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Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know this is going to be closed soon but I would like to know something. Okay, in the games and face-offs forums, I sometimes PM the mods to answer a yes or no question. I told them if they say no please PM me back with the reason why. That's the good thing MondoTR did, she actually PMed me back with the reason why. She was my favourite mod, before she got demodded. But no, Psi Umbreon and SapphireL think that it is not nessesary to PM me back. Like, I want to know why so I can learn from my mistakes. So, the question is folks, why won't they PM me back with the reason why. If you are going to say "but they are too busy to", I understand that. But, sometimes I wait months. So why is it?
Either they're busy, don't read their PMs, or get the same thing asked over and over.


What type of questions do you ask? Relevant ones? Important ones? Ones that pertain to them?


Well-Known Member
Guess it depends on the type of question. But i believe mods should always help you and answer your question. It makes me wonder how some poeple ever got modded....sigh.
Like I asked today if a game that a recently took over could be closed so I could make a new thread and it will be easy for me to organize by editing the first post instead of going throught thread all the time. I can't imagine why not, so I would like an answer.


Well-Known Member
He asked if he could close an old thread, to make a new thread. But i guess the mods get busy, or they don't check thier PM box that often.

Mega Trickster

Blargagh blargh
Some of you people talk like mods have no other purpose but to be here and to cater to your every whim.

Look, it depends on what question you ask. It depends on when you PM them. It depends on how busy their PM boxes are (which wouldn't surprise me if they have to empty them every other day).

Also, people have their own way of doing things. They aren't clones of the same person. They do what they feel is right, in order to try to make this a better place. You can't control them, they're just regular people.


Sneasel Fanboy
in my opinion, some are just plain mean and dont deserve to be mods, but like the one you mentioned, thats the ideal mod. altough most that dont answer are just too plain busy.


Well-Known Member
Some might just not anser because we are''inferior''. The mods with the most since here are Josh, SapphireMew, Razorleaf, and some others.
I try to reply to ALL the PMs I get. ._.;

I haven't been on all day until now. .___.; We can't be on 24/7. >_>;; You have to be a little patient before you can jump to conclusions...


Shut up, kid.

Wow. THAT wasn't not stupid. :/

Anyways, yes, the mods are busy and such, so they can't reply to everything in painful detail. No big deal. Get over it, as harsh as that may sound.

Though, when I was a mod, I always responded with some sort of semi-detailed answer. >>

Some might just not anser because we are''inferior''. The mods with the most since here are Josh, SapphireMew, Razorleaf, and some others.
I guess I should state that I replied to the PM as soon as I got on today. ._. Seriously. (and I got on at 8:00 pm or so, and the PM was sent to be in the early afternoon, when I wasn't even on. >_>)

Blaziken D.

Sherlock James
Right now I feel a Yoda speech coming on.

Busy the mods can be. Servants they are not. Deal with it, you must. Or succeed in the world, you will not. To succeed, need you must to learn how to depend on you're instinctive skills. Ok, now that all wise Master Yoda as talked, he will bequiet.

--- Scipio


Curious Interloper
Some of you people talk like mods have no other purpose but to be here and to cater to your every whim.

Well, as mods. THAT is their job. Don't volunteer for the position unless yousa gonna fulfill it!


Well, as mods. THAT is their job. Don't volunteer for the position unless yousa gonna fulfill it!

First, you don't volunteer to become a mod.

Second, why in the bloody hell would mods HAVE to be here ALL the time so they can be on call 24/7? That's not what a mod does. That's what someone with no life does...Which is no one on the mod staff. :)
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