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Oooh, is it?
You have to get approval from the moderators.
Go to thread tools in the club section and click start new thread. Make all of the stuff, and submit it. It has to be approved from the mods first, before it can be displayed. But before you make the club, check the club index to make sure it hasn't already been made

Virtual Headache

Get an approval from a Mod and then if it accepted, make the thread in the Club section, is it that hard?
No, he has to make the club first.

The club forum is located here: http://serebiiforums.com/forumdisplay.php?f=30
Take a look at the club rules and be sure your club will fit into the rules.
Then just make a thread for your club.
It will be sent to moderation queue which means a mod will check it before and if everything is ok, they'll approve it and your thread will appear.


Oooh, is it?
No, he has to make the club first.

The club forum is located here: http://serebiiforums.com/forumdisplay.php?f=30
Take a look at the club rules and be sure your club will fit into the rules.
Then just make a thread for your club.
It will be sent to moderation queue which means a mod will check it before and if everything is ok, they'll approve it and your thread will appear.
Had it backwards then. To be honest, I never been in the section ever. :p
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