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I want to try Cloyster to see if he works in-game... Any movesets?
Probably Relaxed...

No explosion tutor sucks...

Or should I use Tentacruel/Suicune/Milotic/Starmie/Swampert?
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Well-Known Member
Cloyster @ Leftovers
Relaxed/Quiet Nature
~ Surf
~ Ice Beam
~ Spikes
~ Double-Edge/Filler

Yup, there are better Waters ingame.


I'm going to stick with Hypnosis/Recover/Surf/Ice Beam Milotic...

That will work with Tyranitar+Metagross for Sapphire Battle Tower, right??


Well-Known Member
You might have problem with an Electric.

Crypted Wolf

Well-Known Member
Cloyster @Leftovers
Nature :Bold
~ Surf
~ Ice beam
~ Rest
~ Toxic
EDIT: This set is trash go with Tazzler.

Nature: Hasty
~ Swords Dance
~ Hydro Pump / Surf
~ Ice Beam / Giga Drain
~ Sludge Bomb

Nature: Bold
~ Calm Mind
~ Ice Beam
~ Surf
~ Rest

Nature: Bold
~ Rest / Recover
~ Sleep Talk / Hypnosis
~ Surf
~ Ice Beam
Restalk or Recover + Hypnosis

Nature: Timid / Modest
~ Ice Beam
~ Surf
~ Thunderbolt
~ Recover

Nature: Relaxed / Brave
~ Earthquake
~ Rest
~ Curse / Ice Beam
~ Surf / Filler {Rock Slide or IB}


Well-Known Member
Starmie/Metagross/Snorlax seems like a solid team to me, if you can get Snorlax.


Can't get Lax... I don't think Electrics will be a problem with their frail defenses and my 2 earthquakers...
If you dont want to use Explosion, do not use Cloyster. Cloyster is used because it can Explode, Spike, Spin and take physical hits well. Forretress is a better bet, as it has a better type combo. If you want another water type use Swampert.