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Colosseum Mode FAQ

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Where's my fanfare?
Note: The term 'Advance game' refers to Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire, Fire Red, and Leaf Green.

For questions on Colosseum mode in general, you'll find your answers here: http://www.serebii.net/colosseum/battle.shtml

For questions on Colosseum mode Colosseum battles, you'll find your answers here: http://www.serebii.net/colosseum/colosseum/

For questions on Colosseum mode Battle Mountain, you'll find your answers here: http://www.serebii.net/colosseum/battle-b/

Q: Will there be rental Pokemon in this game?
A: Sort of. In the battle mode under 'Battle Now', you can choose to battle the computer without using any of your own teams. There is a pool of about 6 teams in each category which one will be randomly selected for you, and another for your opponent. The categories are divided up into 1 on 1 and 2 on 2, then by level.

Q: When you battle using Fire Red/Leaf Green, what will the trainer look like?
A: Colosseum has all Advance game characters programmed in it, so they'll look like the respective trainer.
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