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Complete Pokemon Dub Cast List (Includes ep-by-ep credits)

Hey Shift, out of curiousity for the episode "Time-Warp Heals all Wounds" you say Annie Silver voiced Edna right? I'm just curious if your certain.

I heard the voice, and it bares a strong resemblance to another Va I've heard before, which is Susan Blu.

I'm probably mistaken, but I just want to make sure ^o^.


I'll learn you good!
Hey Shift, out of curiousity for the episode "Time-Warp Heals all Wounds" you say Annie Silver voiced Edna right? I'm just curious if your certain.

I heard the voice, and it bares a strong resemblance to another Va I've heard before, which is Susan Blu.

I'm probably mistaken, but I just want to make sure ^o^.
Okay, I'm not entirely sure on that, but as Edna sounded more familiar than the girl, who sounded like a completely new VA to me, I went with that assumption. I'm sure that as more eps go by, those VAs will be used again, so their identities will become clearer.

As for the Harley question, if it is a mistaken credit, it wouldn't be the first one; "Reversing the Charges" had two additional voices credited when there weren't any new human characters at all, and Seedot was the only Pokemon with a new voice if I'm remembering correctly (I'm not even sure if Pokemon voices are credited). Mostlikely, things will become clearer on that front too as Harley appears in more eps.

Finally, I'll be able to list the new voices of Drew and Spencer (who I hope is not voiced by Jimmy Zoppi as many old guys have been), but I likely won't have access to the eps after those for 4 or 5 weeks at least. Hope you can bare with me, and if anyone would like to post the additional VAs from each eps credits while I'm gone, you're more than welcome.


It's B and it's W...
When I watched Spontaneous Combusken, I could've sworn it wasn't Zoppi doing Drew's voice as many people feared. [scentence deleted; see update below]. If you happen to listen to Harley's voice close enough, It appears to be Bille Regan (that's the way he is credited in Battle Frontier, yet his name is not under add voices). When he said "Nice girls finish last.," that's how I was able to tell. Hopefully, he's properly credited in New Plot - Odd Lot and Going for Choke.

Update: I rewatched Spontaneous Combusken and Weekend Warrior, and I'm sure that Nicholas and Drew have the same voice actor, but I don't think Drew's voiced by Bill Rogers anymore.
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Well-Known Member
Hey, Shift, Rhonda Krempa was credited in the Deoxys Crisis episode and Maya Rosewood was not. So I guess Solana is voiced by Rhonda Krempa while Jenny is voiced by Maya Rosewood.


It's B and it's W...
So I was right the first time, huh? I guess I'm starting to get a good ear for when the main cast is providing additional voices with the exemption of Mime Jr. and bonsly so far.


I'll learn you good!
Okay, I've got a bit of work to do on this. I couldn't tape a few of the eps because of that schedual change, and I'm currently without any ending credits, making it hard to list them. But here are points of interest in recuring characters: Zoppi is back as Nanba and is also voicing Butch. I have yet to identify Cassidy. And Ken Gates voiced Flint (Brock's dad) and, as OMG stated previously, the king of Pokélantis. I'll make a proper update soon.


I'll learn you good!
Okay, the Aipom/king and Chatot ep credits are up. An interesting note, Matt Mitler, who was in the first season credits, is back again in the latter ep. Can't be too sure if he voiced Chatot or the doc, but I'm leaning towards the doc since he sounds more familiar. The name itself has been pretty ambiguous, being credited to, for whatever reason, a multude of roles from many projects, even those outside NY. It's interested me for a while, so I'll see what I can find. I do have one theory, but don't quoe me on it; Maddie Blaustine said a guy named Matt Sussman was the first to voice Meowth, and I know remember that guy also voiced the S.S. Anne captain and Prof. Westwood (the original Pokédex as well, maybe?) Anyway, I don't know if Matt Mitler is that guy; I can be sure if the doc sounds like Sussman since he always used a thicker type of voice. Once again, I'll keep looking into it.

On another note, I might rearrange the way the cast list is organized; since there have now been many episode, I'll probably order the list by actor instead of by episode, while posting the week's new episodes individually until the next one, and possibly keeping lists such as the characters' Pokemon voices. I'm not exactly sure when I'll get to it, but sometime soon. I definately hope I'm not boring y'all with this; I just love getting down to the bottom of things, and finding voices is one of those ways I do it.

One more thing. It's silly to admit, and I'm sorry, but I just noticed now all the extra credit listings you guys gave. :p Sorry I didn't notice sooner; I'm with a volunteer group, so when I'm get home for break on Sundays, I just check the ep and post the credits without looking at the thread too thoroughly. Anyway, thanks for all the info, guys, I'll definately add it in. And yeah, Dogasu, the list is mostly based on educated guesses and what I hope is my skill at differentiating voices. Of course, I'll probably make some mistakes (no idea Rogers played Drew), so if anyone ever has a comment or differeing opinion, feel free to let me know.
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Needs a Pokemon icon
Ah, I don't believe this is relevant yet, but I'm 100% sure that Lucien Dodge played Maron in "Talking a Good Game" and "Second Time's the Charm".


I'll learn you good!
Ah, I don't believe this is relevant yet, but I'm 100% sure that Lucien Dodge played Maron in "Talking a Good Game" and "Second Time's the Charm".
Besause of it being listed on IMDb? I'll be erring on the side of caution until I see those credits for myself, unless you've seen them?


It's B and it's W...
Ah, I don't believe this is relevant yet, but I'm 100% sure that Lucien Dodge played Maron in "Talking a Good Game" and "Second Time's the Charm".

Accually, as I think back, I think (and I may be wrong on this) that Marin was voiced by the one Shift wrote for the referee from "Battling the Enemy Within".

You know Shift, if you're interested, I'll be glad to co-manage a cast listing for the Pokemon Learning League. It's all right that I asked right? If you accept, will we need to make a new thread for it?


I'll learn you good!
Accually, as I think back, I think (and I may be wrong on this) that Marin was voiced by the one Shift wrote for the referee from "Battling the Enemy Within".

You know Shift, if you're interested, I'll be glad to co-manage a cast listing for the Pokemon Learning League. It's all right that I asked right? If you accept, will we need to make a new thread for it?

That would be cool, but there are a few issues. First, it's mostly already the main cast that's working on it as their respective characters, with the exceptions of those 4 League leaders and the occasional returning character/Pokémon. Second, even for those characters, it'd be difficult to pin down who plays each of them, seeing as there are no written credits as far as I know; they could be people who have worked on the show already, or entirely new VAs; I could only tell Tracy was being voiced by Craig Blair because I began to identify his vocal pattern in characters like the salaryman and Brandon. Finally, it seems that the site has just instituted a paid subscription service with only a limited free access time. I was lucky that I was able to see most of the ones they had up already right before they set that up, but it sort of stifles further study. But tell me, how were you planning to go about that program's cast list?


It's B and it's W...
Well, I figured we could start with what we know already and update it, at least till the free version is no longer available if and when that were to ever happen. It may also not be a total loss. In a few adventures, Swellow's voiced is heard but its voice is entirely different from that of the episodes. If the free version ever goes down, that would pose a problem.


Needs a Pokemon icon
Accually, as I think back, I think (and I may be wrong on this) that Marin was voiced by the one Shift wrote for the referee from "Battling the Enemy Within".

You must be thinking of someone else, for I'm sure it's Lucien. He's actually a friend of mine who does fandubbing with me, and that was his first role to be aired on television.

His name was in the credits, and he posted on our Voice Acting forums.... Sorry for sounding so stern; I'm just sure that it was him. *shot*


I'll learn you good!
Well, I'm sure there's info to be gained from it, but not enough to warrant another thread. But no, I wouldn't mind investigating it further as soon as the new batches of videos are released and I fiue out the deal with that free trial thing. If you want, you could investigate on your own and PM me about any interesting info you figure out.


It's B and it's W...
That would be cool, but there are a few issues. First, it's mostly already the main cast that's working on it as their respective characters, with the exceptions of those 4 League leaders and the occasional returning character/Pokémon. Second, even for those characters, it'd be difficult to pin down who plays each of them, seeing as there are no written credits as far as I know; they could be people who have worked on the show already, or entirely new VAs; I could only tell Tracy was being voiced by Craig Blair because I began to identify his vocal pattern in characters like the salaryman and Brandon. Finally, it seems that the site has just instituted a paid subscription service with only a limited free access time. I was lucky that I was able to see most of the ones they had up already right before they set that up, but it sort of stifles further study. But tell me, how were you planning to go about that program's cast list?

I believe you might be right in saying that trying it for free won't be around much longer. As qouted by Pokemonpalace's news front...:

The current preview version of the product offers a sampling of the content and features to demonstrate how the product can be effective in helping students learn. More features and content will be added to the site on a weekly basis. Educators, students and parents can use this site for free until early 2007. The paid subscription service starts in the first quarter of 2007.

...which may conclude that when subscriptions start, viewing and playing it for free will go bye bye. I think I read though that a subscription for families is about $99.00 a year.

Well, I'm sure there's info to be gained from it, but not enough to warrant another thread. But no, I wouldn't mind investigating it further as soon as the new batches of videos are released and I find out the deal with that free trial thing. If you want, you could investigate on your own and PM me about any interesting info you figure out.

I can understand using this thread for it. I would assume you'd list this separately. (since you would have to modify your first post to add it) I'd be glad and honored to help you along with it.

On another note, I might rearrange the way the cast list is organized; since there have now been many episode, I'll probably order the list by actor instead of by episode, while posting the week's new episodes individually until the next one, and possibly keeping lists such as the characters' Pokemon voices. I'm not exactly sure when I'll get to it, but sometime soon. I definately hope I'm not boring y'all with this; I just love getting down to the bottom of things, and finding voices is one of those ways I do it.

I think i might have an idea on how to do that.


Sarah Natochenny:
Main - Ash
Credits by episode:
Mystery Dungeon Episode - Medicham, Baby Kangaskhan

Bill Rogers:
Main - Brock, Scott, Drew, Pokedex (sometimes credited as Dexter)
Credits by episode:
Weekend Warrior - Nicolas
Tactics Theatrics - Tucker
From Cradle to Save - Larger Ninga (the one who finds Bonsly first)
Time-Warp Heals All Wounds - Train Guard(s)
King and Queen for a Day - Bonsly co-performer
Aipom and Circumstance - Various Villigers (excetera excetera)

For the Pokemon:
Sarah Natochenny - Medicham?
Bill Rogers - Grovyle, Combusken, Corphish, Bonsly, Loudred?, Duskull, Hariyama, Ludicolo, Sudowoodo, Absol, Sableye? (excetra excetra)

Don't forget about the archived one's. Some I can remember are Diglett, Dugtrio, Farfetch'd, Venasaur, Slowbro, Goldeen, Squirtle, Phanpy (in Sweet Baby James), Rattata, Oddish, Voltorb, Magneton (movie one voice if I remember right), Sizor, Abra, Kadaba, Alakazam, Drowzee, Hypno, Gastly, Haunter (I think), Geodude, Golem, Politoad, Cyndaquil, and Paras.

As for voices that you don't have, I'm sure Zoppi did Swampert and think that either Kayzie or Ms. Knotz did Ralts and Kirlia.

You must be thinking of someone else, for I'm sure it's Lucien. He's actually a friend of mine who does fandubbing with me, and that was his first role to be aired on television.

His name was in the credits, and he posted on our Voice Acting forums.... Sorry for sounding so stern; I'm just sure that it was him. *shot*

Oh, I see. Now that I looked back, I sure now the two refs had different voices. My mistake. I also did say that I might've been wrong on it.