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Complete Pokemon Dub Cast List (Includes ep-by-ep credits)


I'll learn you good!
As it is greatly needed in these restless days, and as it would be lost in the tides of the New VA topic thread, here is the mostly complete current cast list, comprising of the main cast, additional ep-by-ep voices, and Pokemon. I'm very sure I have all the facts straight considering everything we know and everything I can clean from listening for myself, but as I am human, I may make some mistakes here and there. However, I hope I can be more reliable in this sense than other sites have been... Anyway, as the premiers continue, the list will obviously be updated regularly, though I hope you can bear with me if it takes longer than a week, as I have service projects in my life that take precident. Anyway, here it is, and I hope you enjoy it (or even notice it).

NOTE: Now that Battle Frontier has finished, I'll be making a brand new thread, which will have the workings of a complete Pokemon cast list, for both the 4Kids and TAJ dubs. It'll also be organized by actor instead of episode, but I'm still working out how it'll be laid out. Anyway, expect the bare bones thread to be ready; I only have the first season box set and the BF eps on tape to work with at the moment, so it might take some time, and any info or theorems would be appreciated.

Unknown: The VA for a character or Pokémon is currently indeterminable.
Pending: Character who has appeared before has yet to appear again with a new voice.
Original: The original Japanese voice for a Pokemon was used.
Archive: A Pokémon's voice was pulled from previous English recordings, mainly used for pre-Hoenn Pokemon.

Main Characters
Ash: Sarah Natochenny
Pikachu: Ikue Ootani
May: Michelle Knotz
Max: Kayzie Rogers (credited as Jamie Peacock)
Brock: Bill Rogers
Jessie: Michelle Knotz
James: Jimmy Zoppi (credited as Billy Beach)
Meowth: Jimmy Zoppi
Narrator: Ken Gates (credited as Rodger Parsons)
PokéDex: Bill Rogers

Recurring Characters
Misty: Michelle Knotz
Prof. Oak: Jimmy Zoppi
Ash's Mom: Michelle Knots
Tracey: Craig Blair
Nurse Joy: Michelle Knotz
Officer Jenny: Emily Williams/Maya Rosewood/Kayzie Rogers
Giovanni: Pending
Cassidy: Hilary Thomas
Butch: Jimmy Zoppi
Prof. Namba: Jimmy Zoppi
Scott: Bill Rogers
Harley: Billy Regan
Drew: Bill Rogers
Lilian: Kayzie Rogers
Vivian: Sonny Dey
Mr. Contesta: Unknown (possibly Craig Blair)
Sukizo: Unknown (possibly Craig Blair)

Individual Ep. Credits

Mastermid special
Dr. Yung: Billy Regan

Mystery Dungeon Special
Squirtle: Kayzie Rogers
Charmander: Unknown
Chikorita: Michelle Knotz
Pichu: Unknown
Pikachu: Unknown (possible Craig Blair)
Gengar: Jimmy Zoppi
Medicham: Sarah Natochenny
Ekans: Unknown
Whiscash: Ken Gates
Kangaskhan mom: Unknown
Kangaskhan baby: Sarah Natochenny
Kecleon Bros.: Unknown
Skarmory: Unknown

Sweet Baby James
Nanny: Sondra James
Pop-Pop: Ken Gates

A Chip Off the Old Brock
Old Woman: Kayzie Rogers
Boy: Billy Regan
Girl: Ellen Shanman

Wheel of Frontier
Greta: Sonny Dey
Student: Bill Rogers

May's Egg-cellent Adventure
Christopher: Robert O'Gorman
Jeannie: Hilary Thomas
Nicolette: Emlyn Morinelli

Weekend Warrior
Salaryman: Craig Blair
Mom: Ellen Shanman

On Olden Pond
Executive: Ken Gates
Old woman: Kayzie Rogers
Girl: Annie Silver

Tactics Theatrics
Tucker: Bill Rogers
Reporter: Tracy Friedman

Reversing the Charges
Unknown roles: Tracy Friedman & Eric Schussler

The Green Guardian
Solana: Rhonda Krempa
Jenny: Maya Rosewood

Cradle and Save
Cool ninja: Jimmy Zoppi
Female ninja: Annie Silver
Glasses ninja: unknown
Large ninja: unknown

Time-Warp Heals All Wounds
Johnathan: Eric Schussler
Edna: Annie Silver
Girl: Ami Shukla
Gentleman/Train announcer: Ken Gates
Train guards: Bill Rogers, Jimmy Zoppi

Queen of the Serpentine
Lucy: Emlyn Morinelli
Girls: Hilary Thomas
Ref. Sarah Natochenny

Spontanious Combusken
Girl: Rhonda Krempa
Unknown Credit: Craig Blair

Cutting the Ties that Bind/Ka Boom with a View
Spencer: Eric Schussler
Robot ref.: Ken Gates

King and Queen for a Day
Director: Eric Schussler
Lady: Emlyn Morinelli
large assitant: Ken Gates
Mime Jr.-dressed assistant: Jimmy Zoppi
Bonsly-dressed assistant: Bill Rogers

Curbing the Crimson Tide
Red Lightning: Eric Schussler

What I Did For Love!
Older girl: Sarah Sweeney OR Jessica Wachsman
Young girl: Sarah Sweeney OR Jessica Wachsman
Craig Blair

Talking a Good Game/Second Time's the Charm
Anabel: Hilary Thomas
Ref.: Lucien Dodge

All That Glitters is Not Golden
Kenan: Matt Mitler
Sudowoodo: Bill Rogers
Cowboys: Craig Blair/Bill Rogers/Ken Gates

The Ole' Berate and Switch
Cassidy: Hilary Thomas
Butch: Jimmy Zoppi
Prof. Nanba: Jimmy Zoppi

Grating Spaces
Forrest: Joanna Burns
Flint: Ken Gates
Lola: Annie Silver

Battling the Enemy Within
Brandon: Craig Blair
King: Ken Gates
Referee: Rich McNanny

Slaking Kong
Old man: Armen Mazlumian

May, We Harley Drew'd Ya!
Solidad: Sarah Natochenny
May's mom: Klara Leopold
Vivian: Sonny Dey

Aipom and Circumstance
Village boy: Rich McNanny
Village elder: Jimmy Zoppi
Villagers: Billy Regan, Sonny Dey, Bill Rogers

Strategy Tomorrow - Comedy Tonight!
Ada, nurse, girl patient: Annie Silver
Corina: Sarah Natochenny
Chatot: Sean Reyes
Doctor: Matt Mitler
Boy patient: Kayzie Rogers

Duels of the Jungle
Carrigan: Matt Mitler

Brandon: Craig Blair
Oak: Jimmy Zoppi
Torkoal: Jimmy Zoppi

Pinch Healing
Matt: Sean Reyes
Brandon's Ref.: Rich McNanna
Bagon: Jimmy Zoppi
Larvitar: Sarah Natochenny
Whismer/Swinub/Gloom: Kayzie Rogers
Seedot: Michelle Knotz
Makuhita: Bill Rogers
Wooper: Original
Electrode: Archive

Gathering the Gang of Four/Pace - The Final Frontier
Jenny: Emily Williams
Brandon: Craig Blair
Ref: Rich McNanna
Bulbasaur: Kayzie Rogers (possibly Michelle Knotz)
Squirtle: Bill Rogers
Charizard: Original
Dusclops: Bill Rogers
Ninjask: Jimmy Zoppi

Pokémon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea
NOTE: I still have some checking and comparing to do, so this isn't totally final.
Manaphy: Michelle Knotz
Phantom: Eric Schussler
Jackie: Rich McNanna
Judy: Rhonda Krempa
Lizabeth: Emily Williams
Kyle: Craig Blair?
Meredith: Annie Silver
Shep: Simcha Whitehill?
Shep's crew: Rodger Parsons, Bill Rogers
Chatot: Sean Reyes

Pokemon Voices

Grovyle: Bill Rogers
Sceptile: Bill Rogers
Swellow: Jimmy Zoppi
Corphish: Bill Rogers
Phanpy: archive/Kayzie Rogers
Donphan: Original
Aipom: Original
Torkoal: Jimmy Zoppi

Combusken: Bill Rogers
Blaziken: Archive
Munchlax: Jimmy Zoppi
Squirtle: Archive
Eevee: Kayzie Rogers
Beautifly: Michelle Knots
Skitty: Original

Marshtomp: Kayzie Rogers
Forretress: Original
Bonsly: Bill Rogers
Steelix: Original
Geodude: Archive
Crobat: Original

Wobbuffet: Kayzie Rogers
Mime Jr.: Kayzie Rogers
Seviper: Bill Rogers
Cacnea: Michelle Knotz
Dustox: Michelle Knotz
Chimecho: Michelle Knotz

Kayzie Rogers: Mareep, Flaafy, Marril, Swinub, Bellsprout
Jimmy Zoppi: Crawdaunt, Raticate, Aggron, Cacturn, Banette
Bill Rogers: Duskull, Hariyama, Ludicolo, Sudowoodo, Absol
Archive: Abra, Kadabra, Alakazam, Farfetch'd, Venusaur, Cyndaquil, Paras, Slowbro
Original: Abra, Skitty, Butterfree, Beedrill, Nidoran, Ariados, Rhyhorn, Tropius, Meganium, Delibird, Charizard, Mankey, Espeon, Metagross, Heracross
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Well-Known Member
When I asked TAJ about why Jimmy and Kayzie are still on they denied it, funny. Apparently Bonsly is played by Bill Rogers.
This is really appreciated Shift! I was wondering what happened with your cast list, its good to know your continueing it!

BTW: I think this should be stickied. With all the pointless threads recently, this might get lossed and forgottan.

Thanks again Shift ;)


Well-Known Member
If it is spelled Solana, then why does it sound like Salana.

Also, you say that Jenny was voiced by Rhonda Krempa or Maya Rosewood and Nurse Joy was voiced by "Unknown". I thought Kayzie did OJ and Diane Stillwell did NJ.
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I'll learn you good!
That was the case for the Mirage special itself. However, Diane Stilwell hasn't been credited in any of the episodes Nurse Joy appears in, or any other episode so far. As for Jenny, it definately wasn't Kayzie Rogers voicing her in the Ranger episode, and as the only ofther characters besides the main cast were her and the Ranger (I'm done with trying to figure out her name), and only two additional voices in the credits, those two character were obviously voiced by those two VAs. However, as neither have previous credits I can find, there's no way to differentiate between the two.


I'll learn you good!
No, it's only VAs not in main cast who are listed in the additional voices; you just have to listen to hear is on of the main cast members is doing something additional, though it seem to mostly center around Kayzie Rogers, Jimmy Zoppi, Bill Rogers and Ken Gates (the narrator guy).
That's correct; I was always pretty sure it was Bill Rogers, but I forgot to stick it on there. Now it's up, along with a reorginization.
Alright I was correct! ^_^

But.... Isnt it ironic though? Didn't Eric Stuart originaly voice Dexter? And now his sound alike Bill Rogers is voicing the new dex. Seems odd to me o_O

IMO I kinda prefer the new Dexter voice better then the older versions *shot*

Anyway.... Thanks again Shift, the way you orginized it now is much better ;)
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Yoshi King
That michelle knotz is really talented! I didnt know she played all of those people 0_0


I'll learn you good!
You say Billy Regan did the voice of Harley credited as Sonney Dey, and you say Sonny Dey played Greta, so Greta was voiced by a guy?
No, I'm saying that somehow, that credit was mistaken for the episode. I know, it's my word against the actual credit, but I'm positive that it was Regan voicing Harley despite not being credited. Sonny Dey has done work on a few anime showsn but I've never seen any of them, so I can only guess that she voiced Greta in the ep. In the end, it takes a mix of given info, logic, and playing it by ear to figure these things out. It was easy with 4Kids, since they only used a select pool of VAs for all it shows, but many of these new VAs haven't been in any shows before, so it's harder to map out who did what. I think I've got the basic info correct, though, so I hope you can trust me on it.