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Connection costs (£)



Connection costs (£)

I havent got broadband (or a online DS game....) and i typed in my postcode and a few places came up that i know of... 20 that i didnt. One of wich was Mc Donalds. I thought it was free right? So what this connection cost thing about? It says £6 and hour £10 a day etc etc. Does anyone have to pay/knows what this means?


Well-Known Member
It's a free service, isn't it? you only have to pay for the cost of the internet meaning if you play at McDonalds ect, it should be completly free :D


Irate Pirate
Mc Donalds is free, but you can't just go anywhere and log on for free

zonic the hedgehog

Let's see... there's:

Hotels (with free internet access)
Panera Bread (restaurant only in certain areas)
Barnes & Noble

I think all of those SHOULD be free. Not sure about Panera Bread, but I think so. Some places, however, have a WEP access thing, so you basically can't use them unless you know the password (this is usually found in other public places, like schools and office buildings).


Mm yea i thought it was free to but acording to bt the mcdonalds i know of you have to pay


the Coolest
If, lets say a coffee shop has a WEP key, then you could just ask the barista for it, if youre a paying customer. :D


Stone Trainer
Theres a starbucks in taunton isn't there? Dunno if it works in this country though. I don't think it costs anything in mcdonalds.


navel_fluff said:
Theres a starbucks in taunton isn't there? Dunno if it works in this country though. I don't think it costs anything in mcdonalds.

Yeas but according to BT thingy theres not one there. I can just as easily go to Butlins and Mcdonalds in Minehead as i vist ther all the time cause my dad lives there, he works as management for butlins so i'l ask him what the deal is for butlins i just dont understand y thers a fee for mcdonalds minehead.


Well-Known Member
Not all of the places do it though, or you have to do something to get it working. NOM went to loads of places, including McDonalds and Starbucks (don't forget the carousel), and the only place that worked was Yeat's.

Kakashi-Sharingan Warrior

Well-Known Member
Former Absolkid said:
Not all of the places do it though, or you have to do something to get it working. NOM went to loads of places, including McDonalds and Starbucks (don't forget the carousel), and the only place that worked was Yeat's.
don't forget, they went to a graveyard as well

anyway, I thought it was free everywhere as well, since it said in NOM a few months ago that it should be free everywhere...
well I haven't tried to connect to wifi yet seeing as I can't find a hotspot near to my house...