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Complete Pokedex

Bonsly is pimp

I made a complete pokedex. I finally found all the Aruseus sprites. I finally got it fixed thanks to Desperate Milotic's help. I saved it in three parts.




Credit to: Pokemonelite2000.com, Coronis, and Pokesho.​
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Serebii's Ninja
yes, please try to fix it.
i may have a good project with those ribbons.

btw, you did a great job this will help many spriters.

Bonsly is pimp

I moved the Badge and Ribbon sections over and put the Aruseus section on the left but its still small. If any one can help me fix it please let me know.



Musical Trainer
Maybe you should save it as a JPG.

Also, you should take out that giant empty space when you save it.

Bonsly is pimp

Rixo: I never did make it smaller after I moved them things around. I will do that real quick.

Edit: It didnt work and if I save it as Jpeg it will mess the quality up.
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Yami Ryu

Well-Known Member
It's still squashed and also, are those pokesho sprites I see? :/ give CREDIT when you used material not made by you, nor sprites that are well, known to be made by gamefreak spriters, not you.

Edit: And is that a double account or something? :/ you can get warned/banned for that.

Umbreon Rider

Tolkien fan 4 eva
Nice but in DM's version where are the sinnoh pkmn???

Bonsly is pimp

Desperate Milotic: Thats how I posted in a thread about 6 months ago before I had all the D/P sprites.

Yami Ryu and Divine Light: I did credit Pokesho its on my first post.

Dark Dragonite and Umbreon Rider: The one Desperate Milotic posted is the one in my sig. he just posted it on here.

Orange: No we are not the same people.

To all: I save it in three different parts but its still small and it does not fit together.
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Pokemon Shaman
If you made it skinnier but longer, it may not shrink it. xD Please don't put it in your sig. xD

Bonsly is pimp

Why shouldn't I put it in my sig?
I just want to clarify, Bonsly is Pimp is not my file, I just busted soemone for having four accounts, this is my only account, check our IPs, they're different.

All I did was go to his gallery on Photo, and copy the big version, and then edit it. Its not at all mine.


Chuckie's back....
Whoa!!! I didnt notice that was a trainer card!! For the dual types, use two colors for the background like nidoking. Half of it should be brown and the other, purple

Amaisan Axis

Jade Star Trainer
I personally don't see the point. Seems like a whole lot of work for no particular reason. Even if you were to try to use it as a sprite resource, it has stuff cut off and stuff. If you wanted it critted, I don't see a problem with it really, but then again it's pretty hard to mess that kind of thing up.