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Comic Café

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used Metronome!
Comic Café

I'm sorry if suggestions aren't allowed, but I really wanted to throw this idea into the open.

The Fanfiction forum has two parts to it, really. The part where stories are posted, and the Author's Café, in which Fanfic authors can go and chat, and discuss things pertaining to the writing of fics.

I would really love to see the Fan Comics forum gets its own 'hangout' or café, in the same fashion as the Fanfiction forum.

Making comics and making fanfics, while different in many ways, boil down to the same thing. An author creating a story, so why shouldn't Comicmakers have a forum like this?


I'm terribly sorry. I didn't see the Suggestions Thread. XD You can delete this thread.

EDIT 2 -

That's for the Site not the forums...
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And, as if by magic, the webmaster appeared...
Staff member
Because as it is, those Café's are bordering on spam and we don't allow spam


Wario = PWN
First blueguy I'd like to say
ahem, And I completely agree with this.
There are quite a bit of people who stalk the fan comics section only.
I could name a few including me, I wouldn't come to serebii if it wasn't for that.
So a place that would allow those selected many to discuss Ideas or misc. other things would be a great Idea.

I can assure you other than the random pop up spammers and idol worshipping spammers the fancomic section people that I know don't spam.
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used Metronome!
Blueray said:
First blueguy I'd like to say
ahem, And I completely agree with this.
There are quite a bit of people who stalk the fan comics section only.
I could name a few including me, I wouldn't come to serebii if it wasn't for that.
So a place that would allow those selected many to discuss Ideas or misc. other things would be a great Idea.

I can assure you other than the random pop up spammers and idol worshipping spammers the fancomic section people that I know don't spam.

I agree. I'd love to be able to have conversations (not spammy ones, of course) with other comicmakers and be able to share ideas. Plus, you'll see many a thread which isn't a comic, but some sort of adress or statement. That's why I believe such a forum would be useful and needed.

Serebii said:
Because as it is, those Café's are bordering on spam and we don't allow spam

There will be spam in every forum you come across, but there are mature comicmakers who do not spam, and would enjoy a Café.
oh god hell no.

not another subforum in Fan Spam.

My eyes would bleed.


Oddish plzkthnxbai
Some of us actually enjoy the fan art forum, Shining Mew >>

A comic cafe would be going a bit far, it's more about the artwork and humor imo.
I didnt say I didnt enjoy. FYI, when I first came here a good couple of months were spent obsessing over Fan Sprites/making them.

Then it turned into Fan Spam =D Fan Spam is a name commonly used in Chat to describe that happy forum.

A Comic Cafe would be a spamtastic addition.


used Metronome!
I have a new question to ask:

If the Author's Café for the Fanfiction forum is already bordering on spam, why isn't IT being deleted? Isn't it a little unfair?


The Authors' Cafe doesn't have Spam in it now, if you read it. The Fan Fiction authors use it for good, and if anything's spam, us authors just report the blasted post, and Dragonfree and Sandra closes the thread or deletes the post. Actually, Renegade's the one doing most of that, making the Authors' Cafe nearly Spam Free.


used Metronome!
xXSapphireXx said:
The Authors' Cafe doesn't have Spam in it now, if you read it. The Fan Fiction authors use it for good, and if anything's spam, us authors just report the blasted post, and Dragonfree and Sandra closes the thread or deletes the post. Actually, Renegade's the one doing most of that, making the Authors' Cafe nearly Spam Free.

I'm not accusing it of being full of spam. It didn't seem that way, when I was doing Fanfiction a long while back, but what I'm saying is that the Fan Comics forum deserves the same sort of subforum.


please wake up...
No. No no no no NO.

We don't NEED it. You're just favoring the comic forum, anyway. What if spriters wanted a spriter's cafe? Huh?

We'd still say no. To both of them.

That's what the frigging CLUBS are for. Make a comic club if there isn't already one.


used Metronome!
SapphireDewgong said:
No. No no no no NO.

We don't NEED it. You're just favoring the comic forum, anyway. What if spriters wanted a spriter's cafe? Huh?

We'd still say no. To both of them.

That's what the frigging CLUBS are for. Make a comic club if there isn't already one.

I can see your point that if one forum got a club, then various others would ask for them... Sadly, I suppose I'll give up on my wishes for a "Comic Café". I know that we don't "NEED" it, and I suppose I would favor the Comics forum since that's where I exclusively post...
K then I want a Ru/Sa/Em Cafe plz :<

Theres no point


used Metronome!
Shining Mew said:
K then I want a Ru/Sa/Em Cafe plz :<

Theres no point

Uh - if you had read my post you would have seen that I AGREED with that particular point. *shakes head*
blueguy said:
Uh - if you had read my post you would have seen that I AGREED with that particular point. *shakes head*

I did read it :rolleyes: I guess you didnt understand my post. Whatever, this thread is done with anyway

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