If you don't have the time to read it all. Copy & paste it then print it.
NOTE:Some names of cities are translated from Japanese to English.
[W1.1] Train town and Fenas city.
After viewing the beginning cut-scene of your rascally character zooming
on the hover bike thingy you will be in a small town consisting on a
single locomotive which serves as a bar/restaurant sort of combination.
You will not be able to leave the town so head on into the building.
You will see the TV program and then you can walk out as there is
nothing really in here you need to do. When you exit a guy with pink
hair will come out and chase you and have a match with you. You start
out the game with the psychic type pokemon Espeon at Lvl 25 and the
dark type pokemon Umbreon at Lvl 26.
Starting pokemon:
Umbreon Lvl 26 (Dark)
Move 1: Bite
Move type: Dark
Accuracy: 100
Move Power: 60
PP: 25
Effects: There is a 30% chance of the opponent flinching when hit.
Move 2: Secret Power
Move type: Normal
Accuracy: 100
Move Power: 70
PP: 20
Effects: There is a 30% chance of causing a stat Effect on the
opponent depending on the battle location.
Move 3: Taunt
Move type: Dark
Accuracy: 100
Move Power: ---
PP: 20
Effects: Makes opponent use attack moves only.
Move 4: Snatch
Move type: Dark
Accuracy: 100
Power: ---
PP: 10
Effects: Steals any positive status affects opponent pokemon uses.
Espeon Lvl 25 (Psychic)
Move 1: Confusion
Move type: Psychic
Accuracy: 100
Move Power: 50
PP: 25
Effects: There is a 10% chance of confusing the foe.
Move 2: Return
Move type: Normal
Accuracy: 100
Power: ---
PP: 20
Effects: The more the pokemon likes you, the stronger this move will be.
Move 3: Reflect
Move Type: Psychic
Accuracy: ---
Move Power: ---
PP: 20
Effects: Doubles defense thereby taking .05 damage from all normal attacks.
Move 4: Helping Hand
Move type: Normal
Accuracy: 100
Power: ---
PP: 20
Effects: Boosts allied pokemon's attack by 50% for one turn.
Trainer Willie's pokemon:
Zigzagoon Lvl 24
Zigzagoon Lvl 24
A far cry from the Lvl 2 pokemon faced at the beginning of a Gameboy
pokemon game these pokemon are both normal type. Use Espeon's Confusion
and Umbreon's Bite to kill them. The Zigzagoon hit with the confusion
will probably die in one hit or at least have only a few HP left. The
bite from Umbreon should take about 55% of the other Zigzagoon's HP.
Use the moves again as necessary.
When you beat this trainer head left and you will exit this one engine
town. (LOL ONE ENGINE TOWN! HAHAHA! Get it? Cuz there is only... one... thing
that's a train engine and...Oh forget it.)
Go to the town on the left of the one you are at which will now be
[W1.2] Fenas city.
Upon arriving you will see two team (Shadow?) grunts moving a wiggling
bag. One of them will notice you and they will drop the bag and a
battle will ensue.
Shady guy folly:
Whismur Lvl 25
Whismur Lvl 25
Another easy battle. Espeon's confusion should take one out in one hit
while Umbreon's bit severely injures the other. Finish it off with
another confusion or bite.
Cut-scene time! TADAA! The bag they were carting contained...a girl? WOW
WHAT DO YOU KNOW! A sidekick! After some dialogue you will be able to
name your new sidekick. I named her Kessy so when and if I refer to a
Kessy in this guide it is the partner. Now you have a pre-teen girl
following you around wherever you go. Scary. Her name is Rui but you can
name her whatever you want. Mom won't let you have a pet? She is
the next best thing!
Go north past the fountain and the castform(the ghost looking thing) going around it and head up the stairs. After you go up the stairs go left and across the little walkway to the house which is the mayor's office. When you get close to the door a lady with really freaky hair will come out and say a few lines and walk off. Head inside the door and the mayor will say some
stuff. Then head back outside. If you need to heal your pokemon go back
south then left to the pokemon center. Otherwise head further north
past the kid with the Jigglypuff. Go into the door and talk to the
trainers on the left and right and head back out. A battle should start with a few Team grunts.
Snatch member Wakin:
Corprish Lvl 25
Koffing Lvl 25
Another easy battle. Use confusion on Koffing to kill him right away
and use bite on Corprish. Then use another bite/confusion on him to
finish him. Battle over. Yawn
After that they will run away, and you can do one of two things; look
around like I did and take 20 minutes to figure out what to do. Or you
could read this and head back to the one engine town by going to the
shop and talking to the woman with the long hair in the back of the
shop then heading south and going out the gate and choosing the first
town you were in. Go into the train engine and talk to the bartender.
You will be able to buy stuff from him including antidotes, Healing
items, and more. But most importantly is he will give you 5 pokeballs!
Hooray! You can finally capture dark pokemon!
I would advise buying 9 great balls
20 pokeballs bought in 10 pokeball increments so as to get free premier
balls and then use the rest of your money on antidotes and Prz heals.
Head back to the waterfall town and after the lady in pink stops
gabbing at you, go north and then west and enter the mayor's office.
*Gasp!* WHAT THE HECK IS EATING THAT MAN'S HEAD! Oh...its his hair.
Nice afro. And what are they doing here? BAD GUYS!
WOMEN AND CHILDREN FIRST. Kill them! A battle will now start.
Mirror B peon Folley:
Whismur Lvl 26
Lotad Lvl 25
Easy enough. Use confusion on the Whismur and bite on the Lotad to
destroy this grunts team. Ho w droll.
Now the other grunt will step up.
Mirror B peon Trudly:
Duskull Lvl 25
Spinarak Lvl 25
Makuhita Lvl 30 (Shadow pokemon)
Not that hard. Use your psychic type confusion to 1HKO the bug type
Spinarak and use bite on Duskull.
Now he sends out his Lvl 30 Makuhita! What's this? Your partner shows
up and tells you it's a dark pokemon. What do you know! It is a dark
pokemon. You can catch dark pokemon! So use Bite on Duskull to finish
him off. Use your second move, which is the one on the top-right, to
injure Makuhita. You don't want to kill him here. You want to bring his
HP low so you can capture it. Use bite on it a few more times while
using the call out command on your Espeon. Once its HP is low use the
button to the right of the attack button and that will bring up the
items menu. Hit right and you should have 5 pokeballs there. Use one on
the weakened Makuhita to capture it. If it gets out of the ball use
You just beat both of them. They will run away
Go to the trainer school and talk to the teacher and get your PDA.
Now if you want to fight a few more trainers you can talk to the old
man in the south east of town or the roller-skater in the east. If not
you can head to a gate and fight the gate guard there to get through.
You can fight the gate guard on the east side of town for an
opportunity to catch the fire pokemon Quilava, the south gate guard for
the opportunity to catch the water pokemon Crocanaw, or the west gate
guard for an opportunity to catch the grass pokemon Bayleaf.
Battle Red/Blue/Green Trooper!
Note. I advise saving before this battle in case you kill the dark
pokemon as it is a very valuable pokemon to catch as a female if
you plan on breeding it.
Bayleaf/Crocanaw/Quilava Lvl 30
Grimer Lvl 26
Spoink Lvl 24
Use confusion on the Grimer to KO him and bring out Spoink, while using
bite on quilava/bayleaf/crocanaw to weaken it. Use bite on the Starter
to weaken it further while hitting the Spoink with Return. Use bite
again to bring the dark pokemon down to very low HP and finish of
Spoink with another Return. The dark pokemon should be in the red in HP
or at most the low yellow. Use a pokeball on it while using a potion on
your pokemon if you have it to strengthen it, or using call out to keep
it from killing the dark one.
Battle over! You got another pokemon! You are a lucky person. Watch the
gate guard hold his head in agony and defeat, then scamper away like a
whipped dog.
Save if you got the starter, don't if you didn't. If you didn't get it
hit that reset button and try again. Once you have it and are done head
out the gate and to the next town over.
Construction site.
What a mess. Nothing doing here. Head to the next town.
[W1.3] Pyrite town
Gee what a dumpy town. It isn't nearly as pretty as the other one. Oh
well. Watch the person in the ridiculous blue hat talk to the other
person. After that ends there are some things to do in this town.
Directly ahead of you is the fortune telling shop. Go in there if you
want to see a cross between Katt Monroe of Starfox and Leia Organa from
Otherwise there isn't much to do in there.
Go in the shop across the street and up a bit and the person with the
stupid blue hat will run into you causing him to wobble like a drunken
man. Go out and go up on to see a house with some old geezers in it. Go
out and head up to get to the shop and you can buy stuff there
including hyper potion. It heals 200 HP per potion. Sweetness. Go
across the street to see a really big guy in that building. Or just go
north to reach the hotel on the left side of the street. For 100 bucks
you can have a room to heal your pokemon. Otherwise go outside or run
around inside and go into people's bedrooms. Go out and talk to the
girl there to battle her.
Battle: Chaser Emok
Gulpin Lvl 27
Zubat Lvl 27
Not to hard of a fight. Use Espeon's confusion here to kill Zubat and
Gulpin. And if you want to use your dark pokemon to make them less dark
now would be a good time.
End battle. What's that ahead of you? A large target with trainers!
Cool! Time to get some Exp. And lose some darkness!
Fight the one on the right first.
Battle: Male trainer
Skitty Lvl 28
Misdreavous Lvl 30 (Shadow)
Zigzagoon Lvl 28
A bit of a tough battle.
Here you will fight one of my old favorites Misdreavous from the
gold/silver days. Use confusion on Skitty and Zigzagoon. Use bite on
Misdreavous. If you want have your dark pokemon out here to make them
become less dark. It's probably best though you don't have your Espeon
out and Misdreavous's shadow ball will destroy him. Weaken Misdreavous
and capture it,
Male trainer
Senret Lvl 25
Swellow Lvl 25
Slakoth Lvl 26
Easy battle. Confusion the Senret and bite the Swellow. Repeat to kill
them. Take out the slayoth with a confusion and a bite attack.
Battle over
Rider Liba
Skiploom Lvl 30 (Shadow)
Oddish. Lvl 26
Dustox Lvl 26
Bite or confusion the Oddish and Dustox to death.
Weaken the Skiploom and capture it. Not very hard.
Bandana guy Divel
Psyduck Lvl 29
Quagsire Lvl 30 (Shadow)
Easy. Bite the Psyduck out of existence and weaken the Quagsire and
capture it. Piece of rum cake.
Roller boy Lon
Slugma (Shadow)
Lots of fighting to do here. You can fight the rest
of the trainers and try to catch their dark pokemon
or you can continue on. When you want to go on, go to
the end of town, across the bridge and talk to the
colosseum lady. Then go to the very beginning of town
and talk to the guy there. and you will battle him.
Ralts: Lvl 28
Furret Lvl 33 (Shadow)
Machop Lvl 30
Seedot Lvl 27
Just bite the Ralts once to kill him and use
confusion to KO Machop. Use confusion on the Seedot and bite the
Furret down to low HP and catch it.
A cut-scene will trigger.
Wow big hair is talking to freaky hair VIA videophone...
Now head to the house south of the hotel and talk to the
buff guy and the kid and then open the door behind the
bookshelf and talk to the kids there. When you exit another
kid will be talking to the buff guy and then will leave. Head
over to the windmill and a cut-scene will trigger as a guy
staggers out and collapses. Run inside and the other guy
will be on the floor too. Talk to him and a cut-scene will
trigger and that cop will run in. You will notice the
gears are not turning anymore. It seems one of them was
taken. Now you have to get it back. Head over to the
construction site.
[W1.4] Construction site
When you get there head up and right to find a shiny
gear. Now you can keep it just for you because you obviously
have a lot of use for it. Or you could return it to the
windmill. Head back to Pyrite Town.
Pyrite town
Run into the windmill
and the buff guy and the windmill guy will be talking. Run up
to the axle that is missing the gear and press A to open
your inventory. You will automatically be on the gear so
just press A till you put it back on. TADA! The windmill
is going again! At this point head north to the computer and
save. Talk to the lady and just keep hitting A and you will go
through into the run down colosseum and a battle will start.
Trainer 1
Barboach Lvl 30
Sandshrew Lvl 31
Sandshrew goes down in a couple of bites from Umbreon and
Barboach will die to a few dark rushes or confusions.
Battle over.
Battle 2!
Trainer 2
Natu Lvl 30
Meditite Lvl 30
Natu being psychic will go down easily to Umbreon's bite,
while Meditite will go down to confusion.
Battle end!
Battle 3!
Trainer 3
Electrike Lvl 30
Cacnea Lvl 31
Cacnea goes down to a fire attack if you got Quilava or
a poison attack if you have it. You don't have a ground
type pokemon so use Maganium if you go it against
Electrike or use confusion or bite on him to get the STAB
damage in as he is resistant to neither.
Use confusion/bite/dark rush/ if you have it to finish
off Vulpix.
End battle 3!
Battle 4!
Trainer 4
Bagon Lvl
Goldeen Lvl 32
Magnemite Lvl 31
Delibird Lvl 32
Bagon goes down to a confusion or a bite or two and
Goldeen will go down in the same. Magnemite will go
down to a fire move if you have Quilava or earthquake
if you have it and Delibird goes down to a confusion
or two. Battle 4 end!
you just beat the colosseum in this city! You rock!
Upon exiting head south after collecting your cash
prize and meet the shadow grunt on the bridge. A
cut-scene will play and that door will finally open.
The shadow grunt will take you somewhere and some
chick will say something to the grunt and he will
battle you.
Cypher peon nore:
Shadow grunt
Yanma Lvl 33 (Shadow)
Pineco Lvl 32
Nincada Lvl 31
Surskit Lvl 32
Pineco goes down in a couple bites and Nincada
goes down to a confusion as does Surskit. Weaken
Yanma and capture it with a pokeball.
End battle!
Now your partner will talk to the buff guy and
some kids who came in after the grunts flee.
After they leave pick up the shiny notebook
next to you. Go through the building fighting
trainers as you go.
Trainer 1:
Phanpy Lvl 31
Trapinch Lvl 32.
Trapinch goes down in 2 confusions and Phanpy
will be hurt badly by a couple bites.
Roller boy pike:
Taillow Lvl 33
Hoothoot Lvl 34
A couple bites and returns will do
the trick here. It isn't to hard.
Now you have access to the computer and
healing machine. Use them.
Head up the stairs.
Bandana guy Geats:
Pupitar Lvl 31
Carvahna Lvl 32
Barboach Lvl 32
Pupitar and Carvahna are dark so keep Espeon
out of this one. Pupitar will go down in a
couple bites and Carvahna in a few dark rushes.
Barboach goes down in a combination of dark rushes
and bites easily.
Hunter Geare:
Remoraid Lvl 33
Magnemite Lvl 32
Confusion and bite Remoraid to finish her then smokescreen
and confusion magnemite to death. Mahukita's vital throw and
Cross chop work wonders on Magnimite.
Now you can go the first left turn and fight the brute
or go through the door and fight the kid if you want
some pokeballs from the case,
Bandana guy Loba: (kid)
Wingull Lvl 32
Whooper Lvl 33
confusion whooper to bring him down to very low HP
or kill him and bite Wingull to KO her. Finish whooper
if you need to.
Body-builder Akmen: (brute)
Electrike Lvl 31
Voltorb Lvl 31
Confusion Voltorb to bring his HP to yellow and bite
Electrike to do the same. Once more to finish them.
Go up he stairs for another floor of trainers.
Rider Raleen:
Doduo Lvl 32
Ledyba Lvl 32
Swablu Lvl 31
Ledyba should be smitten with your bite and Doduo
will be KO'd by a confusion. Swablu will get his
HP halved by a confusion and Ledyba should be
about dead now to your bite attacks. Once more
to crush them both.
Hunter Tura:
Spheal Lvl 31
Snorunt: Lvl 32
Bite Snorunt and confusion Spheal twice. Battle ended.
Go into the second door to collect the prize from the
box. Yay! A revive! ^_^ Fight the next trainer.
Hunter Toti:
Horsea Lvl 31
Oddish Lvl 32
Sandshrew Lvl 32
Hit Oddish with confusion to KO him and hit Horsea
with bite to KO him. Confusion Sandshrew to bring him
to like 1 HP if not kill him and if he doesn't die
have a bite finish him. End battle!
Next room. Next trainer.
Bodybuilder Elidi:
Cacnea Lvl 32
Tentacool Lvl 33
Confusion Cacnea and finish it with bite.
do a confusion and a bite on Tentacool to finish it.
Go onto the next room. Go upstairs and you are
outside again...only on the roof! Go in the
door to find that kid you saw earlier on the
ground quivering at the feet of two shadow
grunts. *sigh* Better save him.
Mirror B Peon Reath:
Remoraid Lvl 20 (Shadow)
Spinarak Lvl 33
Luvdisk Lvl 32
First confusion the Spinarak to KO it in one hit.
Confusion the Luvdisk and hit the Remoraid with
the weakest thing you have. Preferably a fire
pokemon so it is not effective otherwise you
will KO it and not catch it. Secret power works
well also. Do another confusion to finish the
Luvdisk. Catch the Remoraid. End battle.
Mirror B peon Ferma:
Mantine Lvl 33 (Shadow)
Aipom Lvl 32
Furret Lvl 31
Yanma Lvl 33
confusion the Aipom to heck and bite the
Mantine to injure it a small amount. Repeat
till it is low on HP and capture it. Confusion
the Furret to death. Confusion or fire spin the
Yanma to death. End battle.
Now the shadow grunts will flee. Run up and talk
to the kid. The big haired guy will appear on
the screen. Use the elevator to get downstairs
and pick up the item and go through the door.
Save at the computer. Head back up to the rooftop
and enter that cave. Battle the trainer to get in.
[W1.5] Pyrite Cave
Hunter Doken:
Quilfish Lvl 33 (Shadow)
Goldeen Lvl 33
Linoon Lvl 33
If your Espeon is Lvl 31 or under use confusion
on the Quilfish to severely injure it. Bite
Goldeen twice to kill it.
Enter the cave and make your way to the end.
Go downstairs. You can fight trainers on
the way if you want or you can sneak past them.
Trainer 1:
Koffing Lvl 32
Ralts Lvl 31
Shroomish Lvl 32
Confusion Koffing and bite Ralts to KO them
both in one hit. Confusion and bite Shroomish to
finish the match.
Go down the tunnel and you can either go north
or up the stairs.
***Up the stairs***
Follow the tunnel and fight the pink clad trainer
or sneak past her.
Trainer 2:
Geodude Lvl 32
Lotad Lvl 31
Snorunt Lvl 32
Slakoth Lvl 31
Confusion Geodude to OHKO him and bite Lotad to hurt him.
Confusion and bite Snorunt to KO him then confusion Slakoth
and bite Lotad to finish him. Finish the sloth with
Walk past the kid and continue on. Get the Ultra balls and
go back downstairs and up and fight the trainer.
Trainer 3:
Meditite Lvl 33 (Shadow)
Bagon Lvl 33
Numel Lvl 32
Confusion Bagon to KO him in one hit and bite Meditite.
Bite Numel to half his HP and finish him with a confusion.
Weaken Meditite and capture it.
Now you can go right or left. Going left for now. Go down
the stairs. WATER! At any rate go left across the bridge.
Rider Sosh:
Dunsparce Lvl 33(Shadow)
Mareep Lvl 34
Cacnea Lvl 34
Confusion Mareep and bite Dunsparce. Repeat to KO Mareep
and make dunsparce's HP low.
Secret power Cacnea to make it die. Capture Dunsparce and
kill Cacnea. End battle.
Go to the end of the bridge and use the healing machine
and save at the computer then go upstairs.
Hug the wall going north and fight the trainer at the end
near the stairs.
Hunter Zalo:
Swablu Lvl 33 (Shadow)
Lotad Lvl 31
Beldum Lvl 32
Lombre Lvl 32
Confusion the Swablu and bite the Lotad. Repeat. Catch the Swablu.
The Swablu should be at very low HP. confusion the Lombre
and bite/fire spin the Beldum. rinse. Lather. Repeat. End battle.
Head downstairs. WATER! Anyways head north.
FIESTAAAAAAA! Go up and break up the Salsa party appreciation
day and you will find Mirabo/Miror B with his pokemon. Approach
mister salsa and throw off his groove.
Mirabo/Miror B:
Ludicolo Lvl 31
Ludicolo Lvl 28
Ludicolo Lvl 30
Ludicolo Lvl 29
Sodowoodoo Lvl 35 (Shadow)
Return one and secret power the other.
Secret power to finish him and use whatever to
finish the other. Dark rush is your friend in this match.
Dark rush the next few that should be lower levels.
If you caught your Noctowl then USE IT! its fly is
invaluable here. Catch Sodowoodoo. Bite and secret
power shall weaken him!
End battle! Get the TM 49 from the box and go up
through the door. GET THE MACHO BRACE from the northeast corner
THEN approach Plusle.
Trigger cut-scene. After some talking Plussle will jump in
your pockets. Its yours. Now exit town.
But wait. The fortune teller will call you and talk to her
and she will say something or other. Now exit town and
go north!
[W1.6] Agate Village.
Go to the big house and your partner will
run to her grandparents.
Their real names are Eagun and Beluh...Yeah.
After some talking a
boy will come in. The old man will follow the boy out.
Go out and head right and make your way down and end up
going into a cave. A girl will see you and walk up.
She will fight you
Cipher peon Doven:
Spheal Lvl 33
Carvahna Lvl 34
Confusion Spheal and bite Carvahna. Repeat.
You win. Easy. The girl will cry. >_>...the wimp...
She will run off afterwards. Proceed into the cave.
Cipher peon Silton:
Shroomish Lvl 34
Cacnea Lvl 34
confusion Shroomish and bite Cacnea. Repeat. You win!
He leaves. Proceed farther. Ahh the exit...HUH! A girl
drops in front of you.
Cipher peon Kass:
Ralts Lvl 35
Baltoy Lvl 35
Kirlia Lvl 35
Bite Ralts to 1HKO him and return Baltoy.
Bite Kirlia to KO her. and return Baltoy again.
You win! Hooray!
Go out and you are on an overgrown place with
lots of clover.
Head up. Some idiot decides to fight the old man and
his pikachu.
Pika is 12 levels higher. Surely he can't beat the old man.
But what is this...dark rush? Poor pika *_*. You will run up.
Now he will fight you! The fool! You have fury!
Cipher peon Skrub:
Geodude Lvl 35
Hitmontop Lvl 38 (Shadow)
Clampearl Lvl 36
Wynaut Lvl 37
Confusion Geodude to death and use a secret power/bite on
Hitmontop till he is at low HP. kill his Clampearl with
your Flaffy if you have it. Use bite/return on Wynaut to KO him.
You win. Tough battle. He will leave, dropping a notebook.
Now you are back in the grandparents home. Head down to the
beginning dock and head left. Go around the bend and into
the cave. Open the cases to get a couple pokeballs.
Go to the shop with the large wooden pokeball sign and
into the house southeast of it.
A wobuffet at the table. Cool. Anyways Talk to the old
man on the couch and select yes when asked something.
Go back to the house with your partener's grandparents in
it and talk to them and they will give you something.
You now try to leave. HUH! YOUVE GOT MAIL! Break out the
PDA and read it on the second option. Head out of town.
[W1.7] Battle Mountain
Head to the sixth area and enter the building. Save and
heal your pokemon and enter the main door. Go forwards
and you will enter a series of battles.
Battle 1!
Rider Turo:
Trapinch Lvl 35
Numel Lvl 34
Sandshrew Lvl 35
Bite Numel and confusion Trapinch. Repeat
Bite Sandshrew and confusion him.
End battle.
Battle 2!
Rider Drovic:
Swinub Lvl 35
Baltoy Lvl 36
Pupitar Lvl 37
Bite Baltoy. Repeat.
Bite Pupitar twice to kill it and use your Noctowl's fly
on Swinub. Battle end.
Battle 3!
Rider Kimit:
Sandshrew Lvl 36
Geodude Lvl 36
Numel Lvl 36
Confusion Geodude and bite Sandshrew. Repeat.
Watch out for Geodude's magnitude.
Bite Numel and dark rush him.
Battle over!
Battle 4!
Rider Riden:
Pineco Lvl 35
Baltoy Lvl 35
Houndour Lvl
Graveler Lvl 37
Confusion Pineco and bite Baltoy. Repeat.
Bite Graveler and return Houndour. Repeat.
End battle.
Battle 5!
Trainer Telia:
Trapinch Lvl 38
Lileep Lvl 36
Barboach Lvl 36
Trapinch Lvl 38
Bite Lileep and confusion Trapinch. Repeat
confusion Barboach. Repeat.
Bite Trapinch.
You win.
Battle 6!
Sr. Performer Nortz:
Cacnea Lvl 37
Spinda Lvl 37
Kadabra Lvl 37
Bite Spinda and confusion Cacnea.
Confusion Cacnea again and bite Spinda.
Bite Kadabra and confusion Spinda.
End battle!
Battle 7!
Hunter Weeg:
Graveler Lvl 36
Vibrava Lvl 37
Sandslash Lvl 37
Confusion vibrava and bite Graveler.
Confusion Sandslash and bite vibrava.
End battle.
Battle 8!
Cipher peon Kison:
Houndour Lvl 37
Koffing Lvl 37
Duskull Lvl 36
Kirlia Lvl 36
Confusion Koffing and secret power Houndour.
Bite Duskull and return Houndour.
Bite Kirlia and return her.
Battle 9!
Cipher Peon Berin:
Geodude Lvl 36
Geodude Lvl 36
Sandslash Lvl 38
Bite Geodude #1 and confusion Geodude # 2.
Bite Sandslash. Hes down. You win. I would
go back and save and heal now.
Battle 10!
Cipher Admin Dakim:
Golem Lvl 38
Meting Lvl 37
Swampert Lvl 36
Camerupt Lvl 38
*Entie* Lvl 40 (Shadow)
This will be by far the hardest battle yet
so open it all up. And if you kill Entie
hit that reset button. You must catch him!
Psybeam or confusion on golem and bite Metang.
Psybeam Swampert and bite Metang or use ember
if you have Quilava.
Bite Camerupt and dark rush Swampert.
Use Misdreavous's shadow ball on Camerupt and bite Entie.
After you catch Entie SAVE! As soon as you can.
Now watch the admin leap to safety outside of the camera's view.
One can only assume he is dead because we are directly above
a chasm several hundred feet above solid and jagged rocks...
>_> Anyways...
Pick up the hidden item on the ground next to you
and talk to the guy that got pasted to the floor before you
fought the huge bad guy. You will end up in the pkmn center
place before the 10 platforms. He will give you an item
that will allow you to call Celebi and on the right is a
box which contains TM47. Save and retrieve your Entie from
the PC. Just to make sure...save twice. Entie may be weak
for a legendary but he is still very strong. Head back to
Agate Village.
Agate Village
Go forwards and the old man will
see you. He will say some junk
or other to your partner and
then go to the cave with the river in it. It is down the ramp
to the left of the pkmn center. Go through and reach the
little pillar thing. Stop and listen to the music and birds
chirping if you want to, if not hit the A button on the pillar.
Select a pokemon that has its dark bars gone and is dark.
BANG! Its not dark anymore! Wow and you can even name it and
it levels up too! Time to purify all your best pokemon.
And you might want to pick up the notebook that guy with the
Hitmontop dropped beforehand. You might want to head back to the
pkmn center and withdraw any pokemon you may have gotten the
dark bars gone from and purify them. If not... Fight the kid
outside the pkmn center.
Swellow Lvl 39
Rhyhorn Lvl 39
Sunflora Lvl 40
Might I suggest you use your Entie here to lower his dark bar.
Dark rush Swellow and use Misdreavous if you have it or Espeon.
Either one should use Psybeam. Use Quilava if you have it to
kill Sunflora or shadow ball if you have Misdreavous...or
just dark rush with a dark pkmn...
Now go east of the pkmn center and talk to the girl. When you
have a choice choose the bottom option and she will give you
a cologne case.
Heal and save. Now I would suggest going somewhere and fighting
a lot to lower your pkmn's dark bars and/or gain exp.
When you are ready to go on talk to your partener's grandfather
and the old man outside the entrance to the village. Then when
you go out a new area should be open in the middle.
[W1.8] ??? lab.
Go there and you won't be able to do anything but you will get an
Email. Head back to Pyrite city..
Pyrite city
Head over to the house with the secret room behind the bookshelf
and go in the secret room. Talk to them and then leave for the
police station. Walk up to the table in the side room and press
A to get the key to the jail cell. walk up to the nearby cell
with two prisoners and press A on the door and choose the bottom
item in the list it opens to which should be your key. Walk up to
the sleeping guy and press A to plunder a key. Head to the large
building at the north of town right of the bridge before you cross
it. Go right and go to the door and get the key which is now the
bottom item on the list it opens up to when you select the door.
Go down the elevator. YAY!...A slum city place...names Andaa...
Oh well. a cut-scene will trigger going into the city and you will
see the city and a run down TV with the reporter woman on it.
Then some woman with gold wing looking things and weird hair
sticking out sideways. At any rate skip past all this. Head south
and then west to find a vending machine like those on top of the
goldenrod, celadon, or Lilycove dept stores in the Gameboy games.
You can buy water, soda pop, or lemonade here. Lemonade is the
best because it is $350 and it heals 80 HP. Head back right and up
to where you were and then head left past the woman and down the
stairs. Go into the shop. You can buy a lot of stuff here
Such as:
Hyper potion $1,200 Heals 200 HP
Max potion $2,500 Heals all HP
Full restore $3,000 Heals all HP and all stats.
Full heal $600 Heals all status
Revive $1,500 Revives a fainted pokemon
And some TMs:
TM10 Hidden power $3,000
TM14 Blizzard $5,500
TM15 Hyper beam $7,500
TM16 Light screen $3,000
TM17 Protect $3,000
TM20 Safeguard $3,000
TM25 Thunder $5,500
TM33 Reflect $3,000
TM38 Fire blast $5,500
This is some good stuff here!
Head outside and south. Go left at the bottom and go into the
hotel. Head upstairs and out the door south. Head east and into the
poke center place and downstairs and talk to the kid. You will get
a part. Head back outside to see another cut-scene. Head back to
where the shop is and head west up the stairs. Talk to the kid and
go inside. Head downstairs. Some talking will take place after
which you should talk to the kid with no hat. Then head outside.
They will ask about your PDA and get the equivalent of your phone
number like on the g/s/c games so they can call you. Head east and
you will see that kid again tied up again. Go save his butt...again.
Shadow grunt:
Ledyba Lvl 40 (Shadow)
Spinarak Lvl 39
Volbeat Lvl 38
Confusion Ledyba to hurt him about a third of his HP.
Dark rush Spinarak to take half of his HP.
Repeat and Spinarak should die.
Catch Ledyba and kill the rest. Dark rush/return Volbeat to death.
Shadow grunt
Arados Lvl 38
Illumise Lvl 40
Gloom Lvl 39
Use fire if you have Quilava. Or use whatever. Dark rush and dark
moves work well. Shadow ball will do well also. The bugs will
kill your Espeon so keep it out of this one.
Fire and ice work well on gloom.
Talk to the kid in the prison VIA the indent on the side and he
will give you something. Now would be a good time to save.
Head north to the hovering hologram thing and press A. It should
Be on an Item labeled R and UFO and stuff. Choose that.
Head up to the hover thing and hitch a ride and then go forwards.
Go inside. NOTE!: You should save your game before this battle
as there is a dark Suicune which is one of the legendary dogs.
You can't miss this one! I would also advise that you head back to
the outskirts train shop and buy some net balls as these are more
effective than an ultra ball on Suicune.
If you are ready head inside.
Head inside to see the press there filming that lady. Go into the
room south to find 3 rare candies in a box! Sweetness! Talk to
the jeweled lady to fight her.
Cipher admin Venus:
Delcatty Lvl 45
Banette Lvl 45
Steelix Lvl 45
Vileploom Lvl 44
Suicune Lvl 40 (Shadow)
Your Umbreon will do well against Banette so use faint attack on it.
Use Hitmontop or Makuhita against Delcatty. Beware banette's
shadow ball as Espeon. Use Entie's fire blast against Steelix.
Use the same on Vileploom. use faint attack/bite on Suicune.
Or use secret power to take a small amount of HP away from it
and possibly paralyze it... which is very good to do.
Sunny day is also very useful.
After beating her she will run away as will the rest of the people
around. Pickup the notebook on the desk and get the TM45 from
above the stairs. Now follow her down the stairs. The cheater
took an elevator. Head back into the door and east up the stairs
that are through the door. A poke center. Save! Now head back out
where you saw her go down the elevator and take the rightmost door.
Head down the stairs battling trainers.
Hunter Frena:
Teddiursa Lvl 37
Jigglypuff Lvl 36
Gilgar Lvl 43 (Shadow)
Shroomish Lvl 35
Entie will take out jiggly with a fire blast and Teddiursa
with the same. Gilgar will be injured by a dark rush
from your new Suicune. Fire from Entie or Quilava will
destroy Shroomish as will Espeon's psychic moves. Capture gligar.
Battle 2!
Chaser Liaks:
Kirlia Lvl 37
Gloom Lvl 36
Roseleia Lvl 38
Stantler Lvl 43 (Shadow)
Entie's fire blast will toast gloom and Kirlia will die in
a single faint attack.
Toast the flower with a fire blast!
Hit Stantler with bite to weaken it and capture it.
Battle 3!
Bodybuilder Lonia:
Masquerain Lvl 39
Dunsparce Lvl 39
Octilery Lvl 38
Piloswine Lvl 43 (Shadow)
Use psybeam on Masquerain and faint attack on Dunsparce.
Use dark rush if you want. It works ok for the most part
here. Octilery falls victim to Bayleaf if you got it or
an electric move. Hit Piloswine with faint attack a
few times.
Battle 4!
Rider Nelis:
Corsola Lvl 41
Sneasle Lvl 43 (Shadow)
Loudred Lvl 41
Seviper Lvl 40
Bite works well at chipping down Sneasle's health without
killing him so that a good thing to use. Use shadow ball
on Corsola or use Suicune's dark rush to further lower its
dark bars. Psybeam will KO Seviper. Loudred will die to
Hitmontop if you have it or perhaps a psybeam.
Go inside. Go in the far end of the train and then out the
other side after getting the item north of the train.
Now she will flee like the coward that she is but she will
drop the key outside the door. I first thought this was very poor
programming of water dripping on the floor which was treated
as an object and you couldn't walk through it. But the sparkly
thing is really the key. Grab it. Cool you now have the key
to a large and powerful vehicle inside...SO START IT UP!!!!
Wow! New area...head left and see two grunts...They run off
and suddenly blow the door. Head right of the door all the way
to the end and get the up UFO key.
Head inside. What do you know. A hole. The grunts will run off
and then to your right is another sparkly thing on the ground.
Get it! Head the train back to the first station.
GO up the long stairs back to the top. All the way back to the
room where you fought the shadow exec and outside. Go back
one that hover platform and then use the UFO disks to go on.
If you use the UFO disk you just got you would think it would take
you on but instead the up disk takes you up to the second Celebi
flute. You need the disk you got some time ago to go on. The F disk.
Head into the Colosseum and SAVE! You've been here before! Now use
the elevator! Head south to exit. Head to the middle area.
NOTE:Some names of cities are translated from Japanese to English.
[W1.1] Train town and Fenas city.
After viewing the beginning cut-scene of your rascally character zooming
on the hover bike thingy you will be in a small town consisting on a
single locomotive which serves as a bar/restaurant sort of combination.
You will not be able to leave the town so head on into the building.
You will see the TV program and then you can walk out as there is
nothing really in here you need to do. When you exit a guy with pink
hair will come out and chase you and have a match with you. You start
out the game with the psychic type pokemon Espeon at Lvl 25 and the
dark type pokemon Umbreon at Lvl 26.
Starting pokemon:
Umbreon Lvl 26 (Dark)
Move 1: Bite
Move type: Dark
Accuracy: 100
Move Power: 60
PP: 25
Effects: There is a 30% chance of the opponent flinching when hit.
Move 2: Secret Power
Move type: Normal
Accuracy: 100
Move Power: 70
PP: 20
Effects: There is a 30% chance of causing a stat Effect on the
opponent depending on the battle location.
Move 3: Taunt
Move type: Dark
Accuracy: 100
Move Power: ---
PP: 20
Effects: Makes opponent use attack moves only.
Move 4: Snatch
Move type: Dark
Accuracy: 100
Power: ---
PP: 10
Effects: Steals any positive status affects opponent pokemon uses.
Espeon Lvl 25 (Psychic)
Move 1: Confusion
Move type: Psychic
Accuracy: 100
Move Power: 50
PP: 25
Effects: There is a 10% chance of confusing the foe.
Move 2: Return
Move type: Normal
Accuracy: 100
Power: ---
PP: 20
Effects: The more the pokemon likes you, the stronger this move will be.
Move 3: Reflect
Move Type: Psychic
Accuracy: ---
Move Power: ---
PP: 20
Effects: Doubles defense thereby taking .05 damage from all normal attacks.
Move 4: Helping Hand
Move type: Normal
Accuracy: 100
Power: ---
PP: 20
Effects: Boosts allied pokemon's attack by 50% for one turn.
Trainer Willie's pokemon:
Zigzagoon Lvl 24
Zigzagoon Lvl 24
A far cry from the Lvl 2 pokemon faced at the beginning of a Gameboy
pokemon game these pokemon are both normal type. Use Espeon's Confusion
and Umbreon's Bite to kill them. The Zigzagoon hit with the confusion
will probably die in one hit or at least have only a few HP left. The
bite from Umbreon should take about 55% of the other Zigzagoon's HP.
Use the moves again as necessary.
When you beat this trainer head left and you will exit this one engine
town. (LOL ONE ENGINE TOWN! HAHAHA! Get it? Cuz there is only... one... thing
that's a train engine and...Oh forget it.)
Go to the town on the left of the one you are at which will now be
[W1.2] Fenas city.
Upon arriving you will see two team (Shadow?) grunts moving a wiggling
bag. One of them will notice you and they will drop the bag and a
battle will ensue.
Shady guy folly:
Whismur Lvl 25
Whismur Lvl 25
Another easy battle. Espeon's confusion should take one out in one hit
while Umbreon's bit severely injures the other. Finish it off with
another confusion or bite.
Cut-scene time! TADAA! The bag they were carting contained...a girl? WOW
WHAT DO YOU KNOW! A sidekick! After some dialogue you will be able to
name your new sidekick. I named her Kessy so when and if I refer to a
Kessy in this guide it is the partner. Now you have a pre-teen girl
following you around wherever you go. Scary. Her name is Rui but you can
name her whatever you want. Mom won't let you have a pet? She is
the next best thing!
Go north past the fountain and the castform(the ghost looking thing) going around it and head up the stairs. After you go up the stairs go left and across the little walkway to the house which is the mayor's office. When you get close to the door a lady with really freaky hair will come out and say a few lines and walk off. Head inside the door and the mayor will say some
stuff. Then head back outside. If you need to heal your pokemon go back
south then left to the pokemon center. Otherwise head further north
past the kid with the Jigglypuff. Go into the door and talk to the
trainers on the left and right and head back out. A battle should start with a few Team grunts.
Snatch member Wakin:
Corprish Lvl 25
Koffing Lvl 25
Another easy battle. Use confusion on Koffing to kill him right away
and use bite on Corprish. Then use another bite/confusion on him to
finish him. Battle over. Yawn
After that they will run away, and you can do one of two things; look
around like I did and take 20 minutes to figure out what to do. Or you
could read this and head back to the one engine town by going to the
shop and talking to the woman with the long hair in the back of the
shop then heading south and going out the gate and choosing the first
town you were in. Go into the train engine and talk to the bartender.
You will be able to buy stuff from him including antidotes, Healing
items, and more. But most importantly is he will give you 5 pokeballs!
Hooray! You can finally capture dark pokemon!
I would advise buying 9 great balls
20 pokeballs bought in 10 pokeball increments so as to get free premier
balls and then use the rest of your money on antidotes and Prz heals.
Head back to the waterfall town and after the lady in pink stops
gabbing at you, go north and then west and enter the mayor's office.
*Gasp!* WHAT THE HECK IS EATING THAT MAN'S HEAD! Oh...its his hair.
Nice afro. And what are they doing here? BAD GUYS!
WOMEN AND CHILDREN FIRST. Kill them! A battle will now start.
Mirror B peon Folley:
Whismur Lvl 26
Lotad Lvl 25
Easy enough. Use confusion on the Whismur and bite on the Lotad to
destroy this grunts team. Ho w droll.
Now the other grunt will step up.
Mirror B peon Trudly:
Duskull Lvl 25
Spinarak Lvl 25
Makuhita Lvl 30 (Shadow pokemon)
Not that hard. Use your psychic type confusion to 1HKO the bug type
Spinarak and use bite on Duskull.
Now he sends out his Lvl 30 Makuhita! What's this? Your partner shows
up and tells you it's a dark pokemon. What do you know! It is a dark
pokemon. You can catch dark pokemon! So use Bite on Duskull to finish
him off. Use your second move, which is the one on the top-right, to
injure Makuhita. You don't want to kill him here. You want to bring his
HP low so you can capture it. Use bite on it a few more times while
using the call out command on your Espeon. Once its HP is low use the
button to the right of the attack button and that will bring up the
items menu. Hit right and you should have 5 pokeballs there. Use one on
the weakened Makuhita to capture it. If it gets out of the ball use
You just beat both of them. They will run away
Go to the trainer school and talk to the teacher and get your PDA.
Now if you want to fight a few more trainers you can talk to the old
man in the south east of town or the roller-skater in the east. If not
you can head to a gate and fight the gate guard there to get through.
You can fight the gate guard on the east side of town for an
opportunity to catch the fire pokemon Quilava, the south gate guard for
the opportunity to catch the water pokemon Crocanaw, or the west gate
guard for an opportunity to catch the grass pokemon Bayleaf.
Battle Red/Blue/Green Trooper!
Note. I advise saving before this battle in case you kill the dark
pokemon as it is a very valuable pokemon to catch as a female if
you plan on breeding it.
Bayleaf/Crocanaw/Quilava Lvl 30
Grimer Lvl 26
Spoink Lvl 24
Use confusion on the Grimer to KO him and bring out Spoink, while using
bite on quilava/bayleaf/crocanaw to weaken it. Use bite on the Starter
to weaken it further while hitting the Spoink with Return. Use bite
again to bring the dark pokemon down to very low HP and finish of
Spoink with another Return. The dark pokemon should be in the red in HP
or at most the low yellow. Use a pokeball on it while using a potion on
your pokemon if you have it to strengthen it, or using call out to keep
it from killing the dark one.
Battle over! You got another pokemon! You are a lucky person. Watch the
gate guard hold his head in agony and defeat, then scamper away like a
whipped dog.
Save if you got the starter, don't if you didn't. If you didn't get it
hit that reset button and try again. Once you have it and are done head
out the gate and to the next town over.
Construction site.
What a mess. Nothing doing here. Head to the next town.
[W1.3] Pyrite town
Gee what a dumpy town. It isn't nearly as pretty as the other one. Oh
well. Watch the person in the ridiculous blue hat talk to the other
person. After that ends there are some things to do in this town.
Directly ahead of you is the fortune telling shop. Go in there if you
want to see a cross between Katt Monroe of Starfox and Leia Organa from
Otherwise there isn't much to do in there.
Go in the shop across the street and up a bit and the person with the
stupid blue hat will run into you causing him to wobble like a drunken
man. Go out and go up on to see a house with some old geezers in it. Go
out and head up to get to the shop and you can buy stuff there
including hyper potion. It heals 200 HP per potion. Sweetness. Go
across the street to see a really big guy in that building. Or just go
north to reach the hotel on the left side of the street. For 100 bucks
you can have a room to heal your pokemon. Otherwise go outside or run
around inside and go into people's bedrooms. Go out and talk to the
girl there to battle her.
Battle: Chaser Emok
Gulpin Lvl 27
Zubat Lvl 27
Not to hard of a fight. Use Espeon's confusion here to kill Zubat and
Gulpin. And if you want to use your dark pokemon to make them less dark
now would be a good time.
End battle. What's that ahead of you? A large target with trainers!
Cool! Time to get some Exp. And lose some darkness!
Fight the one on the right first.
Battle: Male trainer
Skitty Lvl 28
Misdreavous Lvl 30 (Shadow)
Zigzagoon Lvl 28
A bit of a tough battle.
Here you will fight one of my old favorites Misdreavous from the
gold/silver days. Use confusion on Skitty and Zigzagoon. Use bite on
Misdreavous. If you want have your dark pokemon out here to make them
become less dark. It's probably best though you don't have your Espeon
out and Misdreavous's shadow ball will destroy him. Weaken Misdreavous
and capture it,
Male trainer
Senret Lvl 25
Swellow Lvl 25
Slakoth Lvl 26
Easy battle. Confusion the Senret and bite the Swellow. Repeat to kill
them. Take out the slayoth with a confusion and a bite attack.
Battle over
Rider Liba
Skiploom Lvl 30 (Shadow)
Oddish. Lvl 26
Dustox Lvl 26
Bite or confusion the Oddish and Dustox to death.
Weaken the Skiploom and capture it. Not very hard.
Bandana guy Divel
Psyduck Lvl 29
Quagsire Lvl 30 (Shadow)
Easy. Bite the Psyduck out of existence and weaken the Quagsire and
capture it. Piece of rum cake.
Roller boy Lon
Slugma (Shadow)
Lots of fighting to do here. You can fight the rest
of the trainers and try to catch their dark pokemon
or you can continue on. When you want to go on, go to
the end of town, across the bridge and talk to the
colosseum lady. Then go to the very beginning of town
and talk to the guy there. and you will battle him.
Ralts: Lvl 28
Furret Lvl 33 (Shadow)
Machop Lvl 30
Seedot Lvl 27
Just bite the Ralts once to kill him and use
confusion to KO Machop. Use confusion on the Seedot and bite the
Furret down to low HP and catch it.
A cut-scene will trigger.
Wow big hair is talking to freaky hair VIA videophone...
Now head to the house south of the hotel and talk to the
buff guy and the kid and then open the door behind the
bookshelf and talk to the kids there. When you exit another
kid will be talking to the buff guy and then will leave. Head
over to the windmill and a cut-scene will trigger as a guy
staggers out and collapses. Run inside and the other guy
will be on the floor too. Talk to him and a cut-scene will
trigger and that cop will run in. You will notice the
gears are not turning anymore. It seems one of them was
taken. Now you have to get it back. Head over to the
construction site.
[W1.4] Construction site
When you get there head up and right to find a shiny
gear. Now you can keep it just for you because you obviously
have a lot of use for it. Or you could return it to the
windmill. Head back to Pyrite Town.
Pyrite town
Run into the windmill
and the buff guy and the windmill guy will be talking. Run up
to the axle that is missing the gear and press A to open
your inventory. You will automatically be on the gear so
just press A till you put it back on. TADA! The windmill
is going again! At this point head north to the computer and
save. Talk to the lady and just keep hitting A and you will go
through into the run down colosseum and a battle will start.
Trainer 1
Barboach Lvl 30
Sandshrew Lvl 31
Sandshrew goes down in a couple of bites from Umbreon and
Barboach will die to a few dark rushes or confusions.
Battle over.
Battle 2!
Trainer 2
Natu Lvl 30
Meditite Lvl 30
Natu being psychic will go down easily to Umbreon's bite,
while Meditite will go down to confusion.
Battle end!
Battle 3!
Trainer 3
Electrike Lvl 30
Cacnea Lvl 31
Cacnea goes down to a fire attack if you got Quilava or
a poison attack if you have it. You don't have a ground
type pokemon so use Maganium if you go it against
Electrike or use confusion or bite on him to get the STAB
damage in as he is resistant to neither.
Use confusion/bite/dark rush/ if you have it to finish
off Vulpix.
End battle 3!
Battle 4!
Trainer 4
Bagon Lvl
Goldeen Lvl 32
Magnemite Lvl 31
Delibird Lvl 32
Bagon goes down to a confusion or a bite or two and
Goldeen will go down in the same. Magnemite will go
down to a fire move if you have Quilava or earthquake
if you have it and Delibird goes down to a confusion
or two. Battle 4 end!
you just beat the colosseum in this city! You rock!
Upon exiting head south after collecting your cash
prize and meet the shadow grunt on the bridge. A
cut-scene will play and that door will finally open.
The shadow grunt will take you somewhere and some
chick will say something to the grunt and he will
battle you.
Cypher peon nore:
Shadow grunt
Yanma Lvl 33 (Shadow)
Pineco Lvl 32
Nincada Lvl 31
Surskit Lvl 32
Pineco goes down in a couple bites and Nincada
goes down to a confusion as does Surskit. Weaken
Yanma and capture it with a pokeball.
End battle!
Now your partner will talk to the buff guy and
some kids who came in after the grunts flee.
After they leave pick up the shiny notebook
next to you. Go through the building fighting
trainers as you go.
Trainer 1:
Phanpy Lvl 31
Trapinch Lvl 32.
Trapinch goes down in 2 confusions and Phanpy
will be hurt badly by a couple bites.
Roller boy pike:
Taillow Lvl 33
Hoothoot Lvl 34
A couple bites and returns will do
the trick here. It isn't to hard.
Now you have access to the computer and
healing machine. Use them.
Head up the stairs.
Bandana guy Geats:
Pupitar Lvl 31
Carvahna Lvl 32
Barboach Lvl 32
Pupitar and Carvahna are dark so keep Espeon
out of this one. Pupitar will go down in a
couple bites and Carvahna in a few dark rushes.
Barboach goes down in a combination of dark rushes
and bites easily.
Hunter Geare:
Remoraid Lvl 33
Magnemite Lvl 32
Confusion and bite Remoraid to finish her then smokescreen
and confusion magnemite to death. Mahukita's vital throw and
Cross chop work wonders on Magnimite.
Now you can go the first left turn and fight the brute
or go through the door and fight the kid if you want
some pokeballs from the case,
Bandana guy Loba: (kid)
Wingull Lvl 32
Whooper Lvl 33
confusion whooper to bring him down to very low HP
or kill him and bite Wingull to KO her. Finish whooper
if you need to.
Body-builder Akmen: (brute)
Electrike Lvl 31
Voltorb Lvl 31
Confusion Voltorb to bring his HP to yellow and bite
Electrike to do the same. Once more to finish them.
Go up he stairs for another floor of trainers.
Rider Raleen:
Doduo Lvl 32
Ledyba Lvl 32
Swablu Lvl 31
Ledyba should be smitten with your bite and Doduo
will be KO'd by a confusion. Swablu will get his
HP halved by a confusion and Ledyba should be
about dead now to your bite attacks. Once more
to crush them both.
Hunter Tura:
Spheal Lvl 31
Snorunt: Lvl 32
Bite Snorunt and confusion Spheal twice. Battle ended.
Go into the second door to collect the prize from the
box. Yay! A revive! ^_^ Fight the next trainer.
Hunter Toti:
Horsea Lvl 31
Oddish Lvl 32
Sandshrew Lvl 32
Hit Oddish with confusion to KO him and hit Horsea
with bite to KO him. Confusion Sandshrew to bring him
to like 1 HP if not kill him and if he doesn't die
have a bite finish him. End battle!
Next room. Next trainer.
Bodybuilder Elidi:
Cacnea Lvl 32
Tentacool Lvl 33
Confusion Cacnea and finish it with bite.
do a confusion and a bite on Tentacool to finish it.
Go onto the next room. Go upstairs and you are
outside again...only on the roof! Go in the
door to find that kid you saw earlier on the
ground quivering at the feet of two shadow
grunts. *sigh* Better save him.
Mirror B Peon Reath:
Remoraid Lvl 20 (Shadow)
Spinarak Lvl 33
Luvdisk Lvl 32
First confusion the Spinarak to KO it in one hit.
Confusion the Luvdisk and hit the Remoraid with
the weakest thing you have. Preferably a fire
pokemon so it is not effective otherwise you
will KO it and not catch it. Secret power works
well also. Do another confusion to finish the
Luvdisk. Catch the Remoraid. End battle.
Mirror B peon Ferma:
Mantine Lvl 33 (Shadow)
Aipom Lvl 32
Furret Lvl 31
Yanma Lvl 33
confusion the Aipom to heck and bite the
Mantine to injure it a small amount. Repeat
till it is low on HP and capture it. Confusion
the Furret to death. Confusion or fire spin the
Yanma to death. End battle.
Now the shadow grunts will flee. Run up and talk
to the kid. The big haired guy will appear on
the screen. Use the elevator to get downstairs
and pick up the item and go through the door.
Save at the computer. Head back up to the rooftop
and enter that cave. Battle the trainer to get in.
[W1.5] Pyrite Cave
Hunter Doken:
Quilfish Lvl 33 (Shadow)
Goldeen Lvl 33
Linoon Lvl 33
If your Espeon is Lvl 31 or under use confusion
on the Quilfish to severely injure it. Bite
Goldeen twice to kill it.
Enter the cave and make your way to the end.
Go downstairs. You can fight trainers on
the way if you want or you can sneak past them.
Trainer 1:
Koffing Lvl 32
Ralts Lvl 31
Shroomish Lvl 32
Confusion Koffing and bite Ralts to KO them
both in one hit. Confusion and bite Shroomish to
finish the match.
Go down the tunnel and you can either go north
or up the stairs.
***Up the stairs***
Follow the tunnel and fight the pink clad trainer
or sneak past her.
Trainer 2:
Geodude Lvl 32
Lotad Lvl 31
Snorunt Lvl 32
Slakoth Lvl 31
Confusion Geodude to OHKO him and bite Lotad to hurt him.
Confusion and bite Snorunt to KO him then confusion Slakoth
and bite Lotad to finish him. Finish the sloth with
Walk past the kid and continue on. Get the Ultra balls and
go back downstairs and up and fight the trainer.
Trainer 3:
Meditite Lvl 33 (Shadow)
Bagon Lvl 33
Numel Lvl 32
Confusion Bagon to KO him in one hit and bite Meditite.
Bite Numel to half his HP and finish him with a confusion.
Weaken Meditite and capture it.
Now you can go right or left. Going left for now. Go down
the stairs. WATER! At any rate go left across the bridge.
Rider Sosh:
Dunsparce Lvl 33(Shadow)
Mareep Lvl 34
Cacnea Lvl 34
Confusion Mareep and bite Dunsparce. Repeat to KO Mareep
and make dunsparce's HP low.
Secret power Cacnea to make it die. Capture Dunsparce and
kill Cacnea. End battle.
Go to the end of the bridge and use the healing machine
and save at the computer then go upstairs.
Hug the wall going north and fight the trainer at the end
near the stairs.
Hunter Zalo:
Swablu Lvl 33 (Shadow)
Lotad Lvl 31
Beldum Lvl 32
Lombre Lvl 32
Confusion the Swablu and bite the Lotad. Repeat. Catch the Swablu.
The Swablu should be at very low HP. confusion the Lombre
and bite/fire spin the Beldum. rinse. Lather. Repeat. End battle.
Head downstairs. WATER! Anyways head north.
FIESTAAAAAAA! Go up and break up the Salsa party appreciation
day and you will find Mirabo/Miror B with his pokemon. Approach
mister salsa and throw off his groove.
Mirabo/Miror B:
Ludicolo Lvl 31
Ludicolo Lvl 28
Ludicolo Lvl 30
Ludicolo Lvl 29
Sodowoodoo Lvl 35 (Shadow)
Return one and secret power the other.
Secret power to finish him and use whatever to
finish the other. Dark rush is your friend in this match.
Dark rush the next few that should be lower levels.
If you caught your Noctowl then USE IT! its fly is
invaluable here. Catch Sodowoodoo. Bite and secret
power shall weaken him!
End battle! Get the TM 49 from the box and go up
through the door. GET THE MACHO BRACE from the northeast corner
THEN approach Plusle.
Trigger cut-scene. After some talking Plussle will jump in
your pockets. Its yours. Now exit town.
But wait. The fortune teller will call you and talk to her
and she will say something or other. Now exit town and
go north!
[W1.6] Agate Village.
Go to the big house and your partner will
run to her grandparents.
Their real names are Eagun and Beluh...Yeah.
After some talking a
boy will come in. The old man will follow the boy out.
Go out and head right and make your way down and end up
going into a cave. A girl will see you and walk up.
She will fight you
Cipher peon Doven:
Spheal Lvl 33
Carvahna Lvl 34
Confusion Spheal and bite Carvahna. Repeat.
You win. Easy. The girl will cry. >_>...the wimp...
She will run off afterwards. Proceed into the cave.
Cipher peon Silton:
Shroomish Lvl 34
Cacnea Lvl 34
confusion Shroomish and bite Cacnea. Repeat. You win!
He leaves. Proceed farther. Ahh the exit...HUH! A girl
drops in front of you.
Cipher peon Kass:
Ralts Lvl 35
Baltoy Lvl 35
Kirlia Lvl 35
Bite Ralts to 1HKO him and return Baltoy.
Bite Kirlia to KO her. and return Baltoy again.
You win! Hooray!
Go out and you are on an overgrown place with
lots of clover.
Head up. Some idiot decides to fight the old man and
his pikachu.
Pika is 12 levels higher. Surely he can't beat the old man.
But what is this...dark rush? Poor pika *_*. You will run up.
Now he will fight you! The fool! You have fury!
Cipher peon Skrub:
Geodude Lvl 35
Hitmontop Lvl 38 (Shadow)
Clampearl Lvl 36
Wynaut Lvl 37
Confusion Geodude to death and use a secret power/bite on
Hitmontop till he is at low HP. kill his Clampearl with
your Flaffy if you have it. Use bite/return on Wynaut to KO him.
You win. Tough battle. He will leave, dropping a notebook.
Now you are back in the grandparents home. Head down to the
beginning dock and head left. Go around the bend and into
the cave. Open the cases to get a couple pokeballs.
Go to the shop with the large wooden pokeball sign and
into the house southeast of it.
A wobuffet at the table. Cool. Anyways Talk to the old
man on the couch and select yes when asked something.
Go back to the house with your partener's grandparents in
it and talk to them and they will give you something.
You now try to leave. HUH! YOUVE GOT MAIL! Break out the
PDA and read it on the second option. Head out of town.
[W1.7] Battle Mountain
Head to the sixth area and enter the building. Save and
heal your pokemon and enter the main door. Go forwards
and you will enter a series of battles.
Battle 1!
Rider Turo:
Trapinch Lvl 35
Numel Lvl 34
Sandshrew Lvl 35
Bite Numel and confusion Trapinch. Repeat
Bite Sandshrew and confusion him.
End battle.
Battle 2!
Rider Drovic:
Swinub Lvl 35
Baltoy Lvl 36
Pupitar Lvl 37
Bite Baltoy. Repeat.
Bite Pupitar twice to kill it and use your Noctowl's fly
on Swinub. Battle end.
Battle 3!
Rider Kimit:
Sandshrew Lvl 36
Geodude Lvl 36
Numel Lvl 36
Confusion Geodude and bite Sandshrew. Repeat.
Watch out for Geodude's magnitude.
Bite Numel and dark rush him.
Battle over!
Battle 4!
Rider Riden:
Pineco Lvl 35
Baltoy Lvl 35
Houndour Lvl
Graveler Lvl 37
Confusion Pineco and bite Baltoy. Repeat.
Bite Graveler and return Houndour. Repeat.
End battle.
Battle 5!
Trainer Telia:
Trapinch Lvl 38
Lileep Lvl 36
Barboach Lvl 36
Trapinch Lvl 38
Bite Lileep and confusion Trapinch. Repeat
confusion Barboach. Repeat.
Bite Trapinch.
You win.
Battle 6!
Sr. Performer Nortz:
Cacnea Lvl 37
Spinda Lvl 37
Kadabra Lvl 37
Bite Spinda and confusion Cacnea.
Confusion Cacnea again and bite Spinda.
Bite Kadabra and confusion Spinda.
End battle!
Battle 7!
Hunter Weeg:
Graveler Lvl 36
Vibrava Lvl 37
Sandslash Lvl 37
Confusion vibrava and bite Graveler.
Confusion Sandslash and bite vibrava.
End battle.
Battle 8!
Cipher peon Kison:
Houndour Lvl 37
Koffing Lvl 37
Duskull Lvl 36
Kirlia Lvl 36
Confusion Koffing and secret power Houndour.
Bite Duskull and return Houndour.
Bite Kirlia and return her.
Battle 9!
Cipher Peon Berin:
Geodude Lvl 36
Geodude Lvl 36
Sandslash Lvl 38
Bite Geodude #1 and confusion Geodude # 2.
Bite Sandslash. Hes down. You win. I would
go back and save and heal now.
Battle 10!
Cipher Admin Dakim:
Golem Lvl 38
Meting Lvl 37
Swampert Lvl 36
Camerupt Lvl 38
*Entie* Lvl 40 (Shadow)
This will be by far the hardest battle yet
so open it all up. And if you kill Entie
hit that reset button. You must catch him!
Psybeam or confusion on golem and bite Metang.
Psybeam Swampert and bite Metang or use ember
if you have Quilava.
Bite Camerupt and dark rush Swampert.
Use Misdreavous's shadow ball on Camerupt and bite Entie.
After you catch Entie SAVE! As soon as you can.
Now watch the admin leap to safety outside of the camera's view.
One can only assume he is dead because we are directly above
a chasm several hundred feet above solid and jagged rocks...
>_> Anyways...
Pick up the hidden item on the ground next to you
and talk to the guy that got pasted to the floor before you
fought the huge bad guy. You will end up in the pkmn center
place before the 10 platforms. He will give you an item
that will allow you to call Celebi and on the right is a
box which contains TM47. Save and retrieve your Entie from
the PC. Just to make sure...save twice. Entie may be weak
for a legendary but he is still very strong. Head back to
Agate Village.
Agate Village
Go forwards and the old man will
see you. He will say some junk
or other to your partner and
then go to the cave with the river in it. It is down the ramp
to the left of the pkmn center. Go through and reach the
little pillar thing. Stop and listen to the music and birds
chirping if you want to, if not hit the A button on the pillar.
Select a pokemon that has its dark bars gone and is dark.
BANG! Its not dark anymore! Wow and you can even name it and
it levels up too! Time to purify all your best pokemon.
And you might want to pick up the notebook that guy with the
Hitmontop dropped beforehand. You might want to head back to the
pkmn center and withdraw any pokemon you may have gotten the
dark bars gone from and purify them. If not... Fight the kid
outside the pkmn center.
Swellow Lvl 39
Rhyhorn Lvl 39
Sunflora Lvl 40
Might I suggest you use your Entie here to lower his dark bar.
Dark rush Swellow and use Misdreavous if you have it or Espeon.
Either one should use Psybeam. Use Quilava if you have it to
kill Sunflora or shadow ball if you have Misdreavous...or
just dark rush with a dark pkmn...
Now go east of the pkmn center and talk to the girl. When you
have a choice choose the bottom option and she will give you
a cologne case.
Heal and save. Now I would suggest going somewhere and fighting
a lot to lower your pkmn's dark bars and/or gain exp.
When you are ready to go on talk to your partener's grandfather
and the old man outside the entrance to the village. Then when
you go out a new area should be open in the middle.
[W1.8] ??? lab.
Go there and you won't be able to do anything but you will get an
Email. Head back to Pyrite city..
Pyrite city
Head over to the house with the secret room behind the bookshelf
and go in the secret room. Talk to them and then leave for the
police station. Walk up to the table in the side room and press
A to get the key to the jail cell. walk up to the nearby cell
with two prisoners and press A on the door and choose the bottom
item in the list it opens to which should be your key. Walk up to
the sleeping guy and press A to plunder a key. Head to the large
building at the north of town right of the bridge before you cross
it. Go right and go to the door and get the key which is now the
bottom item on the list it opens up to when you select the door.
Go down the elevator. YAY!...A slum city place...names Andaa...
Oh well. a cut-scene will trigger going into the city and you will
see the city and a run down TV with the reporter woman on it.
Then some woman with gold wing looking things and weird hair
sticking out sideways. At any rate skip past all this. Head south
and then west to find a vending machine like those on top of the
goldenrod, celadon, or Lilycove dept stores in the Gameboy games.
You can buy water, soda pop, or lemonade here. Lemonade is the
best because it is $350 and it heals 80 HP. Head back right and up
to where you were and then head left past the woman and down the
stairs. Go into the shop. You can buy a lot of stuff here
Such as:
Hyper potion $1,200 Heals 200 HP
Max potion $2,500 Heals all HP
Full restore $3,000 Heals all HP and all stats.
Full heal $600 Heals all status
Revive $1,500 Revives a fainted pokemon
And some TMs:
TM10 Hidden power $3,000
TM14 Blizzard $5,500
TM15 Hyper beam $7,500
TM16 Light screen $3,000
TM17 Protect $3,000
TM20 Safeguard $3,000
TM25 Thunder $5,500
TM33 Reflect $3,000
TM38 Fire blast $5,500
This is some good stuff here!
Head outside and south. Go left at the bottom and go into the
hotel. Head upstairs and out the door south. Head east and into the
poke center place and downstairs and talk to the kid. You will get
a part. Head back outside to see another cut-scene. Head back to
where the shop is and head west up the stairs. Talk to the kid and
go inside. Head downstairs. Some talking will take place after
which you should talk to the kid with no hat. Then head outside.
They will ask about your PDA and get the equivalent of your phone
number like on the g/s/c games so they can call you. Head east and
you will see that kid again tied up again. Go save his butt...again.
Shadow grunt:
Ledyba Lvl 40 (Shadow)
Spinarak Lvl 39
Volbeat Lvl 38
Confusion Ledyba to hurt him about a third of his HP.
Dark rush Spinarak to take half of his HP.
Repeat and Spinarak should die.
Catch Ledyba and kill the rest. Dark rush/return Volbeat to death.
Shadow grunt
Arados Lvl 38
Illumise Lvl 40
Gloom Lvl 39
Use fire if you have Quilava. Or use whatever. Dark rush and dark
moves work well. Shadow ball will do well also. The bugs will
kill your Espeon so keep it out of this one.
Fire and ice work well on gloom.
Talk to the kid in the prison VIA the indent on the side and he
will give you something. Now would be a good time to save.
Head north to the hovering hologram thing and press A. It should
Be on an Item labeled R and UFO and stuff. Choose that.
Head up to the hover thing and hitch a ride and then go forwards.
Go inside. NOTE!: You should save your game before this battle
as there is a dark Suicune which is one of the legendary dogs.
You can't miss this one! I would also advise that you head back to
the outskirts train shop and buy some net balls as these are more
effective than an ultra ball on Suicune.
If you are ready head inside.
Head inside to see the press there filming that lady. Go into the
room south to find 3 rare candies in a box! Sweetness! Talk to
the jeweled lady to fight her.
Cipher admin Venus:
Delcatty Lvl 45
Banette Lvl 45
Steelix Lvl 45
Vileploom Lvl 44
Suicune Lvl 40 (Shadow)
Your Umbreon will do well against Banette so use faint attack on it.
Use Hitmontop or Makuhita against Delcatty. Beware banette's
shadow ball as Espeon. Use Entie's fire blast against Steelix.
Use the same on Vileploom. use faint attack/bite on Suicune.
Or use secret power to take a small amount of HP away from it
and possibly paralyze it... which is very good to do.
Sunny day is also very useful.
After beating her she will run away as will the rest of the people
around. Pickup the notebook on the desk and get the TM45 from
above the stairs. Now follow her down the stairs. The cheater
took an elevator. Head back into the door and east up the stairs
that are through the door. A poke center. Save! Now head back out
where you saw her go down the elevator and take the rightmost door.
Head down the stairs battling trainers.
Hunter Frena:
Teddiursa Lvl 37
Jigglypuff Lvl 36
Gilgar Lvl 43 (Shadow)
Shroomish Lvl 35
Entie will take out jiggly with a fire blast and Teddiursa
with the same. Gilgar will be injured by a dark rush
from your new Suicune. Fire from Entie or Quilava will
destroy Shroomish as will Espeon's psychic moves. Capture gligar.
Battle 2!
Chaser Liaks:
Kirlia Lvl 37
Gloom Lvl 36
Roseleia Lvl 38
Stantler Lvl 43 (Shadow)
Entie's fire blast will toast gloom and Kirlia will die in
a single faint attack.
Toast the flower with a fire blast!
Hit Stantler with bite to weaken it and capture it.
Battle 3!
Bodybuilder Lonia:
Masquerain Lvl 39
Dunsparce Lvl 39
Octilery Lvl 38
Piloswine Lvl 43 (Shadow)
Use psybeam on Masquerain and faint attack on Dunsparce.
Use dark rush if you want. It works ok for the most part
here. Octilery falls victim to Bayleaf if you got it or
an electric move. Hit Piloswine with faint attack a
few times.
Battle 4!
Rider Nelis:
Corsola Lvl 41
Sneasle Lvl 43 (Shadow)
Loudred Lvl 41
Seviper Lvl 40
Bite works well at chipping down Sneasle's health without
killing him so that a good thing to use. Use shadow ball
on Corsola or use Suicune's dark rush to further lower its
dark bars. Psybeam will KO Seviper. Loudred will die to
Hitmontop if you have it or perhaps a psybeam.
Go inside. Go in the far end of the train and then out the
other side after getting the item north of the train.
Now she will flee like the coward that she is but she will
drop the key outside the door. I first thought this was very poor
programming of water dripping on the floor which was treated
as an object and you couldn't walk through it. But the sparkly
thing is really the key. Grab it. Cool you now have the key
to a large and powerful vehicle inside...SO START IT UP!!!!
Wow! New area...head left and see two grunts...They run off
and suddenly blow the door. Head right of the door all the way
to the end and get the up UFO key.
Head inside. What do you know. A hole. The grunts will run off
and then to your right is another sparkly thing on the ground.
Get it! Head the train back to the first station.
GO up the long stairs back to the top. All the way back to the
room where you fought the shadow exec and outside. Go back
one that hover platform and then use the UFO disks to go on.
If you use the UFO disk you just got you would think it would take
you on but instead the up disk takes you up to the second Celebi
flute. You need the disk you got some time ago to go on. The F disk.
Head into the Colosseum and SAVE! You've been here before! Now use
the elevator! Head south to exit. Head to the middle area.
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