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Come here if you like Vivi Nefertari!

Who likes Vivi from One Piece! She is so sexy!

Lets discuss her. I would make a club of her, but I am to lazy.

Also got any sexy Vivi pics?
Her voice doesn't seem anoying or bad to me. Then again I have never seen her japanese voice.

The first episode I saw of the original was when Ussop fought Luffy.

Ussop, Luffy, Nico, Zoro, Nami, and the whole crew's voices are better in the original! Chopper sounded like a girly girl. The crew's voices are all better!

The reason the dub sucks:

1-Most of the voices and the voice acting sucks
3-Cigarettes, guns, and most dangerous weapons were taken out.
4-Horrible name changes

Rex Kamex

Well-Known Member
I've heard it, but I barely remember it, and I don't know any Japanese anime characters who sound like her, so... this sentence is pretty pointless.

(Goes to AnimeNewsNetwork.com)

Okay, here. Perhaps you guys have heard another anime character that the Japanese voice actor for Vivi did (and who happens to sound like Vivi). Or not.

Anyway, Dub Vivi sounds like Ishizu from Yu-Gi-Oh! and Roxanne from Pokemon.