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completion of the game/ funny moments while doing so

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Proto Entity

Crystal Spike
just asking, discuss the fastest time it took you to cplete the game, it could be in the time in the game, or how long in real life, and u can discuss any weird or funny moments that happened thoughout the game..THIS ISN'T A GLITCH THREAD, SO DON'T POST THAT STUFFF AND GET THIS THING CLOSED SO QUICKLY.

for example..^^...i finished the game in 65 hours game time, or 2 days in real life, and funny things thta happened to me, was that givanni's lvl 50 rhydon fainted from my level 30 weepinbell's razor leaf..i found that sad..pity giovanni..


i don't know where you live that 65 hours=2 days :p

but it took me 48 hours to complete the kanto pokedex and right now I currently am getting some from the national and have been playing 55 hours about.

Proto Entity

Crystal Spike
hehe..i meant in the gametime for me it was 65 hours.. 2 real life days.


My 1st shiny ever
OMFG!!! 65 hours = 2 days?

I´ve been living in a lie

I beat LG in 10 hours while speeding through, and the E4 could hardly beat my weak team


Quit yelling and ASK

0.0....i must suck....i beat FR in 129 hours(Lvl 70:charizard, pidgeot, jolteon, and dragonite BEFORE E4 + lots of nights falling asleep with game on) and the funniest thing was that a lvl 10 phanpy broke 23 ultra balls

frontier champion

Well-Known Member
It took me 16 hours to beat the game on my previous LG file and The funny thing is that a Zapdos with only half it's HP drained was caught with a regular simple Pokeball! ~LMFAO~ o_O


so adorable...
i think it took me 80 hours or something, and what was funny....errmm probably catching moltres and accidently relasing it. =P oh good times


A duel well fought..
It took me about 32 hrs. to beat the elite four with lv. 40 something pokemon (if I recall...I tell the exact levels wendsday) and I beat all of Giovoni's pokemon with one lv. 40 blastoise. The funniest thing was when after many many hours of trying to catch moltres (after I beat the e4) and accidently killing it, it finally took me one pokemon ball to catch a full health moltres with no status problems either. Ironic,no? This was all on my leafgreen game where I have never started over and have all the pokemon but mew and deoxys (yep 386) and my main team is lv. 91. Couldn't help but to brag...


<rhydon got fat :D
Seaming as i continuely restard leaf green to reuse move tutors and trade them over Iv tryed to beat my all time high of 17.07. But looks like iv already been outdone. As for funnyest moment is probly beating a flearion that conintued to double edge while my venasuar leach seaded and giga drained
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
I don't know how many hours it took to beat the game, but I finished my Leaf Green within five days in real life, the fastest I've ever completed a Pokemon game first time.

A funny thing that happened to me was that in the Elite Four, I had a Victreebel in its early or mid thirties, and it easily defeated both of Bruno's Onixes. It was pretty funny, seeing as my level 50+ Vileplume in Fire Red had trouble doing the same thing.



Well-Known Member
I t took me like 120 hrs to beat the game, and a funny thing could be that I accidentally released a Chansey and defeated a shiny Mankey.

The Thunderbird

Dreams come true
I accedently used an Escape Rope in Mount Moon and caught a shiny on my way back to the place I left off.
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