Cool; that's kinda the frame I was thinking about. And thanks for the tips; I was wondering if Mr. Zoppi played Swampert, and I had a feeling Ms. Knotz played Kirlia. Say, tell me something: who in the main cast would you say is playing Cacnea and dustox, since I'm pretty sure they have the same VA?I think i might have an idea on how to do that.
Sarah Natochenny:
Main - Ash
Credits by episode:
Mystery Dungeon Episode - Medicham, Baby Kangaskhan
Bill Rogers:
Main - Brock, Scott, Drew, Pokedex (sometimes credited as Dexter)
Credits by episode:
Weekend Warrior - Nicolas
Tactics Theatrics - Tucker
From Cradle to Save - Larger Ninga (the one who finds Bonsly first)
Time-Warp Heals All Wounds - Train Guard(s)
King and Queen for a Day - Bonsly co-performer
Aipom and Circumstance - Various Villigers (excetera excetera)
For the Pokemon:
Sarah Natochenny - Medicham?
Bill Rogers - Grovyle, Combusken, Corphish, Bonsly, Loudred?, Duskull, Hariyama, Ludicolo, Sudowoodo, Absol, Sableye? (excetra excetra)
Don't forget about the archived one's. Some I can remember are Diglett, Dugtrio, Farfetch'd, Venasaur, Slowbro, Goldeen, Squirtle, Phanpy (in Sweet Baby James), Rattata, Oddish, Voltorb, Magneton (movie one voice if I remember right), Sizor, Abra, Kadaba, Alakazam, Drowzee, Hypno, Gastly, Haunter (I think), Geodude, Golem, Politoad, Cyndaquil, and Paras.
As for voices that you don't have, I'm sure Zoppi did Swampert and think that either Kayzie or Ms. Knotz did Ralts and Kirlia.
Woah, that's really cool! He did a pretty good job from what I remember. However, for safety's sake I think I want to see the credits for myself before I put him on this list, but I imagine it'll definately be there soon. Send my congrats to him!You must be thinking of someone else, for I'm sure it's Lucien. He's actually a friend of mine who does fandubbing with me, and that was his first role to be aired on television.
His name was in the credits, and he posted on our Voice Acting forums.... Sorry for sounding so stern; I'm just sure that it was him. *shot*
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