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Collecting Items in Diamond and Pearl: A Guide


I read the guide before,it is REALLY Helpful!


Infinity's got 23
Pluck doesn't steal berries, or atleast not in the sense that your guide wants it to steal berries.

Pluck uses the berries effect right away.



The Effort Ribbon from R/S/E is the same as the one in D/P.

Also, there's no mention of the "National Ribbon," you get for purifying a shadow Pokemon from Colloseum/XD and transferring over, or the 100 straight wins from Mt. Battle, the, "Earth Ribbon."


Berries #61-64 are all listed as, "Transfer via Pal Park," but they're all new berries. Do you get them as a prize for a really high score, or is this just a placeholder?
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lord mada

i need a new sooth bell

i was training my togepi to evolve with :) and i told it to use metronome witch turn into fling and thats the story of how i lost my sooth bell
pm me to offer me a new one
Hey Shuko:
My linoon is 41 level and found 2 shiny stones and 1 white herb in the same place. South of Veistone city.

Where you find those items with Pickup really doesn't matter. I've found loads of Dawn, Shiny and Dusk Stones nearly anywhere I go with my Lv. 71 Linoones. XD


Blah just battle
I was thinking on getting a shiny dusclops and If I do get one the I need to know where do you get the reapers cloth?


Salingerian Phony
It's north of the Resort Area. It's in this dead-end that you need Cut to get to. (After you've caught Giratina, you can get more Reaper Cloths by going into Turnback Cave and reaching, very quickly, where Giratina used to be. A Reaper Cloth will be in a Poké Ball where Giratina once stood.)


New Member
Were do i find the Upgrade Disc?

Were do i find the Upgrade Disc for Porygon?;194;


Professor Oak gives you the Upgrade Disk in Eterna, and the reaper cloth is located in turn back cave after catching/defeating Giratina and making it back to the spot where it was by only going through three cave doors.


Well-Known Member
I thought that berries 61, 62, 63 and 64 hadn't been realeased yet because Serebii didn't metion them in the previous years.