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Collecting Items in Diamond and Pearl: A Guide


Well-Known Member
Accessory Box - Given to you by a man after fighting in a 2 vs 2 battle against Team Galaxy in Kotobuki City.

Ancient Charm - Given to you by Shirona on rute 210 after healing the Psyducks.

Cupons 1, 2 and 3 - Answer correctly the clown's questions on Kotobuki City (don't know what cupon corresponds to each clown though).

Power Plant Key - Defeat the two Galaxy members annoying the Sweet Honey man in Sonoo Town.


Well-Known Member
does anyone know where or how to get the scarf items?

like blue/red/pink/green/yellow scarfs that increase your contest stats?

I can't find them anywhere


Pippi! Pi!
I've made quite a few updates to this. I've added in items you get from the contact plaza (both the berries and the accessories), as well as some more hidden base items.

Also, I've put in Japanese romaji for all the items I currently have or have access to. There are still a few gaps to fill, but not too many. The majority of the items I'm missing are a few odd normal ones, and plenty of secret base and contact plaza ones.

I also added in the items you can get through Pokemon battle revolution. ;)

To answer your question, eiyujpn, you get those from a person on the east side of Nomose city. Show him a pokemon whose contest stat for that particular scarf has been maxed out (for example, if you want a blue scarf, show him a pokemon whose beauty stat has been maxed out) and he'll give you a scarf for it. :)


Well-Known Member
Coronis @ The Discovery Thread Sticky said:
Once thought to be a one-off item to evolve Dusclops in the tall grass of Route 229, you can get unlimited Spirt Cloths afterall, but you'll have to capture Giratina first. Every time you visit the Return Cave after Giratina is defeated/captured, there will be an item waiting there. You must know by now that the Return Cave is like a maze, and if you manage to reach Giratina's room within 3 doors, the item will be the Spirit Cloth. Between 4 to 15 doors, you get the Precious Bone, 16 or more, just the Star Dust.

You may add this to the Spirit Cloth and Star Dust locations.


Pippi! Pi!
Welcome back and GOOD STUFF. Where have you been??
I've had surgery, and it was impossible for me to sit in front of my computer for any length of time until now. :p Thanks for asking!

Thanks, B. Dragon! I'll put that (and most of the other information you've given me) in the next version of my guide. ;)
Where do you get the bike item?
please just helpme i am desperate


I think I found another light stone via itemfinder in the Northeast Island where Battle Tower and the Sandstorm route is. I also found a spirit world cloth (the thing that evolves dusclops through trading), a nevermeltice, beautiful skin, the thing that evolves Rhydon, charcoal, this pink orb thing, and what looks like an onix's tail.

Well the good thing is, I found a second light stone. Now I can get a Togekiss.


Well-Known Member
I didn't know about this thread before, I'm so sorry Shuko. I've been posting info about items in another thread, but thanks to B.Dragon who is kind enough to drop me some lines to tell me about this thread.
I just want to share some of what I've researched.

-Accessory box ~ Kotobuki City,after a battle against Galactic Gang, a fat guy will show up to give you the box.

-Adventure Notebook ~ Futaba Town, you'll get it from Mom before leaving for your quest.

-Ancient Charm ~ Route 210, Shirona will hand it to you after healing the Psyduck flock with secret potion.

-Coupon 1 ~ from a Clown in Kotobuki City, after giving him a correct answer to his Quiz.

-Coupon 2 ~ from a Clown in Kotobuki City, after giving him a correct answer to his Quiz.

-Coupon 3 ~ from a Clown in Kotobuki City, after giving him a correct answer to his Quiz.

-Power Plant Key ~ Sonooh Flower Field, after a battle against Galactic Gang

-Room Key ~ Route 213, by using The Poketch's Item Finder along the walks somewhere near the Gate.

I have Japanese Guide Books (two versions), but there's no "Rule Book" in the list of Key Items. :( strange...I can't find it it my game too.
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Well-Known Member
Thanks for the location for the Room Key... Been looking for it for a long time... But all I got in return was a Lava Cookie from the girl...
I didn't see this mentioned:

Left side of the top of the waterfall outside victory road I used Item finder an found a plate (blue sky I believe)