Comic Café
I'm sorry if suggestions aren't allowed, but I really wanted to throw this idea into the open.
The Fanfiction forum has two parts to it, really. The part where stories are posted, and the Author's Café, in which Fanfic authors can go and chat, and discuss things pertaining to the writing of fics.
I would really love to see the Fan Comics forum gets its own 'hangout' or café, in the same fashion as the Fanfiction forum.
Making comics and making fanfics, while different in many ways, boil down to the same thing. An author creating a story, so why shouldn't Comicmakers have a forum like this?
I'm terribly sorry. I didn't see the Suggestions Thread. XD You can delete this thread.
EDIT 2 -
That's for the Site not the forums...
I'm sorry if suggestions aren't allowed, but I really wanted to throw this idea into the open.
The Fanfiction forum has two parts to it, really. The part where stories are posted, and the Author's Café, in which Fanfic authors can go and chat, and discuss things pertaining to the writing of fics.
I would really love to see the Fan Comics forum gets its own 'hangout' or café, in the same fashion as the Fanfiction forum.
Making comics and making fanfics, while different in many ways, boil down to the same thing. An author creating a story, so why shouldn't Comicmakers have a forum like this?
I'm terribly sorry. I didn't see the Suggestions Thread. XD You can delete this thread.
EDIT 2 -
That's for the Site not the forums...
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