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Contest; Ribbons Coordinators Club v2

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Since Locker (owner of 1st club) got banned, made another account, got banned, again, then we voted who gets owner spot. And I, SkyHighSwellow, got picked to run!

Main Owner- SkyHighSwellow- Nuetral (Owner Rank)

I'm taking five Co Owners for each contest category.

Cool Co Owner -pokeman4ever- Ribbons Points: 346 [ID#25257] (Normal Rank)

Cute Co Owner - Minun2- Ribbons Points: 70 (Normal Rank)

Tough Co Owner –WaterTrainer411-Ribbon Points: 101 (Normal Rank)

Smart Co Owner - Mirage Mew- Ribbons Points : 95 [ID#50964] (Normal Rank)

Beauty Co Owner - Mew Monster20- Ribbons Points: 219 (Normal Rank)

Contest Filmier- FlamingRuby- Ribbon Points: 0 (Normal Rank)

VIP Coordinators/Info:

It’s easy to be a VIP Member, just post your Game Boy Advance ID#
[ex. ID#50568] and how many Ribbon you own and your a VIP Member.
I'll put it behind your username. If you ever wanted to change anything
I'll change it for you) PM me for any questions!

[ID#03074] kingofeds- Ribbons Points: 84 (Normal Rank)
[ID#09815] gamerkid- Ribbon Points: 120 (Normal Rank)
[ID#53072] Jupetta- Ribbons Points: 170 (Normal Rank)
[ID#38645] HarleyScarow- Ribbons Points: 104 (Normal Rank)
[ID#33872] Drew Andrews- Ribbons Points: 25 (Normal Rank)
[ID#11449]~*Mudkip Fantasic*~- Ribbon Points: 70 (Normal Rank)


ayashiboi- Ribbon Points: 5 (Normal Rank)
Mimori Kiryu- Ribbon Points: 0 (Normal Rank)
EnvyFrontier- Ribbon Points: 0 (Normal Rank)
Kazuki Yukimura- Ribbon Points: 0 (Normal Rank)
Suicune619- Ribbon Points: 0 (Normal Rank)
LegendofFire- Ribbon Points: 0 (Normal Rank)
filos185- Ribbon Points: 0 (Normal Rank)
Umbreon Moon- Ribbon Points: 0 (Normal Rank)


1 Trivia!! I will post six questions (different each week) and you answer
them a PM me with your results, I'll add up your score and add them as Ribbon
Points. Chose easy or hard.

2 Ribbon Points!! If you already posted how many ribbons you own I will add
them to your current balance. If not its ok because winning Ribbon Points is easy.
You can them four ways. One is correctly answering Trivia questions. (Points Vary)
Two is posting to a topic. (which is worth 5 Ribbon Points) and Third is putting the club
banner on you sig. (that’s worth 70 Ribbon Points) and lastly the Berry Hunt
winner gets 20 Ribbon Points

3 Rank System!! There are four different ranks: Normal, Super, Hyper and Master.
Your rank will go up after every 20 post. And as you go up a rank that means you get more
Ribbon Points. Normal = 0, Super = 10, Hyper = 15, and Master = 20.

4 Pokeblock Case!! Buy or win pokeblocks! Get ten and win a special prize.

5 ID# Lotto!! Co-Owners decide this current

6 Berry Hunt!! I will every once in a while post the name of a berry. What you have to do is plant that
berry. How? Just quote my post saying anything and as long as your the first you win 20
Ribbon Points!!

7 BerryBlend Shop!! The BerryBlend Shop is where you can spend your hard earned
Ribbon Points, just post what you want and I'll subtract it from your Ribbon Points. List:

Topic Change = 70 Ribbon Points
Red Pokeblock = 15 Ribbon Points
Blue Pokeblock = 15 Ribbon Points
Green Pokeblock = 15 Ribbon Points
Yellow Pokeblock = 15 Ribbon Points
Pink Pokeblock = 15 Ribbon Points
Custom Sig Ribbon = 35 Ribbon Points (By Owner, SkyHighSwellow)

You know how when a pokemon eats pokeblocks they have small stars next to their condition in the pokenav? We could also try that. Everytime you eat 1 pokeblock, you get a star.

Famished Rank = 1-3 Stars (Beginner)
Somewhat Full = 3-6 Stars (Amateur)
Saturated = 6-9 Stars (Intermediate)
Almost completely Full = 10-11 Stars (Veteran)
Fully Saturated Veteran = 12 Stars (Master)

Also people with 350 points or higher gets the Grand Festival Trophy.


pokeman4ever: Typing this when my enter key was broken. Thank you! Club banner credit Amazingkiss!
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Requiem's Eclipse

Hopelessly Hopeful
Finally the v. 2.0 of the club!
Tell me about it...this stupid enter key has made me crazy all day; it'll work in MS Word, but not here. So Mirage Mew, because of this godforsaken button, do you have a topic idea?

Requiem's Eclipse

Hopelessly Hopeful
Hmm... Maybe, What will be a good moveset for any of the contests including new moves?
Remember me? I'm back and better than ever!

I don't know any good movestes. -_-

Requiem's Eclipse

Hopelessly Hopeful
Maybe Charge then Discharge!


Possibly. Good thing that this club is up.
Current ribbon points: 367

Wait, after reading what I typed, don't I get the Grand Festival Trophy? This is awesome!

Requiem's Eclipse

Hopelessly Hopeful
I made also a possible combo, Muddy Water then Mud Bomb.
Rain dance than dive/surf?
Sunny day than fire blast? Overheat? Blastburn?
New Topic?
Welcome back!
May I join please?
My Emerald ID is 11449 and I have 45 ribbons.


chaser of the legend
I'm not trying to spam...

...but on second thought, i think i'll do different things at serebii, pokeman4ever, even though i posted in that account it wasen't mine, but anyway i'm gonna make a new club and do other things at SPP. and thanks SHS for making the new Contest; Ribbons Coordinators Club v2, cuz its a really good idea. So thanks and Later.
1) Whatever. 2) Well, because I don't think you have any stories about bans and multiple accounts, sure. ;)
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