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Contest worthy AND competetive?


Contingency Planner
I've been looking through moves and trying to make a team that (after eating Pokeblocks of the right type) could have Pokemon that is both competetive in battle AND able to win the appropriate contest. For example, I've noticed most Psychic moves are SMART type, so teaching an Alakazam of Clam nature the move set Psychic/FutureSight/CalmMind/Recover might result in a reasonable fight-able, contest worthy Alakazam (after the appropriate eating of Green Pokeblocks). I've got to head to class right now, but will check this later tonight, and was wondering if there were other trends like this (like say a good Flying Beauty and Electric Cool, or somesuch).

Shiny Bashamo

Isn't it cute ^^
I know another psychic one: Gardevoir, teach it Calm mind, confusion/psychic, future sight and Wish and you'll have an competitive Contest pokémon

also you could use Swellow, almost all of his attacks are Cool. (can't think of an appropiate moveset now)



Well-Known Member
swellow=double team/ or any stat boosting move , wing attack, sky attack, and aerial ace


I like pie.
well i guess that would work. it's possible to have a pokemon that will do good in both but a lot of contest moves that are really good are ones we wouldn't teach a lot of our pokemon, moves like memento, explosion, and (wince) splash. for battling it doesn't matter, but for contest, i find it better to train a pokemon specifically for the role.


Contingency Planner
Thanks for the tips. I'll keep searching. I think it would be fairly easy to make an Electric/Cool Sweeper/Contestant too, seeing as most Electric attacks (Spark, Tunderbolt, Thunder, etc) are COOL. I guess there's nothing for it but to check the move-lists. And who knows, I'll probably break down and have a contest set and a battle set in the end...


Emerald Trainer
Well thanks for the help i have Grovyle , Ralts And Swellow And Aron So All Is Good