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Concerns regarding the Requests/Project Rule

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I'm started to get a bit concerned as the rules thread in here was the only one I haven't fiddled. Reading through it now it seems a bit contridictry.

MS was indeed right in saying some people DO start projects and then just give up. However, I've found where it is a small team people are far less likely to do this and are more likely to keep it going.

The other concern of course is requests for sprites. It is of course a risk of shunting but do you find the shops through in requests work for your needs? Or is it too akward?

Please don't use this thread to flame, whine or otherwise belittle. I want to hear what people think about the two issues and how they feel it could be sorted. I won't mess with the sprite rules giving them a grand old tidy up they so despretely need until I've ahd a reasonable amount of response.

Yes I am aware of the absurd amount of stickies in here, I'm looking into how to cut them back a bit. They make Fanfictions look quiet.


Yami Ryu

Well-Known Member
What about personal project threads? I mean, where it's just you revamping everything, by yourself, or doing stuff. I mean I understand why project threads were made aganst the rules. Hell, I was there. There were atleast 15 closed that day that were just utter spam.

And for request threads, well it's just ... so many noobs make threads with well, worse sprites than those I've crit'd lately, and consequencely got warned for. Sheesh. Anyways, not alot of shops really do well, fit people's needs. Though they are a good way to find the people that don't read the rules for sigs :/
I'm not sure I understand, it said people who often do projects have to stop abruptly, but people who never do them can keep going?

ALso your right about the noobs. Every sprite thread I look at theres atleast one noob either saying:
"WoW OMFG these are so good make me some or I'll cry."
"I hate these! Go to hell and take your sprites with you!"
It ticks me off is the people who only do one line of a comment.

Its the amount of noobieness lately is really killing all the forums.
I don't think there is a way to stop every noob, but there are some
begginer trainers who aren't, probably because they're a veteran in another online forum....

One example of a noob bursting out of nowwhere is Rayquaza Champ.
He started that poll with no comic about an idiotic question in the comic forums,
and was locked after I critiqued it.
Also I've gotten a lot of hate mails from beginer comic makers
saying I shouldn't post in there threads.
I read them, laugh a little, then delete them.

As for the request forums, I know a lot of shops don't have everything,
but the sprite threads only have one thing, but it seems everybody wants it.

Its just amazing that the amount of noobieness is so way out of hand.

-Desperate Milotic

Chaotic Pink

Let the zephyr blow.
Not all of the request shops seem to be working, you go into a shop and they have no examples, poor quality sprites, you request and get ignored or people make 10 shops for 10 different types of sprites. Maybe shops could go through the same process that the clubs and games do, then maybe, we could get good quality shops.

Well thats my rant done :)
Yeah, I'm no expert or even rookie on the sprite front but for me personally, in here is an absolute mess. Thats why I want to hear what people think before anything is done as my understanding of preferences is a bit vague at best :)

Those Rules though, I'm probably gonna redo them from scratch as it's just such a mess of contridicts in there. I do want to hear people's views on the subject though, last thing anybody needs messing aroudn trying to improve things in here in trying to fix and making a complete hash of it due to my lack of understanding. :)

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Cool story.
Yes, this thread may (But I hope not) have to be locked down. (Like the D/P thread) but for quite a while. If somebody wnats something up, they HAVE TO get it approved before it goes on.

And for the Johto Revamp Thread, thats not what I had in mind, being a spamhole in all. I guess some people just can't read, PM this stuff to me.

Zephyr, something HAS to be done.
Maybe you have to be a certain rank before you can post here.
Like get to the Marsh trainer, by then they will have leanred most of the rules...

I'm just happy people in my contest just post and be done with it, not all the commenting or spams.

Chaotic Pink

Let the zephyr blow.
I think the rules could definately do with changing, some parts of them are very patchy and don't explain everything properly and others go again the next rule.

Zephyr Flare, I'm glad someone is finally trying to do something about this as its getting to me a mess :)

EDIT: Desperate Milotic: Your contest does seem to be well run, I think part of the problem with contests/projects is that sometimes the judges spam.


Cool story.
Milotic, I like the rank idea.

Zephyr, Is there any way that you could make it so you could only post with a certain rank or something? But wait. Didn't say in the rules (Yes, I read them) that ranks don't mean anything? Not how experienced you are, not how N00bish you are, they're just there. Hmmmmmmmm...... the rules could be changed.....
Actually they do mean something, noobs who spam never get to the rank I'm at, I got it because I read the rules, and posted accoridingly.

If not that then what?


Cool story.
Well, we could give it a try..... If that doesn't work, then have to go to lockdown. It's the only other way. And I really don't want to go there. Zephyr? What's the final verdict?

EDIT: To clear up stickies, I think we cold get rid of the August, September, and October contests now, It is November.
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Unfortantly spamemrs can get to higher rank as we can;t be in every single thread at once so that would not be doable. I am however not sure how the d/p lockdown was activated but it is a possibility, of course an approval system like the RPGs.

I dowant to hear a variety of views however before anything is done, elss chance I make I complete **** up that way.


Chaotic Pink

Let the zephyr blow.
The only problem I can see with certain rank + is that you could get newbies who don't spam and abide by all of the rules, yet they couldn't be able to post their sprites just because they haven't reached a certain rank. That would be unfair to people who abide by the rules.


Cool story.
Maybe the contests could have it's own sub forum. My forums, have a SPAM thread, where if you really want to spam, thats the only place you can spam.


Someone save me....
A sub-forum for contests might be nice. Hmmmm...The lockdown system would take out the bad mixes and sprite threads out of the forum, but n00bs could still post in them. Idk....IIf Only We Had Like a spam-punishment system.... Idk. Just an idea. I just hate n00bs showeriing good spriters threads with spam. *Gets Killed by millions of n00bs*
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