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Colosseum Shadow Face-off

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NW Tourney Winner
I'll go with Quilava over Sudowoodo.

The Thunderbird

Dreams come true
Quilava, it is much better than Sudowoodo.


I vote for Sudowoodo.

Volt Tackle

;156;: 8
;185;: 3

From now on every first round poll will have 2 polls.

;159; V.S. ;357; I vote for ;357;
;162; V.S. ;207; I vote for ;162;

And By the way, the XD Face-off is one vote away from being over (at least if vote for Dragonite), if you haven't voted already, then vote. Also if either pokemon wins in that Face-Off, the XD Face-Off will have 2 polls also.


Komedic Konservationist

N00b in the dungeon!
I am afraid I cannot vote. I love all 4 of these pokemon equally, and I could never choose between them. Sorry......


NW Tourney Winner
Tropius and Furret

Nick Mckenzie

Your pairings are ridiculous... I'd go with Croconaw Vs. Bayleef.
Anyways, Tropius and Gligar. Don't hate me :(

Volt Tackle

That's ok. Every paring comes from the top of my head.

;159;: 0
;357;: 4

;162;: 2
;207;: 2
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