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Containment thread for LEAKS of upcoming episodes (READ THE FIRST POST, IMPORTANT)


Well-Known Member
Gryphon never said when the reveal is happening really. Gryphon just seems to be hinting that Ludlow is Nidothing.


Well-Known Member
It's never really close to Roy in the posters or promos. I wonder if there is a hidden 3rd character that will take Quaxly.
I don't think they'll go out of their way to hide a hidden new mc for this long.

Quaxly is kinda close to Roy in those posters, though. I think that distance is meant to represent their lack of relationship at this point. Once Roy befriends it in the future, we might get a new poster down the line where it's right next to him and Fuecoco


Well-Known Member
It's never really close to Roy in the posters or promos. I wonder if there is a hidden 3rd character that will take Quaxly.
It’s possible.
I don't think they'll go out of their way to hide a hidden new mc for this long.

Quaxly is kinda close to Roy in that first poater, though, and a bit further away from him in the second one. I think that distance is meant to represent their lack of relationship at this point. Once Roy befriends it in the future, we might get a new poster down the line where it's right next to him and Fuecoco
It depends on the character as it’s not unheard of in anime in general for another main character to join the cast further into the show.

Now if Quaxly is going to go to a 3rd character here is the breakdown of the different possibilities:

1. The character that is going get Quaxly is already a that has already been seen before, for example Anne

2. The character that is going to get Quaxly is a character that hasn’t been revealed or seen yet and they may or may not have a connection with an existing character.


Well-Known Member
It’s possible.

It depends on the character as it’s not unheard of in anime in general for another main character to join the cast further into the show.

Now if Quaxly is going to go to a 3rd character here is the breakdown of the different possibilities:

1. The character that is going get Quaxly is already a that has already been seen before, for example Anne

2. The character that is going to get Quaxly is a character that hasn’t been revealed or seen yet and they may or may not have a connection with an existing character.
The problem is, Liko and Roy are being marketed as the duel protagonists of the show. They're both the main characters that the story's gonna be focusing on.

Any potential new mc would be like a Brock if introduced, and while that was fine in the previous series (where Ash's plot is mostly a repeat of what came before), it would imo be a bit unfair to Quaxly if Sprigatito is getting dedicated focus in Liko's story line, while Fuecoco gets dedicated focus in Roy's


Well-Known Member
The problem is, Liko and Roy are being marketed as the duel protagonists of the show. They're both the main characters that the story's gonna be focusing on.

Any potential new mc would be like a Brock if introduced, and while that was fine in the previous series (where Ash's plot is mostly a repeat of what came before), it would imo be a bit unfair to Quaxly if Sprigatito is getting dedicated focus in Liko's story line, while Fuecoco gets dedicated focus in Roy's
I mean they’ve so far have never really cared for giving the starters equal treatment before so I don’t think they would really care if Quaxly was shafted in favor of Sprigatito and Fuecoco.


Well-Known Member
I mean they’ve so far have never really cared for giving the starters equal treatment before so I don’t think they would really care if Quaxly was shafted in favor of Sprigatito and Fuecoco.
But we should care. If fans like you and me just accept things for how they are, then what incentive would the company ever have to change their ways?
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Call me Robert guys
Lol why is it so weird for the fisherman to own the water duck?? The only reason it's on the posters and stuff is it's a starter.


It's never really close to Roy in the posters or promos. I wonder if there is a hidden 3rd character that will take Quaxly.
My heart wants to think it's going to be Goh

But odds are it goes to either Liko or Roy instead, with a low, but existing, chance of simply becoming Friede's


Nidothing isn't Goh. They've been confirmed as a female in the German, Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese dubs.