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Colosseum Shadow Face-off

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Belgian Waffles!!!
Rayqualza said:
Misdrevious because Psychic rules against Poison.
Misdrevious isn't phychic and sunflora isn't poison..... Misdrevious.


NW Tourney Winner
Misdreavus for the close.

Volt Tackle

6-3, Misdreavus wins. Next is Entei against Stantler.

I vote Entei.


Well-Known Member
I like Stantler, he is in my Emerald team.

The Thunderbird

Dreams come true
I use Entei on my Colosseum team so I vote for him.


Mammoth Master!
Dark Veanasaur. The one with Vibrava is OVER

I vote for Stantler. I hate Eneti. I have too many!


Cascade Trainer
Geee... tough one since I don't like any of them... *flips a canadian quarter...falls on tails* The moose gets the win !
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