!
Why would Hikari only have 2 Shinou pokemon? That makes no sense at all.

While she'll probably have more than 2 Shinou Pokes, remember that May only had three Hoenn Pokemon in total.

Pretty odd, considering May was the heroine from R/S yet she only had three Hoenn Pokemon during her run. She really should have captured that Swablu. :/


Smart and sneaky

this is ONE possibility for Hikari! why? because they are all cute pokemon that seem to fit her! i dont think that her Pochama will evolve all the way to Emperuto, just to Potaishi! since May got a Bulbasaur which was from the 1st gen. i think that Hikari should get a Grass pokemon from the 2nd gen. that Ash also had...Chikorita whcih will (i hope evolve to Maganium! I know Chemiu would make 2 Grass pokemon but its too cute! Pachirisu so she can have an Ash-type pokemon that stays on her shoulders all the time! Her Mimiro wont evolve because of reasons that have already been discussed. and her last one i definitely hope will be Misdreavus that later evolves into Muumaji!


Well-Known Member
I was wondering for a pretty long time, what Hikari's new team would be. And I also wonder what my fellow SPPF members think also. So what do you think will be Hikari's predicted team?

My Idea:

I dont think here pochama with reach Enperuto cause Brock hasnt evolved his Marshtomp yet.


I don't think so May
I do want Hikari to get an Eevee so it can become the grass evo while May's Eevee becomes the Ice evo.

It would be a nice (albeit pointless) parallel.
I'd think Haruka would end up with Lefia and Hikari with Glacia, being that Hikari went with the Blue theme an' all! ^.^;

I'm not sure about her team but we know which two she'll have for a while. I'm kind of dissapointed that it doesn't look like she'll have a more rounded team.


Smart and sneaky
this is ONE possibility for Hikari! why? because they are all cute pokemon that seem to fit her! i dont think that her Pochama will evolve all the way to Emperuto, just to Potaishi! since May got a Bulbasaur which was from the 1st gen. i think that Hikari should get a Grass pokemon from the 2nd gen. that Ash also had...Chikorita whcih will (i hope evolve to Maganium! I know Chemiu would make 2 Grass pokemon but its too cute! Pachirisu so she can have an Ash-type pokemon that stays on her shoulders all the time! Her Mimiro wont evolve because of reasons that have already been discussed. and her last one i definitely hope will be Misdreavus that later evolves into Muumaji!


i guess this is another possibility that i think could be Hikari's team! Leafia because i hope she gets that one and when May returns she has a Glacia and they battle their two eveelutions in a contest! she should catch a Mareep that eventually evolves into Ampharos...just a guess!


Yeah, ok!
Hikari still won't have a team of 6 by the end of Shinou because she doesn't need one. Grand Festival's only have time for 4 Pokemon to get spotlight, which is why May only used 4 for her Hoenn GF and only 4 for her Kanto GF.

The first opening makes it quite clear that Hikari won't be making a third capture for a LONG time, so I don't see how anyone could say otherwise.


Well-Known Member
To add on to CyberCubed statements, Harley also only used 4 out of his 5 at the Kanto Grand Festival. I'm sort of mad though, like Cyber said, the opening shows that Hikari probably won't be getting a third poke for a quite a while, same with Ash and Brock.


Smart and sneaky
in my opinion, Borck should have gotten Naetoru. Ash get Hikozaru and Hikari still have Pochama! that would have been better to me! but whatever!


Team Xenon!
They are gonna have a mix of regions like May. I think she'll have a fire starter, which will be cyndaquil, cause ash evolved Charmander, and may evolved Sceptile (this seems too make sense to me). Is it confirmed that she gets mimmiro (bunny)?

-Oh yeh, she does.
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