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Contest; Ribbons Coordinators Club v2

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Just a question. Why do I have no Ribbon Points? I posted and said I have 45 ribbons. I am supposed to get ribbon points for that, aren't I?
EDIT: Thanks for updating them. I think I will get a Red Pokeblock please.

But since making a new topic gets you 70 Ribbon points.
What Pokemon did you use for each Contest?
For me it was:
Tough: Rayquaza
Cute: Skitty
Beauty: Octillery
Smart: Ralts/Kirlia
Cool: Registeel.
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Whoops, haven't gotten around to posting for, like, years...Sorry!

Beauty - Ninetales (She's pretty much my star. And the only one that really matches.)
Tough - Numel
Cute - Whiscash
Smart - Houndoom
Cool - Ampharos
I still don't know why I used Octillery of all Pokemon for Beauty.
That is a little funny. Almost as funny as using a Numel for a Tough contest! Well, the movesets fit at least.
Beauty - Beauty The Milotic
Tough - The Regis
Cute - Pichu
Smart - Mewtwo
Cool - Metorite The Metagross

Mahua! Fear my trophy!
Well, that's really nothing to fear. It's all the flipping points you got that has us!

Well, because this is a completely awkward moment:

Rawst Berry I guess.
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