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CN Airing D/P too quickly?


ᵀᴴᴱ ᴼᴿᴵᴳᴵᴻᴬᴸ
Well, I was looking on my Tivo so I could set it to record Diamond and Pearl and I took a look at the schedule. I'm not sure if you guys know this or not, but I'll go out on a limb here and say you didn't.

The first D/P episode (forget the name) airs on June 4th
Two Degrees of Seperation airs on June 5th
When Two Worlds Collide! airs on June 6th
Dawn of a New Era airs on June 7th

All at 7:30 pm

Next week it's the same schedule,.Monday june 11th will air "Getting Twiggy With It" and the next day will air a new episode and the next day another new episode, all the way to thrusday where they air the 8th episode of D/P

Considering that we are only a few episodes behind Japan, don't you think that CN should slow down on the episodes? If CN keeps this schedule up (Not sure how long it can, with Japan only a few episodes away from us), we might have to wait very long for the next season.

The bright side to this is that it's not on Miguzi and at least has a reasonable time slot (for me of course).


I'm impatitent so I like that they air it everyday. After a hard day at school I relax and see a new episode.

Legendary Raikou

Well-Known Member
Ahh I thought they were all new this week! That sucks. But yea I dont like how they air at night now. They need to show like 2 every Saturday how they've been doing. Because showing an episode every night will last for not a long time.
This means re-runs faster...probably -_-;


Yeah, ok!
They will? Or are you joking?

Japan is only up to D/P 36.

The dub is only going to air up until D/P 30 or so before going back into reruns. That means we have about a month and a half of new eps, and then probably reruns till like October or November.

Reign G

Roggen and Rolan
Well, I am personally glad we will be having one every day, but I also am worried that we will catch up to Japan to quickly and need to show reruns until they're ahead again.


Yeah, ok!
Remember when we said after BF we'd have MONTHS OF RERUNS?

Well...where are they?

The difference is Japan had plenty of episodes ahead of us.

Japan is ONLY up to D/P 36, and with CN airing 4 new eps a week, we're going to catch up in a little over a month.

This time there is no choice but reruns.

Poke Master 7

Boulder Trainer
This remeinds me of what cartoon network did with Yu-Gi-Oh GX a while back and we got stuck with an eternity of reruns later until they got the sense to put 1 new episode a week on Saturday night. Just goes to show you that Cartoon Network doesn't learn from their past mistakes.


The difference is Japan had plenty of episodes ahead of us.

Japan is ONLY up to D/P 36, and with CN airing 4 new eps a week, we're going to catch up in a little over a month.

This time there is no choice but reruns.

Ah, I see. Ya, that's what I thought. That's the part I'm not looking forward to.


but its not going to stay that because CN did something like this with BF there just going to after a point do only one new EP per week.

once in a blue Mew

Meh, as long as they changed the OP (I hope they did, I hope they did, I hope they did...) I'm fine with seeing my precious Turtwig in the same episode over and over again.