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Closed. Thread title did not contain format or game title. >_>

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D-D Dog

Beginning Trainer
My deck is mainly spellcasters
This is my best card


Black luster soldier - envoy of the bigining (-------- My fav card---------)
Dark eradicator warlock
Dark magician
Blue eyes white dragon
Blue eyes white dragon
Blue eyes white dragon
Blue eyes shining dragon
Breaker the magical warrior
Gemini elf
mystical elf
Skilled dark magician
Skilled dark magician
Red eyes b. dragon
Red eyes darkness dragon
Man eater bug
Magician of faith
Magician of faith
Blast magician
Chaos Sorcerer
Rapid-fire magician
Mystical elf


Swords of revealing light
Graceful charity
Lightning vortex
Mystic space typhoon
Premeture burial
Card destruction
Magical dimension
Pot of greed
Nobleman of crossout
Book of moon
Change of heart
Mage power
Spell Absorption


Magical Cylinder
Spell shield type 8
Call of the haunted
Ring of destruction
Judgment of Anubis
Tower of babel
Well what do ya think good or bad try to give my some tips instead of calling me a noob please.
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Fox said:
I'll update this sometime in the future, but here's a general outline:

1) Provide constructive criticism and offer help to a deck. (haven't seen this as much of a problem)

2) Explain what sort of deck it is either in the title or first few lines of the post. (again, not much of a problem)

3) Don't do anything to just push your deck down (prevent peeking to see what its about when you hover over the thread title.)

4) Do state what format your deck is. (Yu-Gi-Oh!: Advanced vs Traditional, Magic: Type 1 vs Type 2, etc.)

***To make sure everyone here reads the rules, any thread not following any of the above will be closed on the spot.


PKMN Legend Anthony

Water Gym Leader.
Make it all Spellcaster.... using 1 type of monsters is always better. and what format is this Adv/Trad/Casual? ill rate it and fix it when you tell me what format your playing (your not allowed 2 pot of greeds in either format)

D-D Dog

Beginning Trainer
sorry i was only supossed to put 1 pot of greed.
If i got all spellcasters in my deck it would be easy for someone to beat them with ryu kokki or something so im thinking about constructing my deck...
any suggestions?
What do you mean format?
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In Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG, there are two formats, Advanced and Traditional. In ADV, there is a ban list, which regulates depending on what is too "broken" for the metagame. However, in Traditional, there is no ban list, however there is a limited list (like in ADV).

I believe that both are posted in a sticky in this forum, so you should have a look.

I'll probably either post a fix later, or edit this post with one.

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