Hard to believe this heart shaped fish has zero connection to Luvdisc. Best known as Audino's aquatic counterpart to "rustling grass" in the water in gen 5, it was similarly snubbed for its lack of offensive options and outclassed vastly by Jellicent as a defensive Water type. However Alomomola has actually always been a sleeper threat. It just took a while for competitive players to truly see its value. It's heartwarming to see a neglected mon finally receive the love it deserves.
Just don't expect Luvdisc to ever be useful though.
Loop Pool
Ability: Regeneration
Item: Binding Band
Nature: Careful
EVs: (HP 252) (Defense 4) (Sp. Defense 252)
Flip Turn/Scald/Aqua Ring/Mirror Coat
Set Details:
A trapping stall set that also doubles as heal support for your team. Whirlpool with Binding Band is your best option for inflicting damage while preventing a swap out, Wish heals you and even helps your teammates if they swap in and benefit from Alomomola's high base HP, and Protect burns a turn for chip damage and buys time for you to benefit from Wish. The last slot is up to you. Flip Turn allows for a damaging and possibly slower switch out to benefit from Regenerator and your teammate to receive Wish, Scald offers burns to make you indirectly bulkier on the physical side, Aqua Ring offers added passive recovery if you want to stay on the field, and Mirror Coat offers greater offensive options if your opponent is a special attacker.