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Collect all the things


The Blue Mew
That's rotten luck. :C
Let me know if she ever makes her way over to B/W, and I'll be happy to trade one of the shinies you listed, along with returning a clone.

kk, i will, hopefully in the near future, itll be on black, but thats if i can borrow one of my friends/sister's friends ds... :/


kk, i will, hopefully in the near future, itll be on black, but thats if i can borrow one of my friends/sister's friends ds... :/

You're welcome to PM me when/if it makes it over, and we can set up a time.


New Member
Can you give any Nature,but on the next day.Download from my Black2,its your disicion.I need Events,make me a offer when you are intressted.


The Blue Mew


Can you give any Nature,but on the next day.Download from my Black2,its your disicion.I need Events,make me a offer when you are intressted.
I'll drop you a PM with the events I'd be happy to swap for one within the next day or two. Thank you~ O:


Some people within the forums offer help with shifting pokemon from one generation to the next.
Usually for some small fee, but it's worth it if you have trouble locating another DS.


New Member
hello zombie glitch i like your text style? its cute


New Shiny Pokemon~
;320; (UT, Flawless)
:622: (Lv. 31)
;024; (Lv. 23, Japanese)
;338; (Lv. 48, Japanese)