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Colosseum VS Arenas


When you link up and do a "gang battle", is there any way to change the arena you fight in or is it ALWAYS Pyrite Colosseum?

top 8 guy

gang battle as in with the gameboys? if so I think you can change you just have to unlock them I think.....
I don't know, but in the opening, you see differnet arenas


I don't have the option of changing arenas BUT I have NOT completed the story mode yet so that could be one of the rewards of completeing it, another arena or two.

Ugh, I sure hope I'm almost finished -_-


Ugh, I guess that would make sense -_- I use Edit Rules all the time, guess I'll try the other two.
I don't have the option of changing arenas BUT I have NOT completed the story mode yet so that could be one of the rewards of completeing it, another arena or two.

Ugh, I sure hope I'm almost finished -_-
I've completed Colloseum and all I get is Pyrite Colloseum, but I will change the rules and see what happens.


Well-Known Member
I dunno. I've always battled in Pyrite


Yeah Baby!
Go to battle mode
choose solo battle
then go to colosseum battle
then enter your pokemon for each stadium.
When you beat the stadium on single and double, it should be unlocked