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Collecting Items in Diamond and Pearl: A Guide


Pippi! Pi!
could some one research this about shuckle?

Get a shuckle and give it a berry. After a while(you have to have it with you) it will turn the berry into an item called berry juice(like in GSC) and a while after that it will turn into rare candy.

This works in GSC and FR/LG and with the amount of GSC references it should work.I can't be bothered to get one myself :p.
Hmm... I don't have a shuckle, but I should get one and try that. Thanks for the suggestion!


Final Fantasy Fan
Just so you guys know, Shuko's FAQ is now being hosted on Gamefaqs. :)

However, it's only version 0.2 just now, not his most recent update.
where can i findd the item blue sky plate for Aruseus


Pippi! Pi!
where can i findd the item blue sky plate for Aruseus
I've looked everywhere I could to find that out, but I couldn't find it. :( I'll keep digging, but until someone comes up with it, all I know how to do is search for it underground. :p That's how I got my second one. xD

Update. I've added more information for the underground items. :p I put in a section for the types of treasure, gems, and traps you can find. The gems and treasure is pretty self explanatory, but I had a lot of fun trying out and translating the traps. :p I know I don't have all of them yet, but it's a good start. ;) I still have a lot of work to do on the goods though. :/


PokeTrainer Miki
where can i findd the item blue sky plate for Aruseus

i found one, its just a matter of luck. keep digging in the underground. if i find an extra one u can have it


Neverchanging Avvie
(This page should be stickied so I don't have to keep searching for it.)
I guess I'll just put it in my favorites 'cuz this guide rocks.
Much love to the creator and editors.


Pippi! Pi!
(This page should be stickied so I don't have to keep searching for it.)
I guess I'll just put it in my favorites 'cuz this guide rocks.
Much love to the creator and editors.

Thank you! :D I don't think it's necessary to sticky it though, lol. We already have so many stickies in this section. XD Besides, people always ask item questions in the help thread, and get their answers there. :p My guide isn't as easy to find as it is, lol.

Small update. I managed to find the location of the Poison Ooze plate (aboveground). It's in the Safari Zone, in the far northeast corner. :) I updated my guide for it, lol. There's a better explanation there. ;)


Pippi! Pi!
Nice hefty update. :) I've added the Poketchi functions, as well as a bunch of item locations I was missing. Also, I've added accessories, backgrounds, and berry fertilizers. :p This is pretty close to the next version that will be uploaded on GameFAQs. I just have to fix a few e's that should be é's, etc., lol.


Neverchanging Avvie
Has anyone found out what the Bone that is found underground does? Many people say its the thick club, but I stole the thick club from a Cubone and it has different characters for its name and in the text box.


Pippi! Pi!
Has anyone found out what the Bone that is found underground does? Many people say its the thick club, but I stole the thick club from a Cubone and it has different characters for its name and in the text box.
I've already said what it does. ;) It's in my item FAQ. It's nothing more than another Nugget. :p All it's good for is selling, and it even sells for the same price - 5000 big ones. :p It's NOT a thick club. It's a Precious bone.


Neverchanging Avvie
I've already said what it does. ;) It's in my item FAQ. It's nothing more than another Nugget. :p All it's good for is selling, and it even sells for the same price - 5000 big ones. :p It's NOT a thick club. It's a Precious bone.

Oh thank you I've aked that question multiple times on the help thread, guess you don't always get you answer ;) I knew I should have checked your list but I jut got half way through, then I decided to just post my question. My college finals have left me feeling too lazy to read any more black print on white paper...


Final Fantasy Fan
I've been reading over the guide, and I noticed for a lot of the berries you say "Transfer in via Pal Park", like the EV lowering berrries. However, these can be gotten in-game, I've found quite a few. I'm not sure where, but I think you get them from Pal Park. In other words, if you manage to beat your high score at Pal Park, you'll randomly recieve one of these berries. In fact, just going into Pal Park will get you a berry afterwards. Since I can't read Japanese though, I have no idea which berries I've been getting.

Also, is it true that the EV lowering berries now lower the EVs in that stat to 100, if it's greater than 100? That sounds too good to be true. :)


Pippi! Pi!
I've been reading over the guide, and I noticed for a lot of the berries you say "Transfer in via Pal Park", like the EV lowering berrries. However, these can be gotten in-game, I've found quite a few. I'm not sure where, but I think you get them from Pal Park. In other words, if you manage to beat your high score at Pal Park, you'll randomly recieve one of these berries. In fact, just going into Pal Park will get you a berry afterwards. Since I can't read Japanese though, I have no idea which berries I've been getting.

Also, is it true that the EV lowering berries now lower the EVs in that stat to 100, if it's greater than 100? That sounds too good to be true. :)
Yup. It's been tested already, lol. But as for the berries you get from Pal Park, I have no way of testing that. :( I wish I did. I'm not about to buy a Japanese gba cartridge just to try it though, lol. I've got a Wii to save for. XD

The berries need updating anyway. It seems the berry master on Rt. 208 will give you one of the berries 1-26 each day. He may give others, but so far I've only been able to confirm the ones in that range.

A person on GameFAQs told me that the lady in Nomose city also gives you berries from 53 and up, but I haven't been able to confirm that either. :p

Currently, these are the items I need help finding locations for:
Blue Sky Plate
Dragon Plate
Larva Plate
Thunder Plate
Eerie Incense
Lax Incense
Berries 27-35, 53-64
The berries you get for trading at the Pal Park
Accessory Box
Adventure Notebook
Ancient Charm
Coupons 1, 2, and 3
Power Plant Key
Room Key
Black Mustache
Blue Feather
Hikozaru Mask
Light Brown Puff
Naetoru Mask
Orange Puff
Pocchama Mask
Pokéball Flag
Red Feather
Sparkle Powder
White Feather
White Mustache
Yellow Puff
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
i got a question, found an item in the underground, called himitsu no kohaku

secret amber i suppose

anyone have any ideas about what this item does?


Pippi! Pi!
i got a question, found an item in the underground, called himitsu no kohaku

secret amber i suppose

anyone have any ideas about what this item does?
Secret Amber = Old Amber. ;) Take it to the museum in Kurogane and get the man behind the desk to revive it into an Aerodactyl. :p


Drowns in Cultness
Hi people! Where can I find exp. share in the D/P games? Thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
in the second gym city a scientist will give you one if you have seen 35 pokemon.


Pippi! Pi!
Thanks man
You can also get one if you match three numbers in the Pokemon lotto. ;)

Did you not even look at the Item FAQ? xD Thanks for the bump, btw. :p I don't like bumping my own thread without a nice chunky update to the FAQ, lol.