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Collecting Items in Diamond and Pearl: A Guide


Amazing thread.

I'm an itemfinder freak, but I have never found itemfinder item location guides for past generations. If you can list where the good itemfinder items are (like the PP ups) I'd be grateful. AFAIK all itemfinder items are in set locations.


PokeFakes Expert
hey guys... i need help... i wanna find the elektro booster for evolving Electabuzz to Elekible.... can someone help me pls?
either i search hidden Rare Candy... so if someone can help i will be very thankfull ^^


Final Fantasy Fan
hey guys... i need help... i wanna find the elektro booster for evolving Electabuzz to Elekible.... can someone help me pls?
either i search hidden Rare Candy... so if someone can help i will be very thankfull ^^

You steal them off wild Elekids. Use the Poketore to find an Elekid, then keep on using Theif on them, building up your chain, until you find the Booster.


Final Fantasy Fan
if i'm right the booster is really rare on elekid?
and thanks for ur answer

EDIT: I can't use the poketore base item o.o

You have to be standing in normal grass, and you can't be on your bike.

Elekible Trainer

<--The BEST there is
They're located somewhere in Shinou. I have a pair, but I don't where I got them. They're near the top of my bag, so they must be located near the earlier towns/cities.

will you clone me a pair i have a lot of tms to trade for them and i have alot of evolution stones aswell as a load of items i will also trade a poke for them aswell


Pippi! Pi!
I've done a lot of work on the TMs/HMs, and I've added a bunch of new items and item locations. ;) I've also incorporated Diablocon's contribution too, lol.

If you tell me where to find items and I don't already know, you'll be getting credit!

I want to upload this thing to GameFAQs, but I wonder if I'm allowed. o.o


Well-Known Member
The shards are found in the underground too.

And you get the Quick Claw in the big house in Kotobuki city (The one above the Mart).

You get the Super rod by talking to the fisherman outside the gate to route 225 (Fighting Area side).

And I believe you get the Protector in the sandstorm area (Route 228?).


Legendary Collector
There are several places where your itemfinder will pick them up, and Pickup pokemon can start finding them at very low levels. I'd suggest going on a Pickup spree. ^^;

But yeah, that's an awesome list! I'll be sure to add it to my guide. :D And of course, you'll get full credit for it, Diablocon. xD

I forgot to mention that I've made some progress with the item list. ;) I've done most of the TMs and HMs now, so hopefully there won't be much left to do there, unless people find other places for them. :p

Many thanks.


Pippi! Pi!
The shards are found in the underground too.

And you get the Quick Claw in the big house in Kotobuki city (The one above the Mart).

You get the Super rod by talking to the fisherman outside the gate to route 225 (Fighting Area side).

And I believe you get the Protector in the sandstorm area (Route 228?).
Thanks! I knew the bit about the shards and the super rod, but the other two are news to me. :D Your name will go in too! ^_~


Well-Known Member
You get the Life Orb in Hard Mountain (below cave entrance)

Fire Orb Plate - Hard Mountain (far left. go down some stairs and click on the wall)
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Emperor Coordinator
Good to see that the list has grown. I'm quite pleased that the toxic/flame orb are unlimited, since several pokemon can benefit from them.


Well-Known Member

Hard Stone
Heart Scales
Star Pieces
Thunder Plate
Hot Rock

Charcoal - Route 227 in the area with 2 ponds. Its the pokeball near the right pond.

EXP Share - Given by professor's assistant after having 40 pokemon seen. Cycling road gate (Hakutai city gate).

Mystic Water - South of Nomose. Surf East and North to get to a place with no trees.

Poison Barb - Held by Subomi

Lucky Egg - Held by Chansey

Tiny Mushroom - Held by Paras

Soda pop, Lemonade and Fresh Water
- Tobari Departament Store (Floor 5 - vending machines)

Crescent Feather
- Dropped by Kureseria in Crescent Island

World Spirit Cloth - Probably somewhere on Route 224

Town Map - Deliver parcel to Rival


Nevermeltice - Regigigas' cave

Sharp Fang - Outside Battle Tower (Left Side)

Beautiful Skin - Held by Beautifly

Hooked Spikes - Held by Cacturne

Point Card - Given to you after enterig Battle Tower for the first time.

Poketore - Given to you by Prof. Oak when you complete Sinou Dex. Prof. Nanakamondo's Lab or Pal Park Entrance
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Pippi! Pi!
HUGE update. Most items have descriptions and locations. :) I'm still missing a lot of information, but it doesn't show as much. xD

Thanks so much for all your help, B.Dragon. :) You've really been helping to fill in the gaps where my own knowledge, Serebii's knowledge, and Marriland's knowledge doesn't reach. :p

I still have yet to find the location of those darn Adherence Glasses. :/ No one seems to know where they are. I've had more than one person tell me they're prizes at the battle tower, but I'm pretty sure they're confusing it with the Adherence scarf. :p


I'll help you with your items if you can answer one question!

I'm so nervous, what does Jibacoil's cry sound like?

Aww heck, I'll go ahead and help you with your list:

Items Missing:

Uh, sorry I don't have D/P, but I don't see Amulet Coin anywhere. Did they take it out?


Pippi! Pi!
I'll help you with your items if you can answer one question!

I'm so nervous, what does Jibacoil's cry sound like?

Aww heck, I'll go ahead and help you with your list:

Items Missing:

Uh, sorry I don't have D/P, but I don't see Amulet Coin anywhere. Did they take it out?
No, it's in there. :p It's in the Held items Pocket section, under miscellaneous items. You find it in the Contact Square, hiding in one of the little buildings. ;)

Edit: and I don't know what Jibacoil's cry sounds like... but I can look him up in my Pokedex to find out. xD Whatever recording I could make would sound really crappy though. :p