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Codenumber 242
Are there any other Colosseums other than the Water and Sunset ones?


Codenumber 242
Wait a sec! I've just found that there's the Gate Colosseum in Revolution!


The Lost Mareep
There's the awesome rental one for Pokétopia, check out the Pokétopia discussion, I posted tons of pics for y'all. There was even a tower which could have some interesting features.

The Doctor

Absolute Beginner
I enjoyed the Gym Leader Castle on the Stadiums and missed them greatly, not least because I could download the 3 starters, Eevee and the Hitmons multiple times.

I'm hoping they'll include it here, E4 and Shirona and all. Did I mention Shirona? Yeah, Shirona, SHIRONA! Please put her in Nintendo please!!


Codenumber 242
And there's the Midnight and Steet Colosseums.


Master Of Rayquaza
dont forget the stadium next to the beach,the one located connected over a large tower(in the city section)

more than likely theres more

Meowth! That's right!

Cat Pokemon Trainer
And there's one in the middle of a parade called the "Street Colleseum" and it has a big float of Pachirisu and Bippa!

*~Water Lover~*

You. Get it?
Here's the Coloseums I've seen so far:
-Crystal Cave
-City Coloseum (that one in the first trailer floating above Poketopia)
-Street Coloseum
-Water Coloseum
-Night Coloseum
-Sunset Coloseum
-??? Coloseum (I don't now what it's called, but it's an isle in the middle of the sea)
-Poketopia Coloseum (the one in front of Poketopia)
I don't have the game, but I've seen most of the coloseums on Youtube.


Active Member
park colloseum
the floating thing is the Casino Theatre colloseum, in my opinion, the hardest
Poketopia colloseum is Gate colloseum

and more. Brother is dominating Wii

Eerie Fuwante

Wasting my time
-Crystal Cave - Leader has an Elekible costume
-City Coloseum (that one in the first trailer floating above Poketopia) - Leader has a Rozureido costume
-Street Coloseum - Leader has a Pachirisu costume
-Water Coloseum - Leader has a Kyogre costume
-Night Coloseum - Leader unknown
-Sunset Coloseum - Leader has a Lucario costume
-??? Coloseum - Leader unknown
-Poketopia Coloseum (the one in front of Poketopia) - Leader is the guy with the suit
- Magma Colosseum - Leader has a Groudon costume

Those are the collosseums I have seen and their leaders.